Ever heard of the term mantra meditation or mantra meditation? Mantra meditation is one of the meditation techniques that has grown in popularity in recent years; Apart from being very easy to do, this meditation technique that involves the process of reciting mantras is also proven to be able to provide various positive changes to the life of the practitioner. Interested in trying it? Wait no more, all you need is persistence, a willingness to practice regularly, and a clear goal of meditation.
Part 1 of 2: Determining the Mantra and Purpose of Meditation

Step 1. Think about why you want to do mantra meditation
Everyone's goal of meditating is different; there are those who just want to maintain their health (both physically and emotionally), there are those who want to develop their spiritual aspects. Knowing the purpose of meditating helps you to determine the appropriate duration of practice as well as the best mantra to recite.
- Mantra meditation has various health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, controlling heart rate, reducing anxiety and depression, relieving stress, and injecting a sense of relaxation that will have a positive impact on your overall health.
- Mantra meditation also has various spiritual benefits such as releasing your mind from distracting things that you have no control over.

Step 2. Decide on a mantra that suits your purpose
One of the purposes of reciting a mantra is for your body to feel a vibrational sensation when you say it. This sensation helps you enter a deeper stage of meditation, while having a positive impact on your body. Each spell will produce a different vibration; therefore, look for the spell that best aligns with your goals.
- Repeating a mantra can help keep you away from distracting thoughts, as well as force you to focus on your stated meditation goal.
- Some common spells worth trying are listed below.
- Om or aum are the most basic spells you can try. This universal mantra will produce a strong and positive vibration in your lower abdomen. Often times, this mantra is combined with other mantras namely “Shanti” which means “peace” in Sanskrit. Repeat the "aum" mantra as many times as you want during the meditation.
- Maha mantra, which is also called the great mantra or Hare Krishna mantra, is believed to help you achieve safety and peace of mind; repeat the whole mantra as many times as you want during meditation. The words you need to say are: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
- "Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu" is a mantra that represents cooperation and sincerity. This mantra means "May all sentient beings be happy and free, and may all thoughts, words, and actions in my life contribute to the happiness and freedom of all beings". Repeat this mantra three or more times.
- Om namah shivaya is a worship mantra of Lord Shiva which reminds everyone of the concept of divinity, and affirms self-confidence, sincerity, and kindness in one's heart. This mantra contains the meaning, "I worship Shiva, the transformational form of the supreme god who represents the highest and truest entity". Repeat this mantra three or more times.

Step 3. Determine the goal of meditating
Without setting a goal, your mantra meditation practice is not complete. Purposeful meditation will help you to focus more, even to enter a deeper stage of meditation.
- Glue the base of your palms slowly, then glue your palms and fingers together (position your hands like you're praying). If you want to channel energy better, leave some space between your palms. After that, slowly lower your head until your chin is close to your chest.
- If you're having trouble setting goals, consider a goal as simple as “letting go (anxiety, anger, sadness, etc.)”.
Part 2 of 2: Practice Chanting Mantras and Meditating

Step 1. Find a comfortable and quiet place to practice
It's best if you meditate in a comfortable and quiet place, such as in your room, yoga studio, or even church.
- Find a place to practice with minimal lighting so that excessive light stimulation does not disturb you.
- Also, make sure you practice in a quiet, distraction-free place so you don't get distracted.

Step 2. Sit in a comfortable position
Before starting to meditate, sit with your legs crossed, your hips raised, and your eyes closed. This position is the best position to meditate because the upright position of the spine will help your body to focus and absorb the vibrations of the mantra better.
- If you can't lift your pelvis, sit on a yoga block or thick blanket until you reach the desired position.
- Place your hands on your thighs. If you wish, you can arrange your fingers in a chin or gyan mudra, which symbolizes universal awareness. The combination of chin mudra and prayer beads, rosaries, or other prayer beads can help you enter deeper stages of meditation.
- Use prayer beads, rosaries, or mala beads to help you focus.

Step 3. Focus on your breathing pattern, but don't try to control it
Focusing your mind on your inhalation and exhalation without trying to control it can help you relax and focus more.
Humans tend to always try to control their breath. But believe me, learning to accept the rhythm of the breath as it is will greatly help your meditating process. As time goes on and practice increases, you will definitely get used to it

Step 4. Recite the mantra of your choice
Now is the time to start reciting the mantra! There is no specific way or rule for reciting mantras; do it in whatever way makes you comfortable. Reciting a mantra, however short and simple, will still provide you with significant benefits.
- Try to start by reciting the mantra “aum” which is the most basic sound and mantra.
- When reciting a mantra, you should be able to feel the vibrations in your lower abdomen. If you can't feel the vibrations, sit up straighter.
- There are different perspectives regarding the correct form of pronunciation. Don't worry, do the best you can; after all, your meditation and chanting is done for the sake of health and well-being, not perfection (which in a way subverts the reason you practice).

Step 5. Decide whether you want to continue reciting the mantra or meditate in silence
Reciting mantras is a form of meditation, but you can also switch to silent meditation. Both have a very positive impact on you.
Follow your body's desires in the moment. There are times when you want to keep chanting mantras, there are times when you want to meditate in silence. Whatever form of meditation you choose, make sure you don't go against the will of your body or mind

Step 6. Meditate as long as you want
After you finish reciting the mantra, move on to silent meditation; stay in the same position and feel the sensations that spread throughout your body. Sit in silence for as long as you want. This will help you to be much more focused and calm.
- Continue to focus on your inhalation and exhalation, as well as on the vibrational sensation you feel while reciting the mantra.
- Soak up the thoughts that are running through your mind. This will teach you to focus and let go of the things you can't control.
- Whenever you feel the need to refocus, say "inhale" on the inhale and "release" on the exhale.
- Meditation requires regular practice and persistence. Not every day feels good, but you need to accept it as part of your meditation journey.
- The overall benefits will be felt if you want to meditate regularly. In addition, the depth of your meditation will also increase gradually over time.
- Don't expect instant results. It takes process and persistence to reach your meditation goals.