How to Prevent Potential Rape (with Pictures)

How to Prevent Potential Rape (with Pictures)
How to Prevent Potential Rape (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Rapists are predators. Point. You can try to make your life safer from predators by following these steps. Here, you will get the information and skills you need to protect yourself both physically and psychologically. Remember, while being aware of your surroundings and knowing how to defend yourself is important, rape is entirely the fault of the rapist, not the victim. This article is in no way meant to justify the act of rapists, but to provide tips that can help you feel more secure. In an ideal world, the best way to prevent potential rape is to educate everyone, both men and women, to respect and help one another. However, knowledge is also very useful to help you avoid dangerous situations.


Part 1 of 4: Correcting Common Mistakes

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 1
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 1

Step 1. Recognize that nothing in your behavior or actions can justify rape as your fault

Before you start thinking about how to prevent potential rape, you must understand that if you are raped, it is 100% the fault of the rapist, and nothing you do, wear, or say can cause you to be raped. There's no such thing as "asking to be raped," and anyone who makes you think there is such a thing is absolutely wrong. While you can take precautions to increase your chances of avoiding harm and staying safe, in the end, nothing you do will "cause" you to be raped.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 2
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 2

Step 2. Understand that the best thing you can do to prevent rape is to prevent people from raping

In today's culture, there is a lot that can be done to prevent rape, and it starts with the way women are viewed. If everyone, as a society, tries to raise boys into men who respect women and stop contributing to a culture that constantly demeans and belittles women, we can slowly change perceptions of women. Sometimes, teenage boys think that "rape jokes" are funny and that sexual harassment humor is natural and so they should be told it's not true. Men can be raped too, but society has naturally assumed that men are "impossible to be raped" so most men are embarrassed and afraid to speak up.

Many people feel that educating women about what they can do to keep themselves safe actually embarrass them and makes them feel that women can only "be right" by avoiding rape, and that if they make a mistake, they are blamed if they do something wrong. raped. This is the purpose of this article. This article aims to strengthen women by providing thoughtful advice on how to avoid harm. However, not only women can be raped. Men can be raped too, but it's not as common. Society doesn't believe that "little little women" can rape "big and strong men", but it's still possible.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 3
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 3

Step 3. Never stop enjoying life

Advice about avoiding rape can sometimes frighten women. You may begin to feel as though no place is safe, including the convenience store parking lot, the restroom bar, the car, and even your own home. Maybe you're starting to wonder if any place is really safe from rapists. However, you can't think like this. While you should take precautions, you shouldn't be afraid to leave the house alone, be out at night, or go to your favorite places. You can still enjoy life and feel safe without being paranoid after reading our tips and advice for avoiding rape.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 4
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 4

Step 4. Recognize that the majority of rapes are committed by people the victim knows

Although varied, statistics show that only 9%–33% of rapists are strangers to the victim. This means that a large number of these women are raped by men they know, whether they are friends, dates, co-workers, acquaintances, or even family members themselves. This means that the possibility of being raped by a person known to the victim is much greater than that of a stranger in a dark alley. Therefore, while caution is very important when you are alone, you should not let your guard down when you are with people you know.

  • When alone with someone you know, be careful and never let your guard down completely unless you really feel safe with that person. However, rape can still happen. If your instincts tell you that the situation is not good, you should leave as quickly and safely as possible.
  • Dating that turns into rape is also very common-according to one study, nearly 1/3 of rapes are committed by a date. When you're dating someone new, understand that the word doesn't mean no, and never let anyone make you feel guilty for saying what you want and what you don't want. If necessary, don't be afraid to state your wishes clearly and unequivocally.

Part 2 of 4: Keeping Yourself Safe in Social Situations

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 5
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 5

Step 1. Be aware of your surroundings at all times

Land and parking lots are the most frequent targets for rapists. They are predators so pay close attention to your surroundings. If you're in the parking lot and you feel someone following you, start talking loudly, like talking to yourself out loud, talking to an imaginary friend, or pretending to be on the phone. The louder the potential victim, the greater the predator's tendency to stop.

Check your surroundings throughout the day. Make sure you learn the safest way to get from place to place in a new environment, be it a new workplace or a new campus. This means that you have to stay in a place with bright light, walk in a lane with lots of people, and even choose a place near the alarm

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 6
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 6

Step 2. If you are in college, know that most rape cases occur during the first few weeks

The majority of rape cases on American campuses occur in the first weeks of freshman and sophomore years. These are the most risky days because students are still getting to know each other with lots of new people, plus a lot of alcohol consumption. While this data illustrates rape cases on American college campuses and may frighten you, you should still try to enjoy college life but remain vigilant when meeting new people, and make sure you're always with friends and listening to your own heart.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 7
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 7

Step 3. Don't leave your drink behind

Assume your drink is worth a million. Don't let anyone hold it. Avoid anything that other people give you. The drink they give you may contain something. Hold, secure and buy your own drinks. Place your hand over the glass to prevent pranksters from putting something in. Don't accept drinks from your date unless they are handed over by the bartender or waitress. Even if you're sure that the drink on the table is the one you left behind, it's much safer to buy or pick up a new one.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 8
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 8

Step 4. Be careful when you drink alcoholic beverages

Again, even if you drink irresponsibly, it's not your fault the rapist approaches. However, you do become more vulnerable and vulnerable to unwanted attacks. Make sure you don't exceed the limit of one drink per hour (which means one glass of wine, beer, or one drink of alcohol) and stay in control of your mind and body as much as possible. Don't touch the obscure drinks offered by a group of people you don't know well, don't let anyone who isn't a bartender mix your drinks as they will usually be very, very strong.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 9
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 9

Step 5. Stay with friends

Wherever you go, come with a group of friends and go with that group of friends too. Even if you and them move around the party to different areas, make sure you know where they are and make sure they see where you are too. Keep in touch, make eye contact, and make sure everyone knows the rules. They have to save you if they see you being approached by someone you don't want, and you should do the same. Don't leave your friend alone with someone she's only met once, especially if there's a lot of alcohol involved.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 10
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 10

Step 6. Stay safe in the nightclub

The nightclub is too noisy so no one hears if you scream for help. If you're going to a nightclub, make sure you're with friends, go to the toilet together, and know where each other is at all times.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 11
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 11

Step 7. Be assertive

If someone is giving you unwanted attention, ask them to back off. There's no point in being polite to someone who makes an unwanted sexual advance. Firmly say thank you, but you're not interested. This may be more difficult if you actually know the person well, but it can be done. Once your message gets through, he's more likely to leave you alone.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 12
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 12

Step 8. Protect your personal information

Do not advertise info verbally or on the internet. Also, be wary of meeting people you know on the internet. There are usually few good reasons to meet a stranger in person or someone to persuade you to meet when you're in doubt. If necessary, invite someone else, preferably an older friend, and hold the meeting in a public place.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 13
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 13

Step 9. Make sure your phone is always fully charged

Don't leave the house with a dead cell phone. Cell phones can be a lifesaver when you need to call the police or a friend and ask them for help. Make sure you always charge your phone fully before going out at night, either alone or with friends. You even need to get used to carrying a charger or power bank if you have a tendency to forget to charge your cellphone.

Part 3 of 4: Keeping Yourself Safe When Alone

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 14
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 14

Step 1. Be careful using technology when you are out on your own

Let's reiterate, you shouldn't stop enjoying life or doing what you love for fear of being raped and assaulted. If you like running with your iPod plugged in, that's fine, but be careful and look around you at all times, and try to run around other people. If you're walking in a field or parking lot, stay focused on your goal and don't play with your phone.

The attacker looks for the weakest victim. If they see you're very alert and walking purposefully, they're less likely to attack you than if you're walking around typing a message and not seeing your way, or listening to your favorite song on your iPod

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 15
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 15

Step 2. Learn to trust your instincts

If you're feeling restless or unsure, it's a good idea to go and get help. Use instinct and realize instinct freezes. If you are alone and suddenly meet or see someone who makes you feel insecure, take action as soon as possible. If you're really insecure, it's important that you stay calm, move quickly, and go where there are a lot of people.

If you're walking down a dark street and feel like you're being followed, cross the street diagonally and see if the stalker does the same. If so, walk to the middle of the road (but not too far to get hit by a car) so you can be seen by motorists who can help you and scare off potential attackers

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 16
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 16

Step 3. Don't cut your hair just to deter rapists

Many people say that rapists prefer victims with long hair or tied in a ponytail because they are easier to pull. Does this mean that you should cut your hair in a bob so you are less likely to get raped? Of course not (unless you really want short hair). Don't let the would-be rapist dictate how you look, and never beat yourself up for attracting the wrong person.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 17
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 17

Step 4. Don't change your dress style to deter the rapist

Indeed, many people say that you are more likely to be raped if you wear clothes that will be easier to remove or "cut" with scissors. This includes sheer skirts, sheer cotton short dresses, and other short, light clothing. People say that the best clothes to avoid rape are overalls or a romper as well as pants with zippers, not rubber waistbands. There are also those who say that a belt will hold your clothes in place, layers of clothing will deter rapists, and so on. While that's not entirely wrong, you shouldn't feel like you have to wear heavy romper, combat boots, or diving gear to avoid being raped. In the end, it's up to you to decide what to wear, and you don't have to feel that the light clothing you wear makes you more "vulnerable" to rape.

There are also those who say that dressing provocatively will invite rapists. As much as possible, avoid this type of antihumanist thinking

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 18
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 18

Step 5. Carry a self-defense weapon only if you know how to use it

Remember, any "weapon" that can injure a would-be attacker can be used against you if you're not properly trained and comfortable using it. If you want to carry a gun, make sure you take shooting lessons, practice in the shooting area often, and apply for a gun license. If you want to carry a knife, take training on how to use a knife most effectively. Remember that even an umbrella or handbag can be used as a weapon against an attacker, and is less likely to be used to turn against you.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 19
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 19

Step 6. Draw attention to yourself by screaming or shouting

Attackers usually already have an idea of how to attack their victims. Confuse the picture. Fight like an angry cat and scream loudly and with all his might.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 20
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 20

Step 7. Shout out "CALL THE POLICE NOW" (or another emergency help phone number)

Shouting those words has the double effect of scaring off attackers and getting others involved. If you call out these words, people around or near you are likely to come to your aid. Studies also suggest an effective strategy of pointing to someone who was at the scene and saying, “Sir, you in white, I need your help now! This man attacked me…” Say it like that, and point to someone.

Several studies have shown that instead of shouting "Help!" or “Call the police!”, shouts “Fire!” actually more effective to attract the attention of the people around. You can also try this tactic, but some people find that in a dangerous situation like a possible rape, it's hard to remember screaming fire instead of screaming for help

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 21
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 21

Step 8. Follow basic self-defense exercises

Call the police station or a self-defense training center for a basic self-defense program that will allow you to defend yourself against assault by a rapist. Such a program can teach effective methods of attacking, from hitting to gouging out the eye. Having self-defense skills will make you feel safer when walking alone at night.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 22
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 22

Step 9. Learn SING

SING is short for Solar plexus, Instep, Nose, and Groin, which are four points of attack to focus on if you're pulled from behind. Elbow the offender in the midriff, stomp on the turtle's legs as hard as you can, and once you're released, turn around and punch the nose from the front, then finish with a knee poke in the groin. This can immobilize an attacker long enough for you to escape.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 23
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 23

Step 10. Enter the house with confidence

Don't linger in the car or stand in the street rummaging through your bag. Make sure you have everything you need ready before getting out of the car. Be careful when getting into a house or car as someone could easily push you in and lock the door. Be aware of your surroundings, carry keys in hand and look around before opening the door.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 24
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 24

Step 11. Walk as if you know where you're going

Look at the road as you walk and keep your back straight. Pretending to have two big tigers on either side of you may sound silly, but it can still help boost your confidence. Attackers are more likely to choose people who think they can't help themselves. If you appear weak or unsure where to go, you are more likely to attract the attention of an attacker. Even if you are totally lost, don't show it.

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Prevent a Potential Rape Step 25

Step 12. Pay attention and leave identification marks

You can easily identify an assailant by large bite marks, poked eyeballs, deep scraped feet, ripped piercings, and memorable tattoos. Think murder. Look for weak points such as the eyes (stab hard), nose (moving forward with the bottom of the hand open), genitals (pull hard and squeeze or punch hard), etc., to make sure the offender's hand is not free to hit. or hold you and so you can run.

If you're in a place where you can't run, pay attention to your surroundings and leave a sign if you can. Some rapists can be caught because their victims leave easily identifiable bite and scratch marks, as well as DNA in the car or room where the victim was attacked

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 26
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 26

Step 13. Make eye contact if you are being stalked by a potentially threatening person

Attackers attack less often if they think you'll be able to identify them clearly. Even if you're terrified and this may be the last thing you want, making eye contact can ensure your safety.

Part 4 of 4: Saving Others

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 27
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 27

Step 1. Don't be afraid to intervene

Standing up for others has a huge effect on preventing potential rape. It's not always easy to meddle in uncomfortable situations, but it's still worth it if you have the opportunity to get in the way of a rape.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 28
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 28

Step 2. Monitor potential victims

For example, if you're at a party and notice someone trying to get close to your drunk friend, come over and let the potential assailant know that you're watching the potential victim. Look for reasons to get into the situation.

  • "I brought you water."
  • "You want some fresh air?"
  • "Are you all right? Want me to come with you?"
  • "I love this song! Come on to the floor."
  • "My car is outside. Want me to take you home?"
  • "Rin! Geez, long time no see! How are you?" (This method can also be used to help people you don't know. If he's not too drunk, he'll be more than happy to play with you to keep the predator away).
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 29
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 29

Step 3. Approach the would-be rapist

You can confront him, or just annoy him.

  • "Don't bother him. He can barely stand up straight. My friend and I are going to drive him home."
  • "Hey, he already said no. He's not interested."
  • "Excuse me, your car has been towed."
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 30
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 30

Step 4. Seek support if you need help dealing with the situation

The presence of a few extra people is enough to deter someone from trying to rape.

  • Tell the host or bartender what's going on
  • Invite friends (your own friend or a friend of someone at the party)
  • Call security or call the police.
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 31
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 31

Step 5. Create distractions

If you don't know what else to do, stop the event. Turn off the lights or music. This can annoy or embarrass the would-be rapist, and draw the attention of others that something is wrong.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 32
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 32

Step 6. Don't leave your friend alone at the party

If you're going to a party with a friend, don't leave him or her when you want to go home. Leaving someone, especially with a group of known people or strangers, puts him or her in a vulnerable position. This is even more dangerous if there is alcohol or drugs at the party.

  • Before leaving, find your friend and see what he's doing. Don't leave unless you're sure it's safe and he'll be able to go home on his own without a problem.
  • If your friend seems drunk or is about to get drunk, try to convince him to come home. If he refuses, postpone your return until he is ready to leave.
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 33
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 33

Step 7. Set up a specific system to ensure everyone gets to their homes safely

Simple steps like asking all the friends you go out with to text when you get home are great ways to protect each other. For example, if you and a friend meet up at a coffee shop late at night and she comes home on her bike or motorbike, text or call her when she gets home. If you don't hear from him, find out what happened.

Prevent a Potential Rape Step 34
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 34

Step 8. Speak up if you know someone has raped you

If your friend is going out with someone you know is a rapist, the right thing to do is to say so. Don't let your friend or anyone else become a victim if there are rumors that her date has raped her or if you actually know about it from your own experience.

  • If you've personally been attacked by a predator, you can decide whether or not to openly "point" to the rapist. This is a very brave act, but your life will be greatly affected by the decision, so this is not an easy choice to make.
  • However, even if you don't want others to know about your bad experience, warning people you know not to be alone with the predator will help prevent potential rape.
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 35
Prevent a Potential Rape Step 35

Step 9. Do your duty to eliminate rape culture

This is important for women, but may be much more important for men. Prevention of potential rape relies heavily on education about rape and against it. Even if you're just hanging out with male friends, don't say derogatory words about women or make jokes about rape. When men see another group of men empathize with women, they are likely to do the same.


  • Remember to improvise. Whatever existed at that time could be used as a weapon in various ways or forms. For example, if you're wearing high heels, take them off and stick the pointed heel into the attacker's eye or other body part. Keys can also be used as weapons if they are sharp enough. Cut the attacker's wrist or throat, or stab his eye. Once he falls, run as fast as you can and call for help and run to the nearest crowded place and tell as many people what happened as possible. Don't wait for the assailant to get help from his friends. If he managed to get help, he would only get angrier and act worse.
  • Don't underestimate your abilities. The human body has amazing strength and reason in situations like this. Once the adrenaline is triggered, you won't know what you can do, as long as you're not paralyzed by fear at that moment.
  • Rape can and does happen to anyone and at any time. Age, social class, or ethnic group had nothing to do with how a rapist chose a target. The research data clearly proves that the way a person dresses and/or behaves has no effect on the choice of the victim of the rapist. Her decision to rape is based on how easily she perceives her target to be intimidated. Rapists look for vulnerable and open targets. This data was obtained from a variety of sources, including the Rape in America study, 1992, the National Victim Center, The Federal Bureau of Investigations and the National Crime Survey.
  • The appearance of a rapist is not necessarily that of a criminal. These predators can appear very normal, neat, playful, young, etc. He may not look evil or like a thug. He may be a boss, teacher, neighbor, girlfriend, or relative.
  • Increase your personal boundaries. Protect yourself physically and psychologically. Be aware that predators can identify easy targets through a psychological or visual glance.
  • Do not panic!
  • Especially for women, don't let yourself (or you and your friends) be the last one at parties, concerts, etc. Predators usually wait until the event ends. The end of the event is usually midnight and victims may be drunk or sleepy, unaware that predators are nearby.
  • If you leave the house, try to walk near shops with large windows in front of them. Not only is this a possible security camera, but you can also use the windows to see if anyone is following. This method is especially helpful if you are being followed at close range. If so, try to pay attention to salient physical features (height, hair length, clothes he wears, and whether he looks disabled or injured).
  • Before you go anywhere alone, tell someone what you're going to do, where you're going, and when you need to get home. You can also tell us what clothes you are wearing and what type of transportation you will be using. This will help the authorities find you if things go wrong.
  • When outside, keep your head up and look around. Try not to put on headphones or think about anything, as the rapist is more likely to attack if he believes he can attack you when you're not alert.


  • Make sure your vehicle is filled with fuel. Practice this habit and don't take any risks. If you know you are going to be driving a long distance, keep an eye on fuel conditions and stop frequently to refill.
  • Be aware of rape myths and victim guilt. The only person guilty of rape is the perpetrator. If you are attacked, whatever you do will never make you guilty.
  • If you must choose to own or use a firearm, understand that it is extremely dangerous, especially if not used and stored properly. Use the trigger lock mechanism to ensure that your weapon isn't used to counterattack you even if it's unintentional (this is especially important if you have children at home). Learn proper cleaning and maintenance methods to ensure your weapon is ready to use if you need it.
  • Obey gun laws.
