How to Care for Henna Designs (Henna): 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Care for Henna Designs (Henna): 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Care for Henna Designs (Henna): 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


You definitely want your henna designs to look their best for as long as possible. Henna ink usually maintains its shape for 1-3 weeks before starting to fade and peel. During this time, keep your skin moisturized so the design lasts longer; Avoid washing with abrasive cleaning agents. If cared for, henna designs are more likely to last for several weeks-or even longer!


Part 1 of 3: Letting Henna Stick

Care for a Henna Design Step 1
Care for a Henna Design Step 1

Step 1. Do not touch the design directly when it is affixed

Henna paste is moist when applied. Once the henna is in place, you must protect that body part away from all obstructions-clothing, hair, environmental factors-so that the design doesn't tarnish. Pasta usually dries in 5-10 minutes, but there's no harm in being careful. The henna paste takes about half an hour to dry enough to a point where you don't have to worry about staining it.

Care for a Henna Design Step 2
Care for a Henna Design Step 2

Step 2. Leave the henna paste on the skin as long as possible

The longer the paste is on the skin, the darker the ink will be. Allow the paste to dry on the skin for at least 6 hours, and consider leaving it overnight. Don't wash it; do not rub it; Don't swipe it on anything by accident.

Care for a Henna Design Step 3
Care for a Henna Design Step 3

Step 3. Use sugar and lemon juice

Once the henna paste begins to dry, coat it with the sugar and lemon juice mixture. Let it soak for a few hours, or even overnight. This will keep the paste moist longer, resulting in a darker ink. Put the lemon flavor in a small bowl, then mix with the sugar until the solution is sticky and syrupy. Use a cotton swab to apply the sugar and lemon juice mixture to the dry henna.

  • The sugar and lemon will help moisturize the henna. The mixture will also retain the henna and protect the design. The acidity of the lemon can also help bring out the color of the henna.
  • Be careful not to get the henna too wet; You just need to give it a very small amount of moisture. If you use too much moisture, the paint can stain and drip; especially at the beginning.
  • If the sugar and lemon juice solution is left on the skin overnight, it is important to bandage it or else protect the skin from rubbing and staining.
Care for a Henna Design Step 4
Care for a Henna Design Step 4

Step 4. Try to keep your skin warm and moisturized

The warmer the body temperature, the faster the henna produces ink. If your body is cold, drink something warm first before starting. Gently steaming the paste-covered area will also help provide warmth and moisture.

Care for a Henna Design Step 5
Care for a Henna Design Step 5

Step 5. Wrap the henna design

The henna paste will peel and crumble as it dries, so consider covering the inked area to keep the crumbs from spilling all over the place. Wrapping it will also help make the ink look darker by retaining heat and moisture. You can cover the area with an elastic bandage, medical tape or toilet paper. Try covering the bandaged area with a sock to secure it even more.

  • Try placing a piece of toilet paper over the design, then wrapping the area with an elastic bandage. If you want to use plastic wrap, be sure to cover it with toilet paper first to absorb sweat and prevent stains.
  • Be aware that henna can stain textiles such as clothes, sheets, and towels. If the paste is left on overnight, wrapping it can protect the sheets from stains.
  • Some people claim that bandaging is the only way to care for the henna designs, but others say you should only ink bandage if the design is complex.
Care for a Henna Design Step 6
Care for a Henna Design Step 6

Step 6. Remove all dry henna flakes by washing them

Use room temperature water and a mild soap. Wipe the stain with a soft cloth. If you scrub the design at this early stage, the henna can start to fade more quickly.

Part 2 of 3: Remove Paste

Care for a Henna Design Step 7
Care for a Henna Design Step 7

Step 1. Scrape off the dry henna paste after 6-24 hours

Use a clean, non-sharp scraper: a toothpick, fingernail, file, or the blunt part of a knife. Rinse your skin using room temperature water after most of the henna paste has been removed. Avoid using soap on fresh henna.

Once the skin is clean, pat it dry. Then, gently moisten the design with oil or lotion

Care for a Henna Design Step 8
Care for a Henna Design Step 8

Step 2. Protect the henna from soap and water for 24 hours

Try to keep the area from getting wet for at least 6-12 hours after the paste is removed, although the effect will be even stronger if you wait up to 24 hours. Water can interfere with the oxidation process and darkening of the henna ink.

Care for a Henna Design Step 9
Care for a Henna Design Step 9

Step 3. Watch the color go deeper

Once the bandage is removed and the skin is cleaned of the dried henna paste, you will be able to see the ink change to full display. The design will start to look orange from bright neon to pumpkin tones. Over the next 48 hours, the ink will deepen by turning a rich red-brown color. The color will stop between orange brown, dark red, and dark brown. The design will change to its darkest look within a day or two of being affixed.

The final color will depend on your skin type and your body's chemical reactions. The ink will usually look darker on the hands and feet

Part 3 of 3: Caring for Design

Care for a Henna Design Step 10
Care for a Henna Design Step 10

Step 1. Expect the henna designs to last for 1-3 weeks

Its duration really depends on how well you take care of your skin. If you keep the ink moist and prevent it from rubbing against things, the henna can last for three weeks or even longer. If you don't care at all, the henna can start to fade or peel off within the first week.

Henna ink resistance also depends on the location of the design on the body. The ink tends to look darker on the hands and feet, but those parts also tend to receive the most friction when interacting with the environment

Care for a Henna Design Step 11
Care for a Henna Design Step 11

Step 2. Use a moisturizer

Apply a layer of natural oil, butter, or lotion after the paste is removed. While the henna is on the skin, apply moisturizer regularly to protect the design and prevent peeling. Many store-bought moisturizers contain chemicals that can lighten the ink prematurely, so it's best to use something natural.

  • Do not use moisturizers that contain bleaching agents and/or fruit acids (Alpha Hydroxy Acids). Chemicals tend to strip the skin of moisture and nutrients, and can cause the henna to fade prematurely.
  • Apply a layer of essential oil over the design. The oil will keep the skin moisturized, which can prevent the henna from fading or peeling prematurely. Try using a wax lip balm, coconut oil, or olive oil. Look for special oils to treat henna.
Care for a Henna Design Step 12
Care for a Henna Design Step 12

Step 3. Try not to rub the design

Exfoliation can make the henna fade. Rough washing and rubbing with clothes can also cause the ink to rub off more quickly. The less you touch it, the better. If the henna design rests on your hands, consider using gloves when washing dishes.

Care for a Henna Design Step 13
Care for a Henna Design Step 13

Step 4. Clean the skin with a mild soap

Apply using your hands or a soft towel. If possible, rub the soap around the edges of the henna design, but not the ink itself. Avoid using acetone (which is found in nail polish remover) and hand sanitizer. These inherently strong chemicals will exfoliate the skin and make the henna ink fade faster.


  • At night after the henna is applied, rub the design with olive oil and lemon juice, then wrap the skin in a plastic bag. Leave the bag on while you sleep, and your design will look darker in the morning.
  • Using Vaseline or anything that has petrolatum (petroleum) in it will make the henna fade faster. Just use natural oils.


  • Henna will stain clothes. Be careful when using it.
  • If the design has a color other than pumpkin or red the first time you apply it, pay close attention to that part. Many people apply various kinds of harmful chemicals to the skin and call it henna. See your doctor if you have flu-like symptoms or an itchy, blistering rash. Tell your doctor that there are chemicals on your skin. Ignoring these symptoms can result in near-permanent skin damage.
