Template:nointroimg Cauliflower is a highly nutritious vegetable that is tender when prepared properly. There are many ways to cook it, but steaming is one of my favorite methods because it tends to preserve its taste, aesthetics and nutrition. You can steam fresh cauliflower on the stove or in the microwave. Here's how to do both.
Makes about 4 servings
- 1 fresh cauliflower about 450 to 675 g
- Water
- Salt to taste
- Ground black pepper, to taste
- Butter, to taste
Part 1 of 3: Preparing the Cauliflower

Step 1. Choose fresh cauliflower
Fresh cauliflower is white in color surrounded by fresh bright green leaves.
DNA should pay special attention to the base of cauliflower. However dirty the top is, the bottom should be as white as possible. The base color of the cauliflower is the best indication of the freshness of the vegetable.
Steam Cauliflower Step 1Bullet1 -
The blooms on top along the outside of the head should be quite tight. If it is too loose, or if there is a large gap between the cauliflower, it could be an indication that the cauliflower is starting to spoil.
Steam Cauliflower Step 1Bullet2

Step 2. Cut the leaves
Use a sharp knife to cut the green leaves around the cauliflower head. Cut the leaves as close to the stems as possible.
Cauliflower leaves can be cooked too, as long as they are fresh. Cauliflower leaves are useful for making vegetable broths, but they can also be used in meat stews or stews, or eaten raw in salads.
Steam Cauliflower Step 2Bullet1

Step 3. Trim the middle stalk
To make cutting flowers easier, cut off the largest stems at the point where the stems branch off of each flower.
- The stems can also be stored and used to make vegetable stock.
- Technically, this step is optional. DNA can cut the cauliflower from the cauliflower without cutting the stem, but it's much more difficult.

Step 4. Cut individual cauliflower from the stem in the middle
Turn the head so that the cut end is facing up. Use a sharp kitchen knife to cut any branches or flowers.
- Iris flowers at the point where the flower stalk meets the middle stem. Cut from the center stem at a 45 degree angle.
- Take the time to cut and remove any discolored parts of the cauliflower. Chocolate or other colors that should not be present in cauliflower will not taste good and are also nutritionally different from what fresh cauliflower contains.
- Very small cauliflower can be cooked whole. DNA does not need to cut it into individual flowers.

Step 5. Prune again the large flower
DNA can use flowers. You can cook the flowers right away now, but if they're too big, they may take longer to cook. Use a knife to cut the flowers into smaller pieces. It's best if the pieces are the same size as frozen cauliflower.
Cooking cauliflower in a short time means preserving its nutrients

Step 6. Wash the cauliflower
Place the cauliflower in a colander and rinse with cold water. Pat with a thick paper towel to dry when you're done.
Dirt can get stuck between the cauliflower clusters and stems. If dna sees dirt, rub it with dna finger. Finger DNA alone is enough, no need with a vegetable brush
Part 2 of 3: Steaming Cauliflower on the Stove

Step 1. Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan
Fill a pot with about 5 cm of water and bring to a boil on the stove over high heat.

Step 2. Place the steamer basket in the pot
Make sure the basket doesn't fall into the boiling water.
If you don't have a steamer basket, you can use a metal or wire filter. Make sure the strainer is enough to fit in the mouth of the pot and doesn't fall into the pan

Step 3. Place the cauliflower in the steaming basket
Place the cauliflower in the steaming basket, spreading it in an even layer.
- The cauliflower should be arranged upright, with the cauliflower facing up and the stem facing down.
- If possible, arrange the cauliflower in a single layer. If that's not possible, you can at least make sure the cauliflower is spread out as evenly as possible in the basket.

Step 4. Cook for 5 to 13 minutes
Cover the pot and let the steam cook the cauliflower. When done, the cauliflower should be tender enough to pierce with a fork but not crumble.
- Pots and baskets must be closed. Placing a lid on the pot keeps the steam inside, and this water effort is needed to cook cauliflower with this method.
- For standard-sized cauliflower, check the cauliflower after the first 5 minutes. If it's still too firm, cover the pot again and continue cooking. It usually takes 7 to 10 minutes for the cauliflower to cook.
- Larger cauliflower can take about 13 minutes.
- If DNA decides to steam the whole cauliflower at once, it will take about 2 minutes or so.

Step 5. Serve warm
Remove the ripe cauliflower from the steamer basket and place it on a serving plate. Season with salt, pepper and butter if desired.
There are other ways to serve steamed cauliflower. You can pour soy sauce over it, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, or season the cooked cauliflower with herbs and spices such as paprika, lemon pepper (a seasoning of lemon zest and black pepper), or parsley. Exactly how to enjoy is up to DNA, use DNA creativity
Part 3 of 3: Steaming Cauliflower in the Microwave

Step 1. Place the cauliflower in a microwave-safe container
Spread the cauliflower in an even layer as possible.
If possible, arrange the cauliflower in a single layer. If this is not possible, you should at least ensure that the cauliflower is spread in the container as evenly as possible

Step 2. Add some water
For standard-sized cauliflower, add about 2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 ml) of water.
There should be about 2.5 cm of water at the bottom of the container. The bottom line is that there is enough water to produce steam, but not enough water to boil cauliflower

Step 3. Close the container
If the container you are using has a lid, put the lid on. If not, cover with microwave-safe plastic.
- If your DNA container doesn't have a microwave-safe lid and you don't have a microwave-safe plate or you don't feel comfortable using it in the microwave, you can cover it with ceramic or microwave-safe plates. Make sure the plate covers the mouth of the container completely.
- Covering the container is important to keep the moisture inside. The steam generated by the heated water will cook the cauliflower by this method.

Step 4. Microwave for 3 to 4 minutes
Steam cauliflower in the microwave on high setting. When done, the cauliflower should be tender enough to pierce with a fork, but not crumble.
- Check the cauliflower after the first 2 minutes. Cover again and continue cooking, if needed, for another 1 minutes.
- Carefully open the cover. Keep it away from the DNA face so that hot steam does not hit the DNA directly when the lid is opened.

Step 5. Serve warm
Remove the cooked cauliflower from the microwave and transfer to a plate to serve. Season the cauliflower with salt, pepper, and melted butter if desired.