The term blanching has two different meanings, both of which are covered in this article. In the context of cooking, blanching or parboil refers to the process of cooking vegetables halfway through, then rapidly cooling them. This process kills the bacteria and enzymes that cause the vegetables to spoil or rot, allowing you to freeze the cauliflower without losing its flavor and texture.
In the context of gardening, blanching is the process of partially covering a plant from light, thereby preventing the formation of color. In the case of cauliflower, this process results in an edible white part with a mild, not overpowering taste.
Method 1 of 2: Blanching Cauliflower (Cooking)

Step 1. Wash the cauliflower
Rinse the cauliflower under cold running water to remove any remaining dirt and pesticides. Rubbing the cauliflower with your fingers as you rinse it will make this washing process much more effective.

Step 2. Cut the cauliflower florets
Use a sharp knife to cut the leaves and the thick part of the main stem. Cut the florets into uniform pieces measuring about 2.5 cm so that each can be blanched at the same speed.

Step 3. Start boiling a pot of water
Fill a pot with fresh water to 2/3 full, or approximately 4 liters of water per 0.5 kg of cauliflower. Place the pot on the stove over high heat. While waiting for the water to boil, proceed to the next step.
Using less than the recommended amount of water can result in mushy blanching cauliflower, as the water will take longer to return to a boil once the cauliflower is added

Step 4. Prepare the ice water bath
Fill a large bowl or second pot with cold water and ice. This will be used to cool the cauliflower quickly, and will work best if kept at 16ºC or below. Leave enough free space in the bowl to prevent the water from overflowing once the cauliflower is added.
If you don't have ice, try chilling tap water in the freezer while boiling water on the stove

Step 5. Add cauliflower to boiling water and cover
Once the water boils, add the cauliflower pieces. Cover the pot to keep the water hot, so it returns to a boil as quickly as possible.
If you have a wire basket that fits into this pot, it can be used so that the cauliflower can be easily removed from the water. If the cauliflower is barely floating in the water, use a slotted spoon so you can lift it easily once it's finished boiling

Step 6. Decide whether to add salt or not
It's up to you, you can add salt to the water at this stage, in the amount of 4 teaspoons of salt (5 ml) per per liter of water. Salt can enhance the cauliflower's taste, but this is not recommended if you plan to freeze the cauliflower, as salt can break down the vegetable's cell walls and make the vegetables soft and less flavorful.

Step 7. Boil cauliflower for three minutes
As soon as the water returns to a boil, set a timer for three minutes, or record the time on your watch. After three minutes have passed, remove the cauliflower with a slotted spoon.
- The cauliflower should be half cooked, but still firm. If it's too soft or mushy, the cauliflower may not retain its flavor or nutrition for very long.
- You can also strain the cauliflower by pouring the contents of the pot over a colander. But this will prevent you from being able to reuse the cooking water, such as for blanching leftover cauliflower for the next batch or for cooking pasta.

Step 8. Immediately submerge the cauliflower in ice water
Place the hot cauliflower pieces in the ice water bath. This quick cooling will trap the flavors and nutrients so they stay in the cauliflower, and retain its color if you use colored cauliflower.

Step 9. Dry the cauliflower after it has cooled
Once the cauliflower is cool to the touch, remove it from the ice water and pat dry with a paper towel. Excess water on the surface of the cauliflower may crack the cauliflower once it freezes into ice crystals, so this step is especially important if you plan to store cauliflower for the long term by freezing it.

Step 10. Freeze any cauliflower that you are not using immediately
After blanching, cauliflower can usually retain its good qualities for at least 12 months in the freezer. Freeze the cauliflower in a flat pan first to prevent it from sticking together as it freezes, then store it in an airtight container in the freezer.
There is no need to leave empty space in the container, as the cauliflower will not expand in the freezer

Step 11. Serve the blanched cauliflower or finish cooking it later
While some people enjoy eating cauliflower unsalted or lightly seasoned with salt, the crunchy texture of blanched cauliflower also makes it a great addition to salads. If you want the cauliflower to be softer, boil it for a few more minutes, or add it to the dish while it's still cooking.
Thaw frozen cauliflower before using or cooking, unless you're adding it to a stir fry
Method 2 of 2: Blanching or Whitening Cauliflower Plants (Gardening)

Step 1. Check if blanching is required
If you are growing purple or green varieties of cauliflower, you do not need to blanch them. Several varieties of white cauliflower, including Snow Crown and Early Snowball, are "self-blanching" plants. [8] In this type, the leaves will grow over the naturally white part of the cauliflower, and only need to be manually blanched if this is not the case. In these plants, the leaves should grow over the edible white section naturally, and only need to be blanched manually if this fails to occur.

Step 2. Start when the cauliflower head is about the size of a chicken egg
The edible part of the cauliflower head usually reaches this stage four weeks or so after planting. However, check every day or two as each variety grows at a different rate. Once the head is about the size of a chicken egg, or about 5-7.5 cm in diameter, move on to the next step.

Step 3. Blanch when the plant is dry
If possible, boil during dry weather and sunny, warm conditions, when there is no or very little water on the cauliflower. Too much water trapped in cauliflower can cause rot or fungal infection.

Step 4. Gently bend the outer leaf onto the cauliflower
Take the outer largest leaf and bend it over the cauliflower. Protect the cauliflower from most of the sun, especially directly over the cauliflower, but leave a small gap between the leaves for air circulation, to prevent moisture. Bend the leaves around the cauliflower in the shape of a round ball. Tuck the tip of the leaf under the leaf on the opposite side if possible, to help hold the leaf in place.
- Gathering and tying the leaves together in a vertical position, instead of using the correct round shape, can cause rainwater to accumulate between the leaves and make the cauliflower rot.
- No need to worry if the leaves snap off half way during the bending process

Step 5. Tie the leaves loosely in this position
Use soft twine, large rubber bands, or gardening tape to keep the leaves on top of the growing cauliflower. Keep these leaf bundles relatively loose to allow the cauliflower to grow, but tight enough so the leaves won't come loose.
Avoid using wire or other sharp materials that could puncture or cut the leaves

Step 6. Check your cauliflower plant daily to make adjustments
You may need to tie the cauliflower again if the leaves slip out of the knot, which may be because the cauliflower has grown larger. You may also want to examine underdeveloped or slower growing plants to check for cauliflower head growth, and blanch them in the same way once the cauliflower has reached the appropriate size.

Step 7. Harvest the cauliflower
While the exact conditions for harvesting cauliflower depend on the variety, as a general rule it is harvested once the cauliflower heads have reached a diameter of 15 cm. Cut the stems below some of the outer leaves, being careful not to bruise the cauliflower. Soak cauliflower in lightly salted water for 30 minutes to repel insects, then store in a covered container in the refrigerator.
Cauliflower growth may take between 4-21 days after the first appearance of the cauliflower. The warmer the weather, the faster it should grow
While you can blanch vegetables by steaming instead of boiling, this is not necessary for cauliflower. If you decide to steam the cauliflower, keep the lid on the cauliflower in the pot as long as it's steamed over the water for 4 minutes 30 seconds instead of 3 minutes
Heating cauliflower in the microwave is not an effective blanching method
Completely ripe cauliflower is cauliflower that has been boiled, not blanched, and is no longer suitable for freezing.