How to Advertise on Facebook (with Images)

How to Advertise on Facebook (with Images)
How to Advertise on Facebook (with Images)

Table of contents:


This wikiHow teaches you how to create ads for your business on Facebook. In order to advertise on Facebook, you must have a Facebook page for the business you run. Creating the page itself can be done for free.


Part 1 of 4: Planning a New Advertising Campaign

Advertise on Facebook Step 1
Advertise on Facebook Step 1

Step 1. Open Facebook

Visit through your computer's web browser. A news feed page or “news feed” will be opened if you are already logged in to your account.

If not, enter your email address (or phone number) and account password in the top right corner of the page, then click “ Login " ("Enter").

Advertise on Facebook Step 2
Advertise on Facebook Step 2

Step 2. Create a business page if you don't already have one

In order to advertise, you must first have at least one fan or business page on Facebook.

If you have pages that aren't related to the business you're in, it's a good idea to create a separate business page before proceeding

Advertise on Facebook Step 3
Advertise on Facebook Step 3

Step 3. Click the menu icon

It's in the top-right corner of the Facebook News Feed page. Once clicked, a drop-down menu will appear.

On some segments and versions of the Facebook website, this button is shown as a gear icon

Advertise on Facebook Step 4
Advertise on Facebook Step 4

Step 4. Click Create Ads

This option is at the bottom of the drop-down menu. After that, the Power Editor window which is Facebook's default ad maker will be displayed.

Advertise on Facebook Step 5
Advertise on Facebook Step 5

Step 5. Choose a marketing objective

Click one of the tabs under the " What's your marketing objective " heading.

The destination you choose depends on your decision. However, the initial ad preferences will differ depending on the objective you select

Advertise on Facebook Step 6
Advertise on Facebook Step 6

Step 6. Scroll down and enter the ad name

In the " Campaign Name " field, type the desired name for your ad.

  • The title or name entered is private and only serves to distinguish the ad you create from other ads that are run.
  • If you choose " Conversions ” (“Conversions”) as the destination, you also need to click on the “Key Result” drop-down box (“Main Result”) and select the desired result.
  • If you choose " Engagement ” (“Invitation”), select the desired type of invitation or interaction under the “Engagement” heading (“Invitation”).
  • For some purposes, you can check the " Create Split Test " box to run two ad types simultaneously so that they can be compared.
Advertise on Facebook Step 7
Advertise on Facebook Step 7

Step 7. Click Continue

It's a blue button at the bottom of the page. You will be taken to the main ad settings segment to define the audience.

Part 2 of 4: Determining the Audience

Advertise on Facebook Step 8
Advertise on Facebook Step 8

Step 1. Edit the initial ad preferences

You may see a form or drop-down box at the top of the page, depending on the marketing objective that was previously selected. Fill out the form or select an option before moving on to the " Audience " ("Audience") segment.

Advertise on Facebook Step 9
Advertise on Facebook Step 9

Step 2. Choose an audience location

In the “Locations” section, delete the automatically displayed location (eg “United States or “United States”) if necessary by selecting it and clicking the “button X' in the top right corner. After that, type in a specific location (eg your country and city).

You can also adjust your ad target preferences by clicking the " Locations " checkbox and selecting a different option from the drop-down menu

Advertise on Facebook Step 10
Advertise on Facebook Step 10

Step 3. Select the desired audience age

Scroll to the " Age " section, then select the minimum age of the audience from the leftmost age drop-down box, and the maximum age from the right drop-down box.

Advertise on Facebook Step 11
Advertise on Facebook Step 11

Step 4. Determine gender if necessary

If you want to target your ad to a male or female audience, click the option “ Men ” (“Male”) or “ women ” (“Women”) in the “Gender” segment.

  • Automatically, the option " All ” (“All”) will be selected.
  • Unfortunately, Facebook doesn't offer gender options other than " Men " ("Male"), " Women " ("Female"), and "All " ("All").
Advertise on Facebook Step 12
Advertise on Facebook Step 12

Step 5. Add languages if you want

If you want to show your ad in more than one language, you can type a different language in the " Languages " column and click on the appropriate dialect from the drop-down menu.

Advertise on Facebook Step 13
Advertise on Facebook Step 13

Step 6. List more detailed targets

If you want to target a more specific demographic sector (e.g. business analysts), type the first few letters of the desired demographic sector name into the " Detailed Targeting " column ("Detailed Target"), then click on the appropriate result from the drop-down menu and repeat this step if necessary.

You can also click the “ Browse ” (“Search”) to the right of the column for available demographic sector options.

Advertise on Facebook Step 14
Advertise on Facebook Step 14

Step 7. Select the connection type

Click the " Connections " drop-down box, select a category (eg. Facebook Pages ” or “Facebook Page”), and click the desired option from the pop-out menu.

For example, to target users of the application you are designing, select the option “ Apps ” (“Application”) in the “Connections “drop-down menu (“Connection”), then click “ People who used your app ” (“People who use your app”) from the menu.

Part 3 of 4: Adjusting Ad Placements and Budgets

Advertise on Facebook Step 15
Advertise on Facebook Step 15

Step 1. Choose an ad placement

In the " Placements " section of the page, make sure the " Automatic Placements (Recommended) " box is checked. With this option, ads will be placed in locations tested by Facebook, as well as Instagram and other Facebook products.

If you want to specify a specific placement, check the " Edit Placements " box and select the desired option from the menu

Advertise on Facebook Step 16
Advertise on Facebook Step 16

Step 2. Scroll to the " Budget & Schedule " section ("Budget and Schedule")

This segment is at the bottom of the page.

Advertise on Facebook Step 17
Advertise on Facebook Step 17

Step 3. Determine the budget

By default, Facebook follows the ad budget in daily profit. If you want to switch to a one-time budget, click the “ Daily Budget ” (“Daily Budget”) and click “ Lifetime Budget ” (“Lifetime Budget) from the drop-down menu.

Advertise on Facebook Step 18
Advertise on Facebook Step 18

Step 4. Enter the budget limit

Type in your daily budget in US dollars (or round/cycle costs if you selected the option “ Lifetime Budget ”) which you can set in the column to the right of the " Budget " heading ("Budget").

The minimum budget for daily advertising is US$1 (approximately 14 thousand rupiah) per day, while lifetime advertising requires a minimum budget of 30 US dollars (approximately 420 thousand rupiah) per day

Advertise on Facebook Step 19
Advertise on Facebook Step 19

Step 5. Schedule ads

You can select an ad's start date by clicking on the " Start " date box and selecting a date from the drop-down menu, then specifying the ad's running time by clicking on the clock box and adjusting the desired time.

You can adjust the campaign end date and time in the same way

Advertise on Facebook Step 20
Advertise on Facebook Step 20

Step 6. Click Continue

It's a blue button at the bottom of the page. After that, the ad preferences that have been set so far will be saved and you will be taken to the next page, which is the creation of the ad itself.

Part 4 of 4: Creating Ads

Advertise on Facebook Step 21
Advertise on Facebook Step 21

Step 1. Stick to visual ads

When advertising on Facebook, videos and photos tend to attract more attention than text-only ads. It would be better if you put the time and effort into creating a beautifully designed video or photo to promote the page, rather than simply uploading a text post.

Keep in mind that text remains an important part of your ad because you need to use it to create calls-to-action and add website address links

Advertise on Facebook Step 22
Advertise on Facebook Step 22

Step 2. Make sure the ad is kept short

Uploaded videos must be under one minute in length, while text ads must be less than 200 characters long. Short lengths or lengths of text can attract significantly more users than longer videos or posts.

Advertise on Facebook Step 23
Advertise on Facebook Step 23

Step 3. Add a name for the ad

This name is the title that will appear above the ad. Type the desired title into the " Ad Name " column at the top of the page.

Advertise on Facebook Step 24
Advertise on Facebook Step 24

Step 4. Select your business page if necessary

If you selected more than one business page, click the " Facebook Page " drop-down box ("Facebook Page"), then click the page you want to advertise on the drop-down menu.

Advertise on Facebook Step 25
Advertise on Facebook Step 25

Step 5. Choose an ad format

Under the "Format" heading, click the checkbox next to the type of ad you'd like to show users of Facebook, Instagram, or other platforms that Facebook connects to.

You have four main formats: “Carousel” (carousel-style ad), “Single Image” (single image), “Single Video” (single video), and “Slideshow” (slide)

Advertise on Facebook Step 26
Advertise on Facebook Step 26

Step 6. Edit other ad preferences

You can scroll to the " Text " or "Text" (or "Media" (or "Media", then " Text ") segment at the bottom of the page and add text, images, and/or video for the ad, depending on the ad format selected.

  • For example, you might want to add a website URL to your ad. To add it, check the " Add a website URL " box and enter your website address.
  • Even if you're using video as your primary medium to reach your audience, type text into the " Text " field to add context and a call to action.
Advertise on Facebook Step 27
Advertise on Facebook Step 27

Step 7. Scroll to the screen and click Confirm ("Confirm")

It's a green button at the bottom of the page. Ads will be saved and start showing on the date as scheduled.

If Facebook hasn't saved your payment information, you'll need to enter that information (e.g. PayPal login details or credit card number) when prompted


Make sure you follow Facebook's advertising instructions to prevent your ad from being disapproved
