Making wigs for everyday use can be a difficult and time-consuming task, so it is usually left to the professionals. However, if you are interested in making your own wig, you can do so as long as you have the right equipment and patience. Here's how to do it.
Part 1 of 5: Measuring the User's Head

Step 1. Measure the circumference of the user's head at his hairline
Use a clothing measuring tape to do this. The tape measure should extend from the base of your hairline on your neck to the top of your hairline on your forehead.
- The tape measure should hit the top of the ear on both sides of your head.
- Do not pull the measuring tape. The tape measure should be stretched flat over the hair which is also even, but should not be tight.

Step 2. Measure the center of the crown of your head
Place the end of the clothing measuring tape in the center of your forehead, aligning the end of the tape measure to the beginning of your natural hairline. Run the tape measure over the crown of your hair and down the middle of the nape of the neck, just where your natural hairline ends.
As before, don't pull the tape measure. The tape measure should be stretched flat over the hair which is also flat, without being strained

Step 3. Measure from one ear to the other
Point the end of the tape measure at the top point where your ear connects to your head. Place the tape measure over the crown of your head and return to the same position on the opposite ear.
- The tape measure should rest against both ears, along the point where glasses or sunglasses would normally be.
- Again, the tape measure should lie flat over the hair which is also flat, but should not be pulled tight.
Part 2 of 5: Forming the Foundation of the Wig

Step 1. Transfer your measurements to the wig block
Draw a rough sketch of the perimeter of your head based on the measurements you have taken. Use your clothing tape measure to measure equal distances for the perimeter of your head, the crown of your head, and the distance between your ears.
Alternatively, you can find a cotton hat or other fine mesh hat that fits over your head and place it over the wig block. This hat won't exactly fit your head, but wearing a hat is easier than trying to shape and use cotton strips

Step 2. Attach the cotton ribbons to the block
Align this tape along the perimeter of your wig's outline, as previously described. Gently nail these ribbons to the wig block with small nails.
- If you decide to use a Styrofoam head instead of a wooden wig block, you can use a sewing needle instead of nails to attach the ribbons.
- Make sure your ribbons are as flat as possible on the wig block.

Step 3. Attach the wet cotton lace
Moisturize the strips of cotton lace by spraying water from a spray bottle. Place strips of cotton lace over the wig block and sew them to the ribbon.
- Be aware that the strips of cotton lace should be at least as long as the measurement you took to measure the crown of your head. However, the laces could be a little longer at this point. Use as few strips as possible, choosing larger pieces over smaller ones.
- Snap the lace into place before you sew it to the ribbon.
- You can find cotton lace in a variety of colors, but avoid lace with printed patterns.
- Wetting the lace beforehand will make it easier to shape.

Step 4. Try the base
Remove the nails from the ribbon and remove the base of the wig from the wig block. Try to determine if the size is right.
- If the base of the wig doesn't fit properly, find out why. Return this base to the wig block and make the necessary adjustments to fix it.
- When everything is snug, cut off any remaining cotton lace, which hangs past the band's boundaries from the base of the wig.
Part 3 of 5: Preparing Her Hair

Step 1. Choose between real or synthetic hair
Both of these options have their own advantages and disadvantages. Usually, for wigs that will be used every day, choose real hair. For wigs that are only used on occasion, you can use synthetic hair.
- Natural hair looks more realistic, usually lasts longer, and tolerates heat and other styling products better. On the other hand, wigs made from real hair need to be rearranged after each wash, the color can fade from exposure to light, and they can damage more easily.
- Synthetic hair is unrealistic and can be damaged by heat and hair dye. On the other hand, synthetic hair tends to be lighter, doesn't need to be rearranged after washing, and won't fade too quickly.

Step 2. Trim and pull the hair
Bring a section of hair and a comb to untangle, straighten, and straighten your hair. Pull and tie into several parts using a hair band.
- The hair comb used is of the heckle type, which consists of a solid base with five rows of needles. This comb can straighten hair and blend different shades of hair color.
- Strengthen the heckle with bolts before using it.

Step 3. Place the hair between the base of the image
Extend one end of each section of hair over a drawing base. Place another base on top of the hair in a position where the two ends of the base meet each other.
The base of the drawing is a square of leather with short wires or needles on one side. This foundation is used to keep the hair straight and organized
Part 4 of 5: Making Wigs

Step 1. Choose the right ventilation needle
The exact size depends on the number of strands you want in a single knot. For larger quantities, choose a larger needle. For smaller quantities, choose the smaller one.
- If you have lace with very fine slits, you may need to use a smaller number of strands per slit, so choose a smaller needle.
- For lace with larger slits, the number of strands will affect the fullness of the hair. More strands will create a fuller, denser wig, while fewer strands will create a sleeker style.

Step 2. Pull the hair in a circle and tie it into the lace
You will need to tie once or twice for each section of hair made from just a few strands, into each individual slit in the lace base using your vent tool.
- Fold the thin ends of the hair to form a circle.
- Attach this loop to your vent needle and push it through one of the slits at the bottom of the lace.
- Move the needle so that you can grasp the hair at the bottom of the loop with the hook, then pull it back through the lace gap. This will result in a new circle of hair wrapping around the edges of the gap.
- Tie the strands of hair once or twice to the hem of the cotton in the gap. Make sure your ties are really tight and closed to keep your hair in place. You'll need to pull the entire length of this piece through the knot when you want to tighten it.
- Also know that you will need to use your free hand to hold the other side of the hair tie as you work through this entire process.

Step 3. Work from the neck area up
You should always start tying the wig to the lace from below the neckline. Continue up along the back before you move to the sides. After reaching these sides, continue up to the top of the crown of the head.
- The hair on these sides should be tied in a knot twice.
- The hair on top of the wig, or at the crown, should be tied in a knot once. This will prevent the hair from looking too thick.

Step 4. Vary the direction
Once you've reached the crown of the wig, you'll need to separate the top sections in six different directions and tie the strands of hair in an even bundle facing each of these directions.
- Don't tie a bunch of hair so that it only pulls in one direction, as this will make it look unnatural.
- You should have two sections running down from either side of the wig, and the other four sections should be equidistant between these first two sections.

Step 5. Cover the ribbons
Turn the wig over and sew the hair along the inner edge of the ribbon to prevent the ribbon from sticking out of the front of the wig.

Step 6. Sew in a steel spring pattern
Use a needle and thread to sew a few steel spring stitches around the temples, neck, and forehead area of the wig. This will help lift the hair in a natural and pleasing pattern.
These spring stitches should be only a few circles wide and should not be visible from under the hair

Step 7. Make the part and arrange your wig
With all the hair sewn in place, part the wig as you would normal hair and trim the wig to your liking.
If you're not sure about getting your hair cut for a great style, you might want to consult a hair stylist for some tips or have him cut a wig for you

Step 8. Do a final test
Put on the wig. The wig should be finished, but if something still doesn't look right, you can still adjust it.
Part 5 of 5: Additional Wig Tutorials

Step 1. Make an easy wig for a costume
You can quickly make an inexpensive wig for a costume using balloons, hair nets, hair cloth, and glue.
- Inflate the balloon and use it as a head model.
- Place the hair net on top of the balloon and grease it with glue.
- Trim all unwanted parts.

Step 2. Make a jellicle cat wig
You can make a wig to mimic the cat jellicle look from the musical Cats using sheets of faux fur.
- Measure your head to get the right shape and size.
- Create a pattern using your measurements and cut the faux fur according to this pattern.
- Make and attach fake cat ears.

Step 3. Learn how to make a doll wig
Doll wigs can be made of yarn. You can make it with or without a sewing machine.

Step 4. Make a ragdoll wig for yourself
You can make a large wig in ragdoll style for a costume. Use thread, and sew or use glue to shape the wig.
Step 5. Make an easy wig out of a mop
Another way to make a costume wig is to use a clean mop. Color the mop as desired and attach it with glue to the top of a hat.