Maybe you have a date planned or a school reunion in the near future, or maybe the jeans feel a little tight when worn? Whatever the reason, If you want to lose 2.2 kg of weight, you are in the right place. Read the guide below to learn how to lose 2 pounds safely and effectively.
Part 1 of 3: Determine a Reasonable Calorie Burn Rate

Step 1. Calculate the basal metabolic rate (BMR)
Your basal metabolic rate or BMR is the number of calories burned each day by performing simple metabolic activities, such as breathing, digesting food, and so on. This BMR calculation is important for determining your basic calorie needs.
If you are a woman, calculate your BMR with the following formula: 655 + (4.3 x weight in pounds (1 pound = 450 g)) + (4.7 x height in inches (1 inch = 2.5 cm)) – (4, 7 x age in years).
Example: A woman who is 67 inches tall, weighs 135 pounds, and is 30 years old, will have a BMR of 655 + (4.3 x 135 pounds) + (4.7 x 67 inches) – (4.7 x 30 years) = 1408, 5
If you are a man, calculate your BMR using the following formula: 66 + (6.3 x weight in pounds) + (12.9 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years).
Example: A man 72 inches tall, 180 pounds, and 30 years old would have a BMR of 66 + (6.3 x 180 pounds) + (12.9 x 72 inches) – (6.8 x 30 years) = 1924, 8

Step 2. Calculate the number of calories burned each day
If you are inactive, multiply BMR by 1, 2. If you are moderately active, multiply BMR by 1.3 to 1, 3. If you are very active, multiply BMR by 1.4 to 1.5. The result is an approximate number calories you burn each day.
Example: If you are like the man in the example above with a BMR of 1924, 8 and have an active lifestyle, then you should multiply your BMR by 1.4. If you multiply this, you will get 2695 as the approximate number of calories burned each day

Step 3. Calculate the number of calories that can be consumed
A reasonable amount of calories consumed is 15-30% less than the number of calories you burn each day. To calculate this, multiply the number of calories you burn each day (as obtained from step "Calculating the number of calories burned daily") by 0.7 to 0.85.
- Example: If you are like the man in the example above with an estimated daily burning of 2695 calories, you should consume 1886 (2695 x 0.7) to 2291 (2695 x 0.85) calories each day.
- The larger the calorie deficit, which is closer to 30% (1886 calories/day), the faster the diet will start, but the diet will be difficult to maintain. The smaller the calorie deficit, which is closer to 15% (2291 calories/day), the easier the diet will be to maintain, but the weight loss process will be slower.
Part 2 of 3: Types of Sports to Do

Step 1. Do weight training
When in a state of calorie deficit, the body will burn energy stores, both fat and muscle. Burn fat, not muscle. To maintain muscle mass when you are in a calorie deficit, do weight training.
- To maximize weight training, focus on exercises that involve almost all muscles, dead lifts, squats, bench presses, military presses, and pull ups. Once you get more proficient, start isolating exercises such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, glut bridges, and others.
- If you've never done weight training before, be prepared to feel a lot of pain in the first week. As with all new exercises, begin to recognize the exercises slowly so your body can adapt and avoid injury.

Step 2. Do a little cardiovascular exercise
Cardiovascular exercise is good for overall health. So if you don't usually do it, start adding 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise to your routine a few days a week.
- Don't get caught up in a cruel cardio/diet cycle. The cruel cycle of cardio/diet is when you exercise to burn calories, but you feel hungrier, so you'll eat more, then have to exercise more, then feel even hungrier, and so on. Do no more than 2-3 hours of cardiovascular exercise a week, unless you are exercising actively for health purposes. Doing cardiovascular exercise for more than 2-3 hours can inhibit fat burning due to increased levels of cortisol levels.. To avoid this, you must control your calorie deficit through the food you eat, not by doing cardiovascular exercise.
Here are some cardiovascular exercises you can do:
- Jog 3.2 km lightly before breakfast several times a week.
- Exercise with the stairmill for 20 minutes after weight training.
- High-intensity exercise based on intervals of several days a week.
Part 3 of 3: Tips for Successful Weight Loss

Step 1. Add healthy foods to your diet
Here are some healthy foods that can be added to your diet or replace foods found in your diet:
- Good sources of protein include skinless chicken breast, ground turkey, beef, egg whites, Greek yogurt, and tofu.
- Good sources of fat include almonds, nuts, linen seeds, chia seeds, egg yolks, and olive oil.
- Good sources of carbohydrates include unprocessed carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, fruits, oatmeal, bran, wheat germ, Bulgarian wheat, chickpeas, and vegetables.

Step 2. Avoid processed foods
Some examples of processed foods include bread, cakes, pasta, fast food, and frozen ready-to-eat foods. Here are some reasons to avoid processed foods:
- First, processed foods usually contain a lot of calories and few nutrients.
- Second, refined carbohydrates usually have a high glycemic index, which means refined carbohydrates can cause insulin spikes, leading to weight gain.
- Third, processed foods usually don't contain a lot of fiber, so you'll still feel hungry.

Step 3. Invite family/roommates
Maintaining a healthy diet with the people you live with will help. It will be easier to stick to a healthy diet if you are not surrounded by temptations and bad influences. Try to invite family and roommates to live your diet.

Step 4. Get rid of instant food
Do yourself a favor by getting rid of all the instant food in the house. A healthy diet will be easier to implement if tempting instant foods are not easily accessible.

Step 5. Eat more often with smaller portions
Spread the calories to consume throughout the day. Try to eat 5-6 small meals instead of 3 times. Make sure that you eat breakfast when you wake up.

Step 6. Drink water
Drink water during and between meals. This will make you feel fuller when running a healthy diet.

Step 7. Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep can hinder weight loss efforts. Try to get 8 hours of sleep every night.

Step 8. Make diet a lifestyle
Record the intake of food you eat while on a diet. If you eat as written and maintain your activity level or even increase it, you should be able to lose 2.2 kg.