CPU speed determines the speed at which the computer performs tasks. Thanks to the emergence of multi-core processors, CPU speed is less of a priority than it used to be. However, it's a good idea to keep your CPU speed checked when buying a new program to make sure your computer can handle it. You can also find out how to check the CPU's native speed when overclocking for better performance.
Method 1 of 4: Windows

Step 1. Open the “System” window
To open it quickly, there are several steps that can be taken.
- Windows 7, Vista, and XP – Right-click the “Computer”/”My Computer” icon on the “Start” menu and select “Properties“. On Windows XP, you may need to select the " General " tab after clicking " Properties ".
- Windows 8 – Right-click the “Start” menu and select “System”.
- All versions of Windows – Press Win+Pause key.

Step 2. Find the input "Processor"
This entry is in the " System " section, under the Windows edition.

Step 3. Record the processor speed
Processor model and speed will be displayed. Speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz). The number shown is the speed of one processor core. If a processor has multiple cores (most modern processors have multiple cores), each core will be armed with that speed.
If you overclock the processor, the original speed will not be displayed. Read the next method for details on how to find the original speed of an overclocked computer

Step 4. Check the number of cores the processor has
If you are using a dual core processor, the number of cores will not appear in this window. Even though it's double-core, it doesn't mean the program can run any faster. However, dual-core processors can significantly increase performance in programs designed for dual-core processors.
- Press the key combination Win+R to display the “Run” dialog box.
- Type in dxdiag and press Enter. Click Yes if prompted to check the driver.
- Look for the "Processor" entry on the System tab. If your computer has multiple cores, you may see the number in parentheses after the speed (eg “4 CPUs”). This number indicates the number of cores present in the processor. Each core runs at roughly the same speed (keep in mind that there will always be minor variations).
Method 2 of 4: Mac

Step 1. Click the “Apple” menu and select “About This Mac“

Step 2. Look for the “Processor” entry in the “Overview” tab
This tab displays the advertised processor speed. Keep in mind that this speed may not be the CPU's native speed. This happens because the CPU slows down when not working to save energy and prolong its life.

Step 3. Download Intel Power Gadget
This free program functions to monitor the CPU and report the actual operating speed. You can download it for free from here.
Extract the download and double click the DMG file to install the Intel Power Gadget

Step 4. Download and install Prime95
If you want to know the maximum speed of the processor, you need to place a heavy workload on the CPU. One of the most popular ways to find out is to use the Prime95 program. You can download it for free from mersenne.org/download/. Extract the program and double-click the DMG file to install it. Select "Just Stress Testing" while the program is running.
Prime95 is designed to calculate prime numbers which will maximize CPU usage

Step 5. Find the processor speed
The second graph in the device segment displays the processor speed. The entry " Package Frq " is the current speed calculated based on the task the CPU is doing. This speed is usually lower than "Base Frq" which is the advertised processor speed.
Method 3 of 4: Linux

Step 1. Open the Terminal program
Most of the tools that come with Linux don't display the processor's native speed. Intel presents a tool called a turbostat that can be used to check the speed. You need to install it manually via the Terminal program.

Step 2. Type
uname -r and press Enter.
Note the version number displayed (X. XX. XX-XX).

Step 3. Type
apt-get install linux-tools-X. XX. XX-XX linux-cloud-tools-X. XX. XX-XX and press Enter.
Replace X. XX. XX-XX with the version number obtained in the previous step. Type in the administrator password if prompted.

Step 4. Type
modprobe msr and press Enter.
The MSR module required to run the equipment will be installed on the computer.

Step 5. Open a new Terminal window and type
openssl speed.
The OpenSSL speed test will start and the computer will be pushed to its full potential.

Step 6. Reopen the first Terminal window and type
After the command is executed, various information about the processor will be displayed.

Step 7. Check the column
Each entry refers to the original speed of each core. The TSC column displays the detected speed under normal conditions. With this column, you can see the difference made through the overclocking process. The displayed speed will appear low when the computer is not running a heavy process.
Method 4 of 4: Windows (Overclocked CPU)
An overclocked CPU is a processor whose voltage is modified to produce more power. The overclocking process is quite popular among computer enthusiasts because it can improve performance better than the original performance offered. However, this process also risks damaging computer components. For more detailed instructions on the overclocking process, click here.

Step 1. Download and install the CPU-Z program
This free program can observe the components of a computer and display the exact processor speed. You can download it from cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html.
Advertising devices or toolbars will not be installed during the CPU-Z initial setup process

Step 2. Run CPU-Z
By default, program shortcuts will be displayed on the desktop for you to run them easily. You need to be logged into an administrator account or have an administrator password in order to run the program.

Step 3. Perform tasks that are quite CPU-intensive on the computer
The processor will automatically slow down when not in use so the speed shown in CPU-Z is not full speed, unless the processor is forced to work harder.
Run Prime95 as a quick way to maximize CPU usage. This program is designed to calculate prime numbers and is used by many people to perform stress tests on computers. You can download Prime95 from mersenne.org/download/, extract the program files, and select " Just Stress Testing " when running it

Step 4. Check your CPU speed
The current speed is displayed in the "Core Speed" column of the CPU tab. Don't be surprised if there are minor fluctuations while the computer is processing Prime95.