While sweating and body odor are normal and experienced by everyone, girls often go through puberty earlier than boys and have to face these challenges at a young age. Since research has shown that scent plays an important role in attractiveness, this article provides advice on how to make you smell good to boys. Keeping your body clean, using products that can help make your body smell good, and the following beauty tips will help allay worries about your body odor.
Method 1 of 3: Keeping the Body Clean

Step 1. Don't be shy
Worrying about your body's scent, especially regarding the opinion of the opposite sex, is a natural matter and shouldn't be something you should be ashamed of.

Step 2. Take a shower or bath regularly
Bathing or bathing every day is one of the easiest and most effective ways to make sure your body smells good. Focus on cleaning the areas most likely to cause body odor, such as the armpits, groin, and feet.
- A quick shower before going out to see or maybe seeing a boy will make sure you smell good.
- If you exercise, sweat a lot, or work outdoors, showering after these activities will reduce body odor and keep you smelling good.
- Too often bathing or bathing can irritate the skin. So, you should not shower more than twice a day.

Step 3. Shampoo
Although hair can be damaged if done too often, shampooing regularly will remove oil and dirt (which can cause body odor) from the hair. Wash your hair with shampoo if your hair looks greasy or smelly, or if your scalp feels itchy and peeling.
- Experts recommend shampooing daily if you exercise a lot, live in a humid place, have an oily scalp, or have soft hair. This will help ensure that you are perceived as good by boys.
- People with thick, curly, or non-greasy hair can wash their hair for a longer period of time.
- If you're worried that your hair or scalp stinks but don't want to damage your hair, try using only water and conditioner to clean it (no shampoo). You can also try using products like powdered, dry shampoo. The product will help you wash away oils and scents that may not appeal to boys for a longer period of time.
- If you're not sure how often to wash your hair, ask a professional hair stylist or dermatologist.

Step 4. Brush your teeth
To keep your teeth clean and prevent bad breath that boys might find unattractive, brush your teeth at least twice a day.
- Cleaning between your teeth with dental floss will also help keep your mouth and breath smelling good.
- To clean food particles and germs that cause bad breath, brush your teeth after eating
- If you've been brushing your teeth regularly but still feel like you have bad breath problems, talk to your doctor or dentist. The problem may be caused by an illness.

Step 5. Use an antiperspirant or deodorant
Antiperspirants can help prevent sweating, while deodorants can mask body odor. So, to keep smelling good, use these products every day. To maximize the effectiveness of these products, use them twice a day, in the morning and at night.
- Many antiperspirants also contain deodorant. Compared to deodorants, these products are often more effective at preventing body odor.
- If the usual products don't seem to be working, try a stronger clinical antiperspirant or deodorant. Doctors can also prescribe stronger products.
- Bring antiperspirant or deodorant to school or work so you can use it again when needed.

Step 6. Shaving armpit hair to reduce body odor
Bacteria in body hair can cause body odor. So shaving body hair in certain areas such as the armpits will help reduce and overcome body odor.

Step 7. Change your shoes
Although it's natural, smelly feet are considered unattractive and can make you feel less confident around boys. It's best not to wear the same shoes every day so they have time to dry.
To reduce foot odor and refresh your shoes and feet, you can sprinkle foot powder (powder to reduce foot odor) on your shoes or apply the product directly on your feet

Step 8. Keep clothes clean
Shower regularly and perform the steps above will not be effective if you wear dirty and smelly clothes. Wash your clothes regularly to keep them smelling good.
To remove odors from clothes and increase the effectiveness of the detergent, try adding vinegar, lemon juice, borax, or baking soda during the wash

Step 9. Ask for help
If your attempts at hygiene seem unsuccessful and you are concerned about your scent, call your doctor and explain your situation. The doctor will be able to diagnose and treat the disease that may be causing the problem.
Doctors can also prescribe certain products or drugs that are more effective than over-the-counter products
Method 2 of 3: Finding and Using Products That Make Your Body Smell

Step 1. Learn about the scents that boys find attractive
Fragrance and perfume are personal choices and you should choose a fragrance that you like. However, the researchers found that men were often attracted to certain scents. So, you can try scented perfumes:
- Vanilla
- Orange
- lavender
- Green apple.
- Don't be afraid to ask the opposite sex about the scent they think smells good. This is probably the most effective way to make sure you smell good to other people.

Step 2. Use perfume properly
Using too much or too little perfume can make you unattractive to men. Remember the following rules when using perfume:
- To spread the perfume evenly and don't overdo it, spray the perfume once on the top of your head and walk through the vapors.
- To avoid wasting perfume, spray perfume on several pulse points and areas that emit heat. These areas are the back of the ear, wrist, collarbone, inside of elbow, and knee crease.
- You can also spray a little perfume on the comb before combing your hair.
- A quick way to tell if you've applied too much perfume on an area or not is to wait a few seconds after applying it and touch the area with a tissue. If the tissue sticks, you're probably using too much perfume.
- If you accidentally apply too much perfume or body spray, rub a cotton swab moistened with pure alcohol on the area.

Step 3. Try a scented lotion
When it comes to making your body smell good, scented lotions can last longer and are usually cheaper than perfume. Unlike perfume, this product can also moisturize the skin.
Be careful when using scented lotions and perfumes because when mixed, the scents can become too strong

Step 4. Use scented toiletry products
Using scented toiletry products is also an easy and inexpensive way to make your body smell good because they are often cheaper than perfume.
If you are going to use a strong scented perfume or lotion, you should use a milder scented bath soap so that the scent doesn't smell too strong

Step 5. Think about the scent of the combination of products you use
When using a lot of scented products, you have to consider the possible combinations of scents. Choose products that are suitable to be used together and complement each other so that the aroma is not too strong so that boys don't like it.
- Choose products with the same or similar scent and are suitable for use together. For example, if you use an orange-based perfume, also use an orange-based soap or lotion.
- Products containing vanilla, amber, and coconut tend to work well as coatings and go well with many products.
- To get an objective opinion about your scent, ask your friends or family how the products smell when you use them.
Method 3 of 3: Try Beauty Tips that Make Your Body Smell

Step 1. Prepare a stock of products that can make the body smell good
When you're traveling and want to make sure that you're seen as smelling good by boys, it's best to bring some products that you can use. Try taking these items with you and keeping them in your bag, car, or gym locker.
- Wet wipes or baby wipes to refresh the body.
- Powder to absorb sweat and prevent body odor.
- Antiperspirants and deodorants that can be used when needed.
- Lotion or perfume that can be used when the aroma of the product you are using fades.
- Extra toothbrush, toothpaste, or mouthwash to freshen breath.

Step 2. Use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water to reduce body odor
If there are certain areas of your body (such as your feet or armpits) that you find smelly, mix 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (3%) with 240 ml of water. Then, apply this solution on the area.

Step 3. Use witch hazel
Witch hazel lowers the skin's pH level, making it harder for odor-causing bacteria to survive. To make sure that your body smells good to boys, try dabbing a cotton swab soaked in witch hazel on areas of skin that look smelly like your armpits or feet.
Bring a spray bottle with witch hazel so you can use it when you need it

Step 4. Avoid foods that cause body odor
Certain types of food can make the body smell better. So, try changing the food you eat and notice the difference in your scent. Garlic, curries, onions, fatty foods, and oils have been shown to cause the body to stink.
It's best to consult a doctor or nutritionist before making any significant changes to your diet

Step 5. Chew gum to prevent bad breath
When dry, the breath can smell bad. Chewing gum can help increase the production and flow of saliva.
For the sake of dental health, choose sugar-free gum that contains xylitol

Step 6. Choose and wear clothes made of natural fibers
Unlike synthetic fibers, clothing made from natural fibers such as cotton and wool can make the skin more breathable so body odor can evaporate. These fabrics can also keep you cool and smell good.
- Body odor stuck to synthetic fabrics is much more difficult to remove, even after repeated washing.
- Wash your clothes as soon as possible after use, especially after exercising.

Step 7. Put the fragrance in your drawers and wardrobe
To keep your body and clothes smell good, keep perfume in your drawers and wardrobe.
- For optimal effect, use an antiperspirant twice per day, especially before bed.
- Antiperspirants often contain deodorant. So, you don't need to buy these two products.
- For a long lasting scent, spray perfume on pulse points and areas that emit heat such as behind the ears, wrists, collarbones, inside of the elbows, and the folds of the knees.
- Don't use too many scented products as the combination of scents may be too strong.
- Many people have allergies and sensitive skin. So, if the product you are using causes skin irritation, stop using it immediately.