If you try to peel a plum just by pulling on the skin, your hands will become full of the sweet, sticky liquid. Use the blanching and ice technique to loosen the skin of the fruit and make it easy to separate from the flesh. Whether you're baking pies, making jam or you prefer skinless plums, blanching is a great way to do it.

Step 1. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan
The pot should be large enough to hold at least four or five plums. Use enough water so that the fruit is completely submerged. You need to wait for the water to boil completely so that the plums don't have to be submerged in the hot water for too long. If you boil it too long, the plums will become mush.

Step 2. Prepare ice water
Fill a large bowl with ice and water to make a cool soaking water for the fruit. After you have done the blanching technique, you need to immediately cool the fruit by putting it in ice water.

Step 3. Cut an "x" shape at the base of each plum
Making a small cross-shaped hole at the base of the plum (the side opposite the stem) will make the skin very easy to peel. There is no need to make the slices too deep or large; just use the tip of a knife to make small "x" slices that go through the skin of the fruit and are big enough to stick your finger in.

Step 4. Put the plums in boiling water for 30 seconds
Gently dip into the water and boil for 30 seconds. Pay attention to the boiling time so you don't have to do it too long. If you boil the plums a little longer, the fruit will start to crumble. Use a slotted spoon to remove the plums from the water after 30 seconds.
- Do not boil more than four or five plums at a time. If you add too many prunes to the water at once, the water temperature will drop, and the plums won't cook fast enough.
- If you want, you can put the plums in a large bowl and slowly pour boiling water over the fruit. Let the fruit soak in the hot water for 30 seconds. This technique is useful when you're peeling tender plums and making sure you don't boil them too long.

Step 5. Put the plums in the ice water
Let the fruit soak in the ice water for 30 seconds, then remove it from the water and dry it.

Step 6. Peel the plums
Place your finger under the part of the skin that was peeled off by the "x"-shaped wedge at the base of the plum. Pull off the peeled skin, and the fruit peel will easily come off in one large sheet. Keep pulling the peeled skin on all four sides of the fruit until the skin is completely peeled off. Continue until all the skin of the plum peels off.
- If you find the plums slippery, use the tip of a knife to help gently peel off the skin.
- If the skin is hard to peel off, you may want to try blanching the fruit again. Make sure the water is really boiling and cook the plums for 30 seconds to make it easier to remove the skin.