Plums are one of the most delicious summer fruits, but a single bite will leave wrinkles in your mouth. When ripe, the taste of plums becomes sweeter and softer, which makes them much more pleasant to enjoy. Watch Step 1 to learn how to store/rip plums so that they are ripe, juicy and have the sweetest taste in just one to two days.

Step 1. Store the plums in a clean paper bag
Any type of paper bag can be used, but the inside should be empty and filled only with plums. When plums (and other fruits) ripen, they emit ethylene (a compound in plants including fruit that plays a role in the ripening process). Place the fruit in a paper bag with the top folded to keep the ethylene gas around the fruit, which will speed up the ripening process.
- There is a faster way, namely by placing a bag of ripe bananas with plums. Ethylene produced by bananas will speed up the ripening process of plums.
- Do not store plums in plastic bags. Using a non-porous bag will block the entry of fresh air, and the plums will have a ridiculous taste later.
- If you like, you can ripen the plums by placing them in a fruit bowl instead of in a paper bag/bag. Your plums will still ripen, just not as fast.

Step 2. Store the bag at room temperature (20-25°C)
Plums ripen best when the storage temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. Keep them at this temperature until they become fully ripe.
- Do not store the bag near a window in direct sunlight, as this will cause the plums to overheat and they will rot quickly.
- Likewise, if you store plums in the refrigerator or at low temperatures before they ripen. The fruit will suffer damage, which is called cold damage. As a result, plums will never become juicy and sweet; and instead you'll find starchy, tasteless plums.

Step 3. Check the plums for ripeness
The easiest way to tell if a ripe plum is ripe is to lightly press the skin with your finger. If your finger pressure creates a slight indentation, the plums are probably ripe. If the skin of the plum still feels firm when pressed, you will need to wait a little longer. If your finger pokes a hole in the skin of the plum with just a touch, it means that the ripening process has taken too long. Here are some other ways to check plums for doneness:
- Observe the texture of the plum skin. When plums are ripe, the skin tends to look dusty.
- Touch the plum near the tip. When the plum is ripe, the area will be slightly softer than the rest of the plum.

Step 4. Enjoy the ripe plums
You can enjoy directly or process the plums as soon as they are ripe. To stop the ripening process and make the plums last longer, store them in the refrigerator on the dry side.