Whether you're trying to improve your running skills to become the MVP on your high school running team, or you're trying to improve your skills so you can run successfully in a 5KM race, everyone can improve their running skills with hard work and effort. You will need to improve not only your speed, but also your strength and endurance, remember that the faster you run, the harder it will be to keep your balance. If you want to start improving your running skills, see Step 1 to get started.
Method 1 of 3: Run Better, Faster and Stronger

Step 1. Sprint
This is the time to get on track and beat the 800, 400, or even 200 meters (One mile is about 1600 meters). Being able to run shorter distances at a faster pace can help you run a mile faster. For example, if you run 800 meters for 3 minutes, then you will not be able to run 1 mile for 6 minutes due to the fact that you will slow down because you will be running twice as long. This will help you significantly reduce your running time if you run 800 meters in 4 minutes. Here's how to do it:
Do interval training for 800 meters. Run 800 meters as fast as you can, and once you do, walk 400 meters. Repeat until you have run 800 meters 4 times. Remember how you run; Your goal must be defeated in 800s at the same time. Some say the 800 is a tough race because it requires intense speed “and” endurance.
590103 1b1 - Do interval training for 400 meters. Run 400 meters, walk 200 meters, run 400 meters, walk 200 meters and so on, until you run 400s 6-8 times.
- Do interval training for 200 meters. Run 200 meters, walk 100 meters, run 200 meters, walk 100 meters and repeat until you have run 200 meters at least 8 times. Starting to see a pattern here?

Step 2. Perform exercises to increase your arm speed
Having fast and strong arm movements is just as important as having strong legs. Here are some exercises that can help you increase arm speed:
Perform arm movements in a standing position. In a standing position, arms down, all you have to do is open your arms, keep your elbows at a 90 degree angle, and move your elbows down and then move your arms in their original position, moving them from chin to pocket, chin to pocket, as quickly as possible. that you can afford. Do 3 repetitions of 10-20 times each repetition to increase arm speed. You can even look at yourself in the mirror as you do this to make sure you move your arms back and forth.
590103 2b1 - Perform arm movements in a sitting position. Do the same with your arms as you did as long as your arms are dipping in a standing position, except sitting with your legs straight out in front of you, not standing.

Step 3. Do interval training
Interval training means sprinting and resting, sprinting and resting, for a distance shorter than 1 mile. Ideally, you can do it on the track. You need to be in fairly good shape before you start interval training. Once you are comfortable, you can start with a higher percentage of maximum effort. You can also run with increased speed over a long period of time; for example, you could run at pace in a race for 2-3 minutes, stretch for 90 seconds, run at pace in a race for 2-3 minutes, and repeat until you've done up to 25-30 minutes of interval training. It's about the amount of time you run, not the distance, so here are some examples of regular interval training:
- 5 minutes of light heating. After that, stretch.
- 30 seconds of increasing speed (70-75% of maximum effort) followed by 2 minutes of running at a reduced pace.
- 30 seconds of increasing speed (75-80% of maximum effort) followed by 2 minutes of running at a reduced pace.
- 30 seconds of increasing speed (80-85% of maximum effort) followed by 2 minutes of running at a reduced pace.
- 30 seconds of increasing speed (85-90% of maximum effort) followed by 2 minutes of running at a reduced pace.
- 30 seconds of increasing speed (90-95% of maximum effort) followed by 2 minutes of running at a reduced pace.
- 30 seconds of increasing speed (100% maximum effort) followed by 2 minutes of running at a reduced pace.
- 5 minutes of slow running and stretching.

Step 4. Perform exercises to increase leg strength
The stronger your legs are, the greater their strength and resistance will be, and the faster you will be able to run. Here are some ways to build your leg strength:
Do a fast run on an uphill place. Instead of doing a sprint in place, do a sprint uphill, running for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then walking down to recover for at least 1 minute before repeating the exercise. Do it at least 10 times at a time. This will build strength, "and" your cardiovascular strength.
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Do the jump. For this exercise, jump as high as you can over an object such as a soccer ball or cone at least 50 feet (they can be shadow objects too). This will increase your strength and speed. After you have finished jumping 50 feet, return to the back of the starting line and repeat the exercise. Continue for a minimum of 50 repetitions.
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Do knee kicks. Run in place for 30 seconds, kicking your knees up as fast and as high as you can, so they reach at least above your waist.
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Climb the ladder. Run up stairs for 30 seconds to a minute, walk down, and repeat at least 5 times. It's good for your heart too.
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Step 5. Increase your endurance
Running is both speed and endurance, so it's important to have the best possible endurance. The best thing you can do to improve your endurance is to run longer distances to train your body to stay strong for several miles. This doesn't mean that you have to train for a marathon, but you should be comfortable running 5KM at a good pace, or even 10KM.
- Alternate your workout between speed training time and resistance training time. For example, one day, you can run the 800 meters 4 times as fast as you can, and the next day, you can run 6.4 km at a good pace to use your endurance versus your speed.
- Remember that you're not just actually improving one or the other. Even running 800 meters can increase your endurance, just running 8km can increase your speed.
When you run longer distances, have a goal for each mile you want to cover -- in 10 minutes, 12 minutes, or 15 minutes. Do it to reach your goal instead of rushing out the gate and then struggling to finish.
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Add some incline to your resistance training. If you add some tough climbs and terrain, your endurance will build up more and it will become easier for you to run fast when the time comes.
590103 5b4 - If you're tired of running, you can increase your endurance by swimming, playing soccer or basketball, or doing something that requires 30 minutes of continuous movement or more.

Step 6. Use hand weights
Hand weights can help you improve your arm and abdominal strength and spending just 20 minutes a day can help you get stronger and faster. You can do it easily. Pick up some light weights and do a variety of exercises that can help you use your biceps, triceps, forearms, and shoulders. You can twist your biceps, flip your triceps, or grip your hammer.

Step 7. Do other exercises to increase your strength
While hand weights can be useful, you can also do them at home without using a single weight and increase your strength quickly. Here are some exercises you can try:
- Squats. Standing straight, squatting, and then standing back up at least 10 times for three repetitions can help strengthen your thighs.
- Push-ups. Push ups can help you build strength in your biceps and triceps.
- Exercising the abdominal muscles. Do sit ups, or cycle to help yourself work your abs and get stronger.
Method 2 of 3: Improving Your Technique

Step 1. Master proper upper body running
Running the right way will prevent you from feeling tired and use up extra energy you don't need to expend. This will help cut more of your running time. Here are some things you should know to keep your upper body strong for running:
Tilt your head properly. Look forward, in a horizontal line, not at your feet. This will help keep your neck and back straight.
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Keep your shoulders down and flexible. If your shoulders start to move up beyond your ears when you're tired, shake them to prevent tension. It's important to keep your upper body flexible and in a relaxed state if you want to run as efficiently as possible.
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Use your arms as efficiently as possible. Keeping your hands in a fist, swing your arms back and forth, sideways between your waist and lower chest, keeping your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.
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Keep your body and back straight. Stretch up to reach the maximum possible height while keeping your back straight and comfortable. Deep breaths can help straighten your body when you are tired.
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Step 2. Master the proper technique on the lower body
Your legs and lower body are as important for running as your upper body. Here's what you need to know to get the technique right:
Keep your hips pointed forward. If you start slouching during your run, you will put more weight on your back "and" you won't be running as fast as you could.
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Lift your knees slightly as you run. This, along with rapid leg changes and short strides, can help you run longer distances more quickly. Your feet should land under your body, with your knees slightly bent so they can bend properly when your feet hit the ground.
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Touch the ground lightly with your feet. Touch your foot between your heel and your midfoot and then move quickly forward toward your toes, keeping your ankle bent so you get more urge to move. Jump off the ground as you move toward your thumb, so that your calves push you forward with each step, keeping your movement steady but bounce.
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Step 3. Breathe properly
If you want to maximize your running potential, then you have to do your lower breathing. You should learn to breathe deeply, through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Nasal breathing is difficult for some people, so you need to work hard; If you breathe through your mouth, you may find yourself gasping for air. Time your breath according to your pace, breathing every 3 or 4 steps, so you have a rhythm of breathing. If you feel that you are in balance, focus on your breathing.

Step 4. Master your technique throughout the race
If you run a mile on the track or before a race, then there are things you can do to improve your time during race practice, using other runners to your advantage. Here are some things you can do:
Bring out all your strength. Get up to speed and get more excited, don't let other runners get in front of you, which will make it more difficult for you to clear your way in front of the crowd during the race.
590103 11b1 - Know your position. If you are on a team, you should have a place where you are in the crowd. If you are the fastest runner on your team, then you should start at the front of your crowd. If you're a little slow, then you shouldn't start at the front because you'll get in the way of the faster people, and you'd better find a good position in the crowd.
- Don't work too hard to be in front. The runner who is in front of the crowd faces a lot of pressure in the race because he sets the pace for the crowd, beats the wind, and feels more depressed when other runners are beside him. Unless you jump faster than everyone else in the race, you should stay "close" in front, let the other person set the pace and look for your chance to get ahead when you feel the front runner is tired. This can happen up to the last 400 or 200 meters in a race.
Stay in a relaxed state in the middle of the race. Don't be tense in the middle of the race. Focus on your breathing, and keep your body relaxed and flexible as you move forward.
590103 11b4 - Maintain the best position in the lane. If you're running on a track, a good rule of thumb is to run straight, not curve. Running in a curve consumes energy, because you will only run “longer” to be around other people than when you run straight. When you're running in tight conditions, try to keep running straight in the lane, so that you actually cover a short distance; this is a good strategy as long as you are not mobbed by other runners.
Take a kick at the end. Over the last 100-200 meters, you have to really dig deep and get ready to get your heart pumping. Don't waste your energy and struggle to survive the hectic conditions at this point; collect power and increase your original speed. You may even feel like you're running fast during the last minute and this doesn't matter if what you're doing is to win.
590103 11b6 - Stay focused. Don't look at your coach, your group, or anyone else beside or behind you, or you'll be unmotivated.

Step 5. Warm up and stretch effectively
There is some teaching that warms up before and after a run can help you run faster, prevent injury, and help your body get ready to run and relax. However, others believe that a warm-up actually only exhausts the muscles and has no real advantage before a workout, and that just a few minutes of warm-up can lead to a better workout.
- If you decide to stretch your calves, hamstrings, and heels, do some simple standing and sitting stretches.
- If you want to stretch before you run, then jog for a minute or two, do a few knee kicks, or run in place to get your heart rate up. Whichever you choose, it will get your body ready to run faster.
Method 3 of 3: Running Smart

Step 1. Make sure you have the right shoes
One of the easiest ways to increase your running speed is to make sure that you are wearing appropriate footwear. This seems unrelated, but if you run in shoes that are too long, too comfortable, too loose, or don't provide you with the proper support, then you may not be able to maximize your potential. Do not be shy. Go to a sports store, where professional employees can help you find the shoe that suits you best, and sometimes even just watch you run to see what type of shoe suits you best. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you're considering buying a new running shoe:
How far can you run in your old shoes. It's a good idea to change your running shoes after running between 480-640km, which is roughly a year of running about 16km every week, or earlier if you're using them for marathon or half-marathon training. Running in poorly shaped shoes not only makes it difficult for you to run fast, but can also cause injury.
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Movement space. You should have at least a thumb-width of space between the tip of your last toe and the front of your shoe. Most people buy running shoes that are actually too small, so it's better if you feel like you're wearing clown shoes for the first time.
590103 13b2 - A comfortable size at mid-foot. Your foot should be comfortable on the other side.
- Comfortable size on the heel. Slipping in this area can cause injury.

Step 2. Eat well
You should eat enough to give yourself the energy to run, but not so much that you feel sluggish or tired. Don't eat less than an hour before your run, or you'll feel sluggish. If you know that you are going to do an intense running workout, then until you feel 2/3 full. You should eat foods that contain carbohydrates and that are easy to digest, and that will give you energy without weighing you down. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to eat right to help yourself run faster:
- It's all about balance. While the right carbohydrates will give you energy, don't forget about protein or fruits and vegetables.
- If you're only training to increase your running speed, you "don't" need to increase your carbohydrate intake. Don't eat a bowl of pasta before you run, think it will give you the energy you need.
If you want a snack that will help you train your body, try a banana, peach, half a cliff bar, a slice of whole wheat bread, or a muffin with jelly.
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Step 3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
Drink at least 16 ounce glasses of water an hour before you run, and make sure you consume at least 8-10 glasses in one day.
In addition to drinking water, drinking a cup of coffee 30 minutes to an hour before your run "can" make you run faster. However, don't try this for the first time on race day, or it can make you a little jittery and cause digestive problems.
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Step 4. Lose weight if needed
If you are at the right weight, you don't need to try to lose weight. However, if you are slightly overweight, it will slow you down because it will put a strain on your body when you run. So, stick to a healthy routine to lose weight and eat foods that keep your body strong.

Step 5. Make friends
Running with someone who is at the same pace, or faster than you, can help you to stay motivated and not give up easily when you feel tired. Whether you run, join an athlete's club, or run the 5 KM in your city as often as you can, just having friends can help you stay strong, think healthy, and try to break your own record. Most importantly, running with other people can remind you that fitness is an important goal, as well as having fun!

Step 6. Do the exercise
Whether you are doing it with a friend or alone, if you want to increase your speed, you should do regular exercises as you run, simulating the stress you would feel if you were running in a real race. You don't have to spend all the time running or you'll put a lot of stress on yourself, but it's best to do it at least once a week so you don't get overwhelmed, keep your adrenaline going, and prepare for success. If you beat your personal record, celebrate and think about all the things you did right, so you can continue to increase your pace in the future.

Step 7. Set your defaults
If you're trying to start running in high school, then you can aim to run 6-6:30 miles if you're a girl, or even 5-5:30 miles if you're a boy. However, if you're just trying to run faster because you want to have fun and stay healthy, then doing 12 or 10 minutes of running is an impressive goal. You don't have to be Usain Bolt to feel great about how fast you run, and you don't have to keep your pace and keep up with all the runners around you if your body is asking you to slow down. It's good for increasing your speed, but it's even more important for staying healthy and proud of who you are who stays healthy.
- Running on an iPod or taking a friend will make it even more fun.
- Running is more fun when you're doing it outdoors, and it's easier to push yourself. Only run on the treadmill if the weather is bad.
- Remember the saying “quality vs. quantity” when doing repetitions for weight training.
- Push yourself one day and relax the next.
- Do it in the stadium. Stretch first. Then run faster (sprint). This will increase your endurance to run (16) 100 meters.
- Pushups and sit ups can be done every day. However, when weight training, you should rest for at least 48 hours before doing the repetitions. It's also a good idea to take a break from any strenuous activity, in order to give your body time to repair itself.