It's easy to get confused about the etiquette of writing a married couple's name. Fortunately, traditions are changing and there is no “right” or “wrong” way to do it. Just observe if the couple uses the same last name, a hyphen, or a different name. After that, decide whether you want to include their formal titles or just names. Finally, don't forget to write down the correct mailing address, and include your address as the sender.
Method 1 of 3: Writing Envelopes With Formal Letters

Step 1. Use “Father and Mother [Husband's First and Last Name]” as the traditional method
Although rules regarding etiquette are changing rapidly, traditionally, a husband and wife will be addressed by the name of their husband. As an example:
- Mr and Mrs Rahman Karim
- Mr. and Mrs. Arief Fajar
- Mr and Mrs Widi Jayanto

Step 2. Include only your title and last name for a bolder greeting
If you don't want to write your spouse's first name, write down the title and surname. For example, write Mr. and Mrs. Jayanto or Mr. and Mrs. Fajar.
This is a good option if you are writing a lot of envelopes because it can save time

Step 3. Write the official title before the name if possible
If one or both of these people work in the military, have a college degree, or are religious figures, list their titles before their first or last name.
For example, you could write Dr. Arief Fajar and Dr. Tashia Maharani. If one of the two is a religious figure, you can write Kiai Arief and Ibu Tashia. For military employees, you can write Lieutenant Joni and Ibu Alma

Step 4. Include first name if you write last name with hyphens
If one of the spouses' names after marriage is hyphenated, include the title and first name. You should also include the full name of the person who is married, but not hyphenated.
For example, write Mr. Matthew Vargas and Mrs. Sofia Townsend-Vargas
Method 2 of 3: Writing Informal Envelopes

Step 1. List the couple's first names for an informal style
To keep it personal and casual, write your partner's first and last names without official titles. You are free to arrange the names that are mentioned first or arrange them in alphabetical order.
For example, write the names Arief and Tashia or Gagan and Luna Maya

Step 2. Include the name of the spouse and the word “with Family” for the casual envelope
If you want to write the name of a married couple in the letter along with their family members, list the first name of the couple first along with their last name. After that, write “with Family” after the name.
For example, write Fairuz and Chika Balafif and Family. For a different last name, write Fairuz Balafif, Chika Rahman, and Family

Step 3. Write down the last name of the family if you don't want to list the names individually
To include the name of the spouse and family simply, just write the family name. For example, write Family of Balafif or Family of Mr. Fairuz.
If you are sending a formal letter that has another envelope on the inside, you can include individual names on the inside envelope
Method 3 of 3: Writing Address Information

Step 1. Write the spouse's name in the middle of the envelope
Once you've decided on a method for writing your spouse's name, write their name in the center of the envelope. Leave plenty of space to write their names on one line.

Step 2. Include the address below the name
Just below the name, write down the street address or P. O Box, the name of the city, province, and postal code. For example, the address could be written like this:
Mr and Mrs Maharani
Jl. Manglayang number 18.
Gayungan, Surabaya 60231

Step 3. Write your address as the sender in the upper left corner of the envelope
It is very important to include the return address so that the letter can be returned if it is not delivered. Also include your full name or last name in the top left corner. Under your name, write the full address for correspondence. For example, your address could be written like this:
Arief Fajar
Perum Abadi Blok P no 123
Setiabudhi, Bandung City 20143
- If you are sending mail to another country, write the name of the country of destination under the postal code.
- If you send a lot of letters, choose one method of writing your name and use it consistently.
- To send a letter to an unmarried couple, list their names in alphabetical order.