Moving a pool table is not an easy job. It takes a lot of effort to do it. If you just want to move the desk to a different location in the house, the easiest way is to ask a few muscular people to work together. Moving a pool table to a new home or storage room also requires the help of a few people and the addition of the right tools and patience.
Method 1 of 3: Moving Pool Tables at Home

Step 1. Prepare four wooden trolleys (dolly)
This magic wooden plank on wheels can help you move heavy items with ease. You will need to wrap the edges of the trolley with a rug or cloth. This will prevent the pool table legs from getting scratched.

Step 2. Place the equipment in the specified position
Position the trolley in each corner of the pool table to prepare it. Later, the trolley will be tucked under the table leg. Clear the area around the pool table so that no objects can get stuck on the wheels of the trolley and make it difficult for you to push them to the desired location.
When moving objects around/under the pool table, don't forget to remove any rugs that could bulge and block the passage of the trolley

Step 3. Lift one end of the table
You should be able to do it yourself, but since the pool table is quite heavy, ask a friend for help. Lift one of the table legs off the long side of the table.
Lift the table legs by resting on your feet to avoid injury to the spine

Step 4. Push the trolley into place
If you are working alone, use your legs to maneuver and push the trolley into position under the pool table. Make sure you don't force yourself to do this work because the grip can be released; the pool table can be damaged if you drop it. If someone helps you, ask them to push the trolley under the table legs.
Repeat this process by handling both legs on the same end of the table

Step 5. Lock the trolley wheels
When you lift the table leg at the other end, you will apply pressure to the pool table which can cause the newly installed trolley to move backwards. To prevent this, you must lock the wheel, or place an object that will hold the wheel so that the trolley cannot move.

Step 6. Lift the other end of the table
Make sure the trolley is in a place where your feet can reach it or your friend is ready to push it under the table leg, then lift the other end of the table. Place the other two trolleys under the table legs at the other end.

Step 7. Unlock the wheels of the trolley and get ready to push
First, unlock the wheel or remove the wedge used to hold the trolley in position. After that, you can push the table to follow the path you have set. Measure all the doors the table will pass through and make sure the pool table width is smaller than the door width. Roll up the rug and remove anything else that could get in the way or jam the trolley wheels. A jammed wheel can cause the table to shake and cause damage to the table itself, to yourself, the wall, or any of your other valuables.

Step 8. Apply firm, steady pressure
You have to control the speed of the table as you push it. The pool table is very heavy, if you push it at high speed, it will be very difficult to stop it. If you are doing this work with a friend, each must push the table from opposite angles, at the same end, at a controlled speed, through a predetermined path.
- If you're doing this job alone, you'll need to take a position in the middle, for example at the end of the longer side, between the two pockets in the corner of the table.
- The weight of the pool table will make it difficult for you to turn. Think about this as you move it to a different location in the house.

Step 9. Put the lock on the trolley wheel at one end first
You have to pull the trolley that is in the opposite position first. Before doing anything, check the position and level of the pool table alignment. Once the table is removed from the trolley, it will be difficult to slide the table back.

Step 10. Pull the trolley
Lift the table from the center of one of the longer sides and ask a friend to quickly pull the trolley. Then, you should carefully lower the table to the floor. If you're working alone, make sure you can kick the trolley easily from under the table legs. Then, you can lower the table slowly and in a controlled manner to avoid damage.
Once one set of trolleys has been removed, you can unlock the wheel of the trolley on the other end and remove the trolley in the same way
Method 2 of 3: Moving a Pool Table to a New Home

Step 1. Remove the pouch
Each pool table has 4 pockets on each corner and 2 pockets on the sides. These pockets are attached in different ways, depending on the design of the pool table, but you'll usually find staples to attach the bag to the table. Lie under the bag and remove the staples with a flat-head screwdriver or a special tool for this purpose.
To protect your eyes from dirt or dust that may fall, it's best not to lie directly under the pool table, and consider wearing protective eyewear

Step 2. Remove the rails
Again, the system that holds the rails on the table will depend on the design of the table, but in general you will find screws to secure them. You can remove the screws easily with a regular wrench.
Remove each rail. If the rails are mounted in multiple sections, you may need help pulling them all together and releasing them

Step 3. Remove the table cover
This is the most complicated step in the process of moving the table because if the cover is torn off even a little, it will destroy the whole table. If the cover is stapled, use a special tool to prevent damage to the fabric.
- The glue-attached fabric can be removed by pulling it backwards, never upwards or forwards, and being careful not to tear the fabric.
- If you want to reuse the cover, fold it neatly so it doesn't wrinkle or wrinkle.

Step 4. Separate the slate from the table
There may be screws used to secure the slate to the frame. The most effective way to remove screws is to use an electric drill with a suitable head size.
In some cases, beeswax is used on the screws to prevent damage. If that's the case, use a flat-blade screwdriver to scrape off the beeswax before removing the screws

Step 5. Place the slate in the transport vehicle
The stone slabs that make up the surface of the table on which you play billiards must remain intact so that you can continue to play the game correctly later on. Slate usually consists of one whole piece or three smaller pieces. Remove the slate from the table and place it in the transport vehicle.
- It's fine if you want to pile up the slate, but make sure you tie it well and try not to rub it against other objects as this can cause damage.
- To make sure the slate doesn't get damaged, you can wrap it in a blanket, duvet, or other large piece of cloth.

Step 6. Remove the table legs
Once the perishable parts are removed and stored, you can remove the table legs without any problems. You can use a reliable screwdriver again to make the job easier, and with the right process, the table legs can be dismantled in no time.

Step 7. Load the frame on the transport vehicle
You can put the frame on the slate. If the table frame is made of lacquered wood, you will need to wrap it with a cloth covering or some kind of cushion to protect the surface from damage.

Step 8. Move the table to the new home
After this stage, the remaining parts of the table will be easier to handle and you won't have to disassemble them further. Complete the process of loading all parts of the table into the transport vehicle and move the table to its new location.

Step 9. Check the new location
You must take steps to ensure that the table is properly positioned in the designated location. However, a more important step, you must clear the area that has been designated as the location of the pool table and the path leading to the room. The possibility of tripping over the carpet while carrying slate can be disastrous and render the pool table unusable.

Step 10. Put the table parts back together in reverse order
You have to be very careful when reassembling the pool table. Improper installation can make the table tilt and will affect the game. The first parts that must be installed in this process are the frame and legs.
If you experience tilting, warping or damaged slate issues, please see the troubleshooting section

Step 11. Install the slate
The slate is one of the most difficult and vulnerable parts of the pool table due to its heavy weight. Damage to the slates can damage the pool table. Slates that are made up of one whole piece are easier to install because you just have to put them in place. Slate consisting of three separate parts must be installed one by one on the table being assembled. Move each piece on the table while leaving some space between each piece. The next steps are as follows:
- Check each part to make sure there is no damage and all three can be installed properly. Are the metal pegs that connect each piece bent or curved? If so, you may have to go to a hardware store to buy a new one.
- Slide each piece of slate to fit the three together with the correct coupling and snap the slate into place.
- Be careful not to get your fingers caught between the pieces of slate. This can lead to serious hand and finger injuries.
Method 3 of 3: Troubleshooting

Step 1. Check for skew or tension in the frame
This is most likely the case with older models whose frames are usually more difficult to disassemble. During the transfer process it may be possible to shift the frame configuration. This can make it difficult for you to fit the slate into place.
Use a level (height gauge) to make sure the frame has the right shape. You may also need to use a right angled to check the corners in the corners of each table

Step 2. Overcome the arch
An old-fashioned desk or table that has been in one location for a long time may be slightly curved, or it may follow the natural contours of the room it occupies. That means you may need an extra piece, which is not part of the pool table, to balance it out and deal with any swaying that may occur after the table is moved to a new location.
When selecting objects to balance a swaying pool table, you should choose a material that will not flatten as it supports the weight of the table. A piece of steel or solid tile can be a good choice

Step 3. Re-align the table height
Buildings often have a slight slope, and pool tables usually have legs that can be adjusted to overcome this problem. After handling the frame configuration and other imbalances, you can proceed with the process of leveling the tabletops. Have a friend hold the level on a flat part of the frame, then:
- Check the result shown by level.
- If the table height is uneven, lift one of the ends that must be adjusted.
- Ask a friend to adjust the table legs in the right direction.
- Lower the table.
- Check the results indicated by the level one more time and repeat if necessary.

Step 4. Fix the slate
If there is serious damage to the slate, you may need professional help to repair it or even replace it with a new one, but small chips or cracks can be handled by yourself. To repair small chips or cracks, mix gypsum cement and apply to problem areas, while larger cracks can be filled with car body putty.
Once the patch has hardened, you can sand it down so that the surface is even

Step 5. Flatten the slate on the curved frame
Not much can be done if the entire table frame is curved so that the slate is supported by the stand at a certain angle. On the other hand, the slate is adjustable. After joining the pieces of slate together and repairing any possible damage, you can make thin strips of wood, called shims, and use them to even out the position of the slate.

Step 6. Understand how to deal with ancient rails
Some older pool tables use bolts to connect the rails to the narrow edges of the slate. To remove and install the rails on an old-fashioned pool table, use a T wrench to make the process easier.
For best results when reassembling table parts, you should check frequently that the table surface is level throughout the process. Once all the parts are in place, you can level the entire table, but making minor adjustments during the process can prevent serious tilts that might occur if the entire table is attached
- Be aware that moving the table alone can be risky. You may have to repair or purchase certain parts if they are damaged during the transport process.
- Pool tables are usually very heavy. If you try to move it yourself or move it while you are injured, it could be dangerous for you.