Spider varicose veins, also known as telangiectasia, are dilated blood vessels that occur near your nose. While the effects are often harmless, your self-confidence will likely drop as a result. In fact, the appearance of spider varicose veins can be caused by many things including excessive sun exposure, skin diseases such as rosacea, alcohol consumption, long-term steroid use, hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy, and autoimmune diseases. To eliminate or simply reduce the number, try various natural methods such as changing diet and exercise patterns. In addition, you can also try using a variety of creams and supplements that are sold freely in pharmacies. If the condition of varicose veins does not improve after that, immediately see a doctor to find out an accurate diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment method for you.
Method 1 of 4: Treat Varicose Veins Naturally

Step 1. Keep yourself hydrated
Although the effect is not clear, many people claim that their skin condition improves after trying to increase their daily water consumption. After all, this method doesn't hurt to be applied because consuming lots of water is also proven to be good for your overall health, right? From now on, try to consume 2-3 liters of water every day to keep the body properly hydrated.

Step 2. Reduce alcohol consumption
In some cases, varicose veins are actually caused by excessive consumption. If you've been accustomed to consuming alcohol on a regular basis, try reducing the frequency or stop consuming it and observe the impact on your varicose veins. Supposedly, the number of varicose veins in your nose will decrease drastically after that.

Step 3. Increase consumption of ginger
So far, research examining the impact of dietary changes on the treatment of varicose veins is still very limited. However, the positive impact of ginger for treating varicose veins has actually been quite popular among the general public. Therefore, there is no harm in increasing the consumption of foods containing ginger, right? Try adding fresh ginger to food or brewing it into a tea for a delicious taste!

Step 4. Drink cold green tea
In fact, green tea has been shown to be able to treat patients with similar skin diseases, such as rosacea. Although its effectiveness has not been scientifically tested, at least green tea is proven to be able to rejuvenate the skin. Therefore, try to consume two glasses of cold green tea in a day and observe the results.
- This method will not work for those of you who are allergic to green tea.
- Avoid hot drinks that are at risk of making varicose veins more inflamed.

Step 5. Put on a face mask made of oatmeal
In some cases, oatmeal masks have been shown to be able to treat facial redness caused by skin diseases such as eczema or rosacea. Therefore, it is possible that you can use it to treat varicose veins in the nose even though its effectiveness has not been scientifically tested. To make an oatmeal mask, mix oatmeal and water until the texture resembles a paste, then apply it immediately to the nose that has varicose veins. After the mask dries, rinse it off immediately. Repeat the process 4 times a week and observe the results.
Method 2 of 4: Using Creams and Supplements

Step 1. Use a face cream that claims to treat varicose veins
You can easily find variants of these creams at various pharmacies, health stores, beauty salons, or online stores. Although the effectiveness varies for each person, but at least you can try it if you don't want to do medical treatment. Apply the cream to the nose according to the instructions for use and observe the effect after a while.
Remember, the use of creams can cause negative side effects in some people. Therefore, always follow the instructions for use on the back of the package and stop using the cream if unwanted side effects occur

Step 2. Use a cream that contains vitamins
Vitamins A, E, C, and K are effective in promoting healthy skin and therefore, can reduce the number of spider varicose veins in your nose. You can easily find vitamin creams in various pharmacies or online stores. To use it, always follow the instructions on the packaging and observe the results after a while.

Step 3. Try using cypress oil
Although further scientific research is needed, essential oils have been shown to be able to treat varicose veins in some people. In particular, cypress oil which has the ability to improve blood circulation is worth a try. To make it, mix 10-12 drops of cypress oil with 30 ml of a solvent oil like olive oil, and rub it into your nose at least twice a day. Do this process for a few weeks to see the results.
- Some people have a high sensitivity to essential oils. If the skin feels itchy, irritated, or shows other negative side effects, stop using the essential oil immediately.
- Make sure essential oils are always diluted or reconstituted before use!
Method 3 of 4: Doing Medical Treatment

Step 1. Consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of varicose veins
In fact, spider varicose veins can be caused by various conditions, from genetic history to skin diseases such as rosacea. To find out the most appropriate treatment method, your doctor first needs to understand the cause of your varicose veins.
- For example, if you are diagnosed with a skin condition such as rosacea, your doctor will likely prescribe cleansing creams and soaps to treat the condition.
- Another option is a doctor-prescribed topical medication such as Mirvaso (brimonidine) or Rhofade (oxymetazoline hydrochloride).

Step 2. Perform laser therapy
Laser therapy is one of the most common topical procedures for removing varicose veins in the nose, and you can do it in your doctor's office. For some people, this therapy can leave scars and give less effective results. Therefore, first consult your desire to do this method to your doctor.

Step 3. Perform sclerotherapy
In this procedure, the doctor will inject a chemical liquid to produce a blood clot that can close the wound and stop bleeding in the area affected by varicose veins. After the blood clot is reabsorbed by the body, your varicose veins should disappear. Generally, this procedure is recommended for patients who have multiple spider varicose veins.

Step 4. Ask a dermatologist for the possibility of performing the Veinwave procedure
Veinwave is a procedure to remove varicose veins using vein waves instead of light. Although it has fewer side effects than laser therapy, this procedure is still relatively new and its long-term effects have not been studied scientifically. Still interested in trying it? Try to consult this possibility with your dermatologist!
Since Veinwave is a relatively new procedure and has not been thoroughly tested, it is best to consider this option only if other procedures have not worked
Method 4 of 4: Prevent Varicose Veins From Reappearing

Step 1. Use a gentle facial cleanser
Avoid cleansing soaps or scrubs that contain chemicals that are too harsh or unfriendly to the skin. Also, don't use products that have sharp edges to exfoliate your face, such as crushed apricot skin. If possible, apply a non-comedogenic (non-comedogenic) moisturizer every day. Also do not squeeze or peel pimples and pores to prevent varicose veins in the nose.

Step 2. Protect skin from natural irritants
Always wear a sunscreen cream with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your skin from the sun's rays. Also, try not to leave the room in the middle of the day! If absolutely necessary, at least wear long-sleeved shirts, wide hats, and/or scarves to protect your skin from extreme temperatures or wind volumes.

Step 3. Support liver function
In fact, even liver function that is not optimal can trigger varicose veins. Therefore, reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages and try taking supplements to maintain liver health such as milk thistle, holy basil, dandelion root, and bupleurum. Remember, consult the use of any supplements to the doctor!

Step 4. Avoid foods that are at risk of causing inflammation
This method is especially mandatory for those of you who have autoimmune diseases! Some examples of foods to avoid are processed foods (such as canned meat and hot dogs), fast food, sugar, wheat, and gluten.

Step 5. Discuss the appropriate treatment options for your condition with your doctor
Indeed, varicose veins can also arise as a side effect of taking steroids or hormone replacement drugs. If you are currently taking one or both, try discussing alternatives to substitute it with your doctor. Do not stop taking any medication without the knowledge of a medical professional!