Tired of every morning rushing to get ready because you wake up late, but still late for school? Establish a morning routine so you can save time and get to school on time.
Part 1 of 2: Preparing for the Night

Step 1. In the evening, put in your bag/backpack all the necessities (including homework and other assignments) that must be brought to school tomorrow morning
Ask parents to sign all worksheets. Put all your books, papers, and other school supplies in your bag to be ready to take to school tomorrow morning

Step 2. Choose the clothes you want to wear
Put school clothes in a certain place that is easily visible so you don't have to be confused looking for them in the morning.
Prepare accessories if you want to wear them
Part 2 of 2: Getting Ready for School in the Morning

Step 1. Make sure you wake up at a certain time
Get in the habit of getting up at least 30 minutes or earlier before your scheduled departure for school to allow enough time to get ready. You should set an alarm so you can wake up.

Step 2. Get in the habit of taking a shower in the morning and brushing your teeth
Keeping your body and appearance clean is the right step to prepare yourself before going to school.
Get in the habit of taking a shower in the morning so that you feel fresher and more comfortable during lessons

Step 3. Wear neat and clean clothes
Preparation for school feels easier because you have prepared school clothes since the evening.

Step 4. Comb the hair
You can style your hair in your favorite style or simply comb it to make it look neater.

Step 5. Tidy the sheets, adjust the pillows, and fold the nightgown

Step 6. Eat breakfast
Choose the menu that you like for breakfast. Remember that breakfast is always more beneficial than going to school on an empty stomach. So, make it a habit to eat breakfast before going to school!
If you don't have time to eat breakfast at home, prepare a healthy snack that can be put in a bag or pocket and easy to take. So, you can eat it on the way to school or during breaks

Step 7. Do other necessary things
For example:
- Wake up your brother or sister. Help your brother or sister so they can get up early in the morning on time. Maybe you are late for school because they wake up late in the morning.
- Provide food and drink for pets if available.

Step 8. Take your school bag and check again to make sure all school supplies (including homework) are in it
Turn off the lights and lock the door if you are in charge of doing so. Head to school so you can arrive on time!
- Don't fall asleep at school so you don't get nervous. Get in the habit of sleeping at least 8 hours every day so you don't get sleepy and don't get tired quickly when you are active the next day.
- Make time for light exercise or practice yoga in the morning. This exercise can keep your body in shape so you don't get tired quickly. Set aside enough time in the morning so you can still relax and don't have to rush. Make a regular schedule on the weekends.
- If you can't wake up even though the alarm has gone off, set some alarms on your phone. The last alarm will sound 30-60 minutes before you have to go to school. Don't forget to take into account how long it will take to get to school.
- Get in the habit of brushing your teeth for at least 2 minutes to keep your teeth healthy.
- Prepare a healthy breakfast menu every morning so you are ready to move all day long! Prepare lunch for lunch the night before. Drink milk at breakfast, may be cow's milk or soy milk. Cow's milk contains more protein so it is more filling. Don't forget to drink water.
- Don't use your phone to play games or chat with friends in the morning because you'll get distracted and lose track of time. Save your phone first.
- When you wake up, get out of bed immediately so you don't fall asleep again. If you have trouble getting up in the morning, set the ringtone loud enough to be heard or put your alarm in another room so you have to walk to turn it off.
- Taking a shower in the morning and washing your face will clean your eyes, refresh your body, and give you more energy! If you want to take a shower every morning, set aside at least 10 minutes of extra time to shower.
- If you promised to go to school with a friend, but it seems like you're going to be late, call your friend to let them know.
- Don't extend your sleep by 5 minutes because you want to wake up later! You can fall asleep again so often late. After all, you still have to wake up!
- You can fall asleep for up to 20 minutes if you don't get out of bed right away. Besides being late for school, you will get tired easily.
What You Need
- Alarm or radio alarm (optional)
- School uniform
- Breakfast
- Sleep at least 8 hours every day