Have you ever started your day by saying to yourself, “I don't need to go to school,” or just lazy to get out of bed when you wake up in the morning? You are not alone. However, studying well can help you achieve the life you dream of. There are many ways you can do to maintain motivation to learn.
Part 1 of 5: Appreciating Study Habits in School

Step 1. Imagine the life you want as an adult
Studying every day may feel boring and some subjects feel less important right now, but without studying, it may be difficult to have the life you want as an adult. Research has shown that young people who really strive to achieve what they dream of are more successful and feel happier in adulthood. Write down the things you want to give yourself as an adult, for example:
- Travel around the world
- Have your own house
- Supporting the family
- Driving a comfortable car
- Buy tickets for your favorite team sport
- Have extra money to go to concerts, eat at fancy restaurants, watch movies, etc.

Step 2. Find out the skills you need to get the job you want
As an adult, it would be better if you could work in a field that you love. Therefore, prepare yourself as early as possible by studying so that you master the skills needed.
- Write down all the jobs you really enjoy.
- For each job, write down the skills needed to perform well.
- Pair each of these skills with school subjects and activity clubs that can help you prepare for the job you want.
- Study the subject well and join a club. Studying hard is the best way to get a satisfying job later in life.

Step 3. Take advantage of socializing opportunities
Socializing doesn't mean chatting or texting during class, but making friends with friends so that studying at school feels more fun. Don't be bad at school. Having fun hanging out with your classmates makes you even more excited for school.
- Make good use of rest time. Afternoon breaks and class changes are good times to recover energy while joking with friends.
- Join clubs and after-school activities so you can find friends who share your interests.
Part 2 of 5: Preparing for Success

Step 1. Make a study schedule
Without good preparation, having to study every day may feel very annoying. Creating a regular schedule of activities that you can do after school and on the weekends is a great way to increase your grades, boost your confidence, and make you more likely to study.
- Make a schedule of routine activities. Successful people usually have a regular schedule of activities so that they can do their job well and achieve their goals.
- Your activities in a week may vary. For example, there may be club training every Tuesday and Thursday, while other days there is no training. However, you should know what activities need to be done in a week.
- Take regular breaks. Research has shown that resting when tired can increase productivity.

Step 2. Use the agenda
Studying is not a burdensome activity if you always try to fulfill your obligations well. Purchase an agenda to record the schedule you created in the previous step. List all the homework you have to do, tasks, and long-term projects and their respective deadlines on the agenda.
- Also write long-term projects on the agenda a few days before the deadline as a reminder not to forget.
- You can also use the calendar app on your phone to take notes on tasks. The app can usually be set to remind you of a deadline.

Step 3. Create a comfortable learning environment
A messy place can make you lazy to study. Set up a fun place to study so you can study as best you can.
- Get in the habit of keeping your desk tidy and clean so you don't get frustrated because of its messy condition.
- Store stationery (pencils, markers) and other supplies (pencils) neatly so that they are easy to find.
- Make sure your study room is well lit. Dim lights can give you a headache, reducing motivation to study.
- Find out if you prefer to study in silence or with music. Some people find it annoying to hear sound, but there are also those who learn better while listening to music.

Step 4. Form study groups
Studying with friends can lighten the load. However, make sure you're actually studying, instead of just hanging out for fun and fun.
- Form a study group with a maximum of 4 members to make it more orderly.
- Make a group study schedule at least once a week. You can gather at school outside of class or at someone's house.
- Offer to be the leader/coordinator of the group. You can determine what subjects or projects should be prioritized at weekly meetings so that everyone can work together and help each other, instead of working on their own projects without a schedule.
- Make preparations before studying together. Don't show up at group meetings hoping to get to work right away. You should have a good understanding of the tasks that must be done for one week.
- Provide opportunities for rest so that each member of the group can relax and get excited again.
Part 3 of 5: Achieving Goals

Step 1. Define intermediate goals
Don't feel overwhelmed by long presentations or papers. You don't have to complete this task all at once.
- Write down the steps you need to take to complete this task.
- Create a schedule that requires you to gradually complete this task each day.
- To write a paper, you can read and summarize one source on the first day, another on the second day, and a third source on the third day, synthesise the arguments on the fourth day, outline your own arguments on the fifth day, combine quotes from various sources. with an outline on the sixth day, writing papers on the seventh and eighth day, resting on the ninth day, and revising the paper on the tenth day.

Step 2. Give yourself a gift
In order to maintain the motivation to learn, there needs to be a certain reason that makes you always hopeful. Make a bargain with yourself: if you can study for two hours, you can watch your favorite TV show at 8:00. If your paper gets an A, you can take a weekend to relax and unwind.
- Remember that no one can work all the time. Take a break at the right time.
- If you fail to reach your target, keep the promise to yourself. Don't watch your favorite TV show if you're supposed to be studying for two hours, but use half of it to go to Facebook!

Step 3. Determine the consequences you will have to bear
Imposing sanctions on yourself if the target you set is not achieved. This method makes you work hard for one week because you already know that you will not be able to go to the movies with friends on the weekends if you are lazy to study.

Step 4. Tell me your target
Tell your friends, parents, or everyone you know that you have set high goals for yourself. Tell them that you want to get a B in English or an A in chemistry. This way, you will study harder so that you don't have to be embarrassed if you fail to reach the target.
Don't despair if you've done your best and haven't succeeded. Try even harder. You will definitely succeed in achieving your target if you are willing to take the time to study seriously
Part 4 of 5: Practice Focusing and Concentration Skills

Step 1. Do meditation
Meditation can free your mind from distractions so you can focus while studying. Before you start studying, take 15 minutes to meditate to prepare your mind. By meditating, you can learn without getting distracted and successfully achieve your goals.
- Find a quiet place.
- Sit cross-legged comfortably on the floor. You can sit leaning against the wall if needed.
- Close your eyes and start focusing on the darkness.
- Direct your mind only to the darkness you are looking at. Don't think about anything else.
- After fifteen minutes, start studying!

Step 2. Summarize readings and stories from interesting videos
Even if you don't like reading while doing your homework, you may still read every day, whether you're reading interesting articles on the internet or watching TV. Summarizing is one of the most useful skills and is the basis for learning anything. Practicing the storytelling and informational skills you enjoy is a way to hone the academic skills you need while thinking about something fun.

Step 3. Use tricks to calm the mind
Whether you're studying in class or at home, there are times when you're sleepy or daydreaming because you're bored. One way to get your mind back to focus is to do the following trick to calm your mind.
- Make small gestures to remind yourself.
- Choose a movement you don't normally do, such as wiggling your toes.
- Whenever your mind starts to wander, wiggle your toes to bring your mind back into focus.

Step 4. Count down starting from 100
If your mind starts to drift and it's hard to focus on your goals, give yourself a task that you can complete in a few minutes. This task should be a little difficult as it requires concentration, but don't let it get you down. Counting down from 100 can help you calm and focus your mind.

Step 5. Accelerate the rhythm of the heartbeat
Research has shown that exercising before doing a task, even for just ten minutes, can increase blood flow to the brain. The effects of this exercise persist for several hours. So, light exercise before studying will be very beneficial.
Try jumping rope, star jumping, running in place, or other simple activities that you can easily do at home
Part 5 of 5: Changing Your Lifestyle to Stay Motivated

Step 1. Get 8-10 hours of sleep every night
Research has proven that teenagers' bodies are usually not ready to move if it's too early. As a result, many junior high and high school students have difficulty focusing while attending lessons because they are still sleepy. The main reason why many students don't like going to school is because they are still tired when they wake up in the morning. Physiologically, teenagers usually want to sleep late and wake up during the day. However, you have to train yourself to get your body used to the school schedule.
- Don't go to bed too late even if you don't feel tired.
- Don't watch TV or use the computer at least an hour before bed.
- Don't sleep during the day so you'll want to rest faster at night.

Step 2. Adopt a healthy diet
Although diet is not directly related to learning performance, you should understand this well! Low-nutrient foods may be filling, but they don't provide the energy you need to stay focused and productive. In addition, you will be less motivated if you are tired. Get used to eating breakfast as the main source of energy for your body in the morning.
- Fish that contain omega-3s and whole grains can improve memory.
- Dark colored fruits and vegetables are great sources of antioxidants that can improve memory and cognitive abilities.
- Foods that are high in B vitamins, such as spinach, broccoli, and chickpeas are great for strengthening memory and keeping you awake during the day.

Step 3. Get in the habit of getting enough exercise
Many studies have proven a link between exercise and increased productivity. So, try to keep your body active. In addition to helping you focus while studying, regular exercise can also improve your mood. The ability to focus and maintain the mood is needed to maintain motivation to learn.
- Don't think about mistakes, but think about the things you did right.
- It's okay if you make mistakes, but learn from these mistakes and never give up.
- If you really don't want to go to school, think about your favorite activity or subject today, such as lunch with friends during recess, sports, or a special subject, cooking, for example.
- Failure is the best teacher.