Maybe you already know how to say hola to greet someone in Spanish. Usually, after greeting someone, you continue by asking "How are you?" The most common way to ask "How are you?" in Spanish it is “¿ Cómo estás ?” (ko-moh es-bag). However, there are other ways to ask a similar question to ask how someone is doing. Furthermore, there are many ways to respond to the question "How are you?" someone put forward.
Method 1 of 3: Asking "How are you?"

Step 1. Say “¿ Como estás ?
” (ko-moh es-bag) in most situations.
"¿ Como estás ?" is the most basic way of asking how you are doing. This phrase is appropriate in almost any context when speaking to all kinds of people, whether you know them or not. However, there is a more formal version, which is commonly used in Central American countries.
Note that there are 2 verbs in Spanish that function the same as " to be " in English, namely estar and ser. However, estar is used in this context because it implies a temporary state, whereas ser is used to talk about a permanent state or state
Because the verb is defined to agree with the pronoun, the sentence still has the same meaning even though the pronoun is not included. These pronouns are concluded by the conjugation of the verb.

Step 2. Use "¿ Como está usted ?
(ko-moh es-ta uus-ted) if you want to be more polite.
There's no really formal way of saying "How are you?" in Spanish. However, "¿ Cómo está usted ?" used primarily in Central America, when speaking to someone who is older or of a higher position.
You may also use this phrase when speaking to an adult you are meeting for the first time, to show respect
You can leave the pronoun usted and simply ask "¿ Cómo está ?" The meaning remains the same and shows the same respect.

Step 3. Ask "¿ Como están ?
(ko-moh es-tahn) to greet some people.
When you approach a group of people and want to say hello to all of them, say "¿ Cómo están ?" The verb is defined for the plural of "you" so that the meaning is similar to "How are you all?" or "How are you guys?" in Indonesian.
- In more casual situations, say "¿ Cómo estais ?" (ko-moh es-tah-iss)
- Keep in mind that in some Spanish-speaking cultures, it's more polite to greet people individually instead of asking how everyone is doing at once.
Method 2 of 3: Using Similar Questions

Step 1. Try the alternative "¿ Como estás ?
"in casual situations. As in Indonesian and other languages, there is an informal way to ask "How are you?" in Spanish. All of these alternatives can be translated the same as "How are you?" or "What's wrong?" in Indonesian. This phrase is appropriate in casual situations or when talking to people your age or know well. Some of the alternatives include:
- "¿ Qué pasa ?" (hey pa-sah)
- "¿ Como va ?" (ko-moh vah)
- "¿ Que tal ?" (keh tal)
- "¿ Que haces ?" (keh has-ehs)
Substitute phrases for “¿ Cómo estás ?” usually considered quite casual. Use only in informal situations, or with people your age or younger than you.

Step 2. Experiment with regional slang in casual contexts
Many Spanish-speaking countries also have phrases that can replace "¿ Cómo estás ?" Local or regional slang can make your Spanish sound more natural. These phrases are slang, meaning they are only appropriate to address people of the same age. Some examples of regional and country slang are:
- "¿ Que onda ?" (keh on-dah): Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile
- "¿ Cómo andas ?" (ko-moh an-dahs): Argentina, Spain
- "¿ Que hubo ?" (keh uu-boh): Mexico, Chile, Colombia
- "¿ Pura vida ?" (puu-rah vii-dah): Costa Rica

Step 3. Use "¿ Como te sientes ?
(ko-moh tei sii-yen-tei) to ask someone's feelings.
With "¿ Cómo te sientes ?" You ask how someone feels. This question is commonly asked of people who have recently appeared unwell. Usually, this phrase is not used as a direct substitute for "¿ Cómo estás ?"
If you don't know the person you're talking to, we recommend using "¿ Cómo se siente ?" (ko-moh sei sii-yen-tei) The questions asked are the same, but the pronouns used are more formal
Method 3 of 3: Responding to Greetings

Step 1. Say "bien" (bii-yen) in most situations
Indonesian speakers usually don't respond to "How are you?" literally, and so do Spanish speakers in most situations. If in Indonesian you reply with “fine”, the Spanish phrase for greeting is bien (bii-yen).
After you say " bien " (bii-yen), always continue with " gracias ", (gra-sii-yas), which means thank you
Culture Tip:
Even if you're feeling very unhappy, you should always respond in kind. You could even try saying " Bien…¿o te cuento? " (bii-yen oh tei kuu-wen-toh) which means "Okay… or should I just tell you?"

Step 2. Use " más o menos " (mahs oh me-nohs) if you're not feeling so enthusiastic
If you've had a tiring day and don't feel so "bien" but don't want to say it (to avoid awkwardness), you can say " más o menos " (mahs oh me-nohs), which means "just okay." In Indonesian, this phrase means "I see" or "Okay, okay."
You can also say “así así” (ah-sii ah sii) which means the same thing

Step 3. Follow up with "¿Y tú?
(Yes) to turn the question to the other person.
If you're not the first to ask, ask " Y tú? " after responding to the other person's question for the sake of politeness. This phrase means "What about you?"
The flow of conversation in Spanish is similar to Indonesian. If someone says "hello" and asks how you're doing, you're likely to respond with "Okay, how about you?" This pattern also applies in Spanish

Step 4. Describe your feelings with the phrase " me siento " (mei sii-yen-toh)
This is the proper way to respond to the greeting "¿ Como te sientes ?" Usually, when someone greets you with this question, he or she knows that you haven't been feeling well lately, and wants to ask how you are doing. Usually this person is a close friend or acquaintance of yours.
- If you feel a little better, respond with "Me siento un poco mejor" (mei sii-yen-toh uhn po-koh mei-hor).
- You can also add an explanation if your condition does not improve. For example, say " Me siento mareado " which means "I feel nauseous."