There are many reasons why you might want to say "I miss you." You may want to express how much you hate being away from someone you care about. Or, just want to say it to the person you are going to meet or contact by phone. Whatever the reason, there are several ways to say "I miss you" in Spanish. Apart from that, there are also some phrases that might suit your situation.
Method 1 of 3: Saying You Miss Someone

Step 1. Say "te echo de menos"
This phrase is commonly used to say "I miss you" in Spanish. However, the literal meaning of this phrase is "I threw you less."
- Although the literal or direct meaning of the phrase makes no sense in Indonesian, the meaning of the phrase is an expression of feeling lost in someone's absence.
- Pronounce the phrase as follows "te EH-ko de Men-nos."
- This phrase is used more often in Spain than in any other Spanish-speaking country.
- You can also use the phrase "te echo de menos" to express longing in the past tense.

Step 2. Use the phrase "te extraño" in Latin America
The literal meaning of this phrase is closer to "I miss you". The verb extraño means "I miss you", while te is the object pronoun for "you". Literally, this phrase means "I miss you".
- Pronounce the phrase as follows "te ex-TRAN-yo".
- To express longing in the past tense with this phrase, say "te extrañé".
- This verb has many functions, and can be used to express a longing for another object or being. For example, you can use it to say "I miss my dog" – "Extraño a mi perro."

Step 3. Say "me haces falta"
"Me haces falta" is another phrase that means "I miss you" in Spanish. Although the literal translation is unrelated, this phrase means that the person you are talking to is the cause of the loss in your life.
- This phrase consists of the word "me", which is the direct object pronoun of "yo", which is the first person pronoun, or "I". Meanwhile, the verb "haces" means, "you make" or "you cause", while the noun "falta" means "nothing".
- Pronounce the phrase as follows "me AH-ses FAHL-ta".
- In the past tense, this phrase becomes "me hiciste falta".

Step 4. Choose the right object pronoun
To say "I miss you" in Spanish, you must use an object pronoun to refer to the person you miss. If you are speaking directly to the person, use the pronoun "you".
- This rule does not apply to "me haces falta" because in this phrase, the object pronoun used refers to yourself "I", not the object pronoun for the person you are talking to.
- In Spanish, the word "you" has both formal and informal forms. If you are talking to someone who is not very close, use the formal form.
- But generally, you don't say "I miss you" to people you're not closely related to. Therefore, the word te is most often used to express "I miss you" in Spanish. It is a direct second person pronoun close to you, tú, which means "you". This word is an informal form. So it should only be used when talking to friends and family.
- If for some reason you need to express your longing for someone you are not closely related to, replace te with lo (masculine) or la (feminine). Both are object pronouns of usted, which is the formal form of "you".
- If you miss several people at once (for example, you want to express your longing for a husband and wife), use the plural object pronoun of "you", which is os.
Method 2 of 3: Conjugating Verbs in Spanish

Step 1. Learn the verb echar
The word echo in the phrase te echo de menos is a first-person conjugated form of the verb echar, which has a variety of meanings. Some meanings of echar include "to throw", "throw", or "put".
- To say "I miss you" with echar in Spanish, you have to use it in the present tense in the first person.
- To say "He misses you," use the verb in its third-person present tense, which is echa. The full phrase would be "te echa de menos". Meanwhile, if the subject is third person plural, the phrase would be "te echan de menos" ("They miss you").
- To say "We miss you," use the first-person plural so that it becomes "te echamos de menos."

Step 2. Use the extrañar verb
In the phrase "te extraño", the verb you are using is extrañar, which means "to miss". How to conjugate these verbs depends on the subject speaking, and the form of the sentence used.
- If you want to say that the other person misses the person you are talking to, say "te extraña", which means "he misses you". Remember that the direct object pronoun te, does not change. The person you are talking to is still the object of the verb, however, the conjugation used indicates that someone else is missing him or her.
- Maybe you want to say that you and the other person both miss the person you are talking to, for that, say te extrañamos which means "we miss you".
- To say "they miss you" in Spanish, use the third-person plural conjugation of the verb so that it becomes "te extrañan".

Step 3. Try using the verb hacer
When used in the phrase "me haces falta" to say "I miss you" in Spanish, you must conjugate the verb hacer, which means "to make, or to cause". Meanwhile, in its conjugated form as haces, this word means "you make" or "you cause".
- The conjugation of the verb must match the pronoun of the person who is missed, not the person who feels longed. Therefore, if you want to say "we miss you", use this phrase keeping the verb conjugation ("haces") but changing the object so that it becomes "nos faces falta".
- Keep in mind that the structure of this phrase is different from its direct meaning in Indonesian. In addition, you also use the present tense for the second person. If you say "te hago falta", which seems to be a direct translation of "I miss you" (hago is the first-person conjugation of the present form of the verb hacer), what you are really saying is "You miss me". The structure of this sentence is similar to the French phrase "I miss you", which is "tu me manques", which literally means "you I miss you".
Method 3 of 3: Studying Related Phrases

Step 1. Ask "¿cuándo vuelves?
to find out when that person will return. This is a question that may often follow when you express your longing for someone. After saying you miss them, asking when they will be back is natural.
- Cuándo is an adverb meaning "when".
- Vuelves is a conjugated form of the verb volver in Spanish which means "to return" or "to return". This is the conjugation of the informal "you". So it should only be used when talking to people you know closely.
- If you're talking to someone you're not very close to, we recommend using the more formal form of the conjugation, vuelve.
- Pronounce cuándo vuelves like this "KWAN-do vo-EHL-ves."

Step 2. Say "¡Regresa yes
"When expressing your longing for someone, you may want them to return immediately. Instead of asking when they will return, you may simply want to ask them to. "¡Regresa yes!" means "come back!"
- Regresa comes from the Spanish verb "regresar" which means "to return". In this phrase, you must use the imperative conjugation of "tú", which is the informal form of "you". The imperative form is used in imperative sentences like this.
- Yes is an adverb meaning "already".
- In full, pronounce the phrase as follows "re-GRE-sa yah."

Step 3. Say "¡no puedo estar sin ti
", especially in the context of a romantic relationship. Use this phrase when you miss someone so much that you can't live without them. This Spanish phrase means "I can't be without you."
- Puedo is the conjugated form of the verb "poder" for the subject "I" or yo in Spanish, which means "can" or "able". When the word no is placed in front of it, the meaning becomes negative i.e. "I can't".
- Estar is a Spanish verb meaning "to be". Since estar follows a conjugated verb, you don't need to conjugate it again.
- Sin means "without".
- Ti is another object pronoun used for the informal "you".
- Pronounce the above phrase in its entirety as follows "no pu-E-do EHS-tar sin ti".

Step 4. Tell him that you wish he was with you
When you miss someone, you want to be with them and not be far from them, especially in a romantic relationship. For that, you can use the phrase "desearia que estuvieras aqui conmigo" which means "I wish you were here with me".
- Deseria is a conjugated form of the verb desear, which means "to want".
- Que is a conjunction or pronoun in Spanish that means "that".
- Estuvieras is a conjugated form of the verb estar in Spanish which means "to be".
- Aquí is an adverb in Spanish that means "here". This word has both time and place components so it can be interpreted "here and now".
- Conmigo is a pronoun in Spanish that means "with me".
- Pronounce the phrase like this "DE-se-ah-RI-ah ke ess-tu-bi-ER-as ah-KI kon-MI-go."