How to Widen Your Vocal Range: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Widen Your Vocal Range: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Widen Your Vocal Range: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Everyone has a certain vocal range. People with tenors voices cannot become baritone singers because their vocal chords are different. However, the vocal range will widen with regular practice so that you can comfortably sing the higher and lower notes in the vocal range. To widen your vocal range, master basic singing techniques, such as breathing exercises, relaxation and maintaining proper posture while practicing singing regularly so that you can sing the farthest notes well.


Part 1 of 3: Practice Singing Using Scales

Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 1
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 1

Step 1. Determine your vocal range

The easiest way to find out your vocal range is to ask a vocal teacher, but you can determine that yourself. Hit the C note on an organ or piano and then adjust your voice to that note. Do the same thing by going one note lower until you reach the lowest note you can sing without straining your vocal chords. This note is the lower limit of your vocal range. Repeat this step playing one note higher until you reach the highest note as the upper limit.

If you don't have an organ or piano, look for online (online) videos playing an instrument with notes going up and down a scale

Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 2
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 2

Step 2. Practice singing within a normal vocal range

Start the practice by singing notes in a normal vocal range, for example: singing "lalala" in a higher and lower pitch. Don't try to reach certain notes while tightening your neck muscles. When singing, the body must remain relaxed and breathe properly. Get in the habit of practicing by singing the scales 8-10 times a day.

Practice daily until you can sing hard-to-reach notes 8-10 times per session

Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 3
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 3

Step 3. Continue practicing notes that are still difficult to sing

Focus on practicing using the scales by adding more practice time to singing hard-to-reach notes, but you should rest if you feel uncomfortable. Use another practice technique to flex your vocal cords. Singing notes that were previously difficult to reach will become easier and more comfortable if you practice regularly.

  • One of the vocal practice techniques is to sing notes one by one (slides). Instead of singing notes up and down the scale without taking a breath, sing just one note. Perform this technique by singing one note in one breath. After you inhale, sing the next note until you reach the farthest note in the vocal range.
  • Another technique is singing while inhaling (grunt). This exercise aims to shorten the vocal cords. The trick, sing a note while saying "yaaa …". After inhaling, sing the next higher or lower note.

Part 2 of 3: Modifying the Sounds of the Vowels

Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 4
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 4

Step 1. Say the vowels in a round voice

Modify the sound of vowels when you sing high notes to reduce stress on the vocal cords. Open your mouth while relaxing your lower jaw and tongue so that your mouth is oval in shape as if you are yawning. With the shape of the oral cavity like this, the letter "a" in the word "main" will sound like the sound of someone yawning.

This method is not useful for singing low notes because the vocal cords have shortened on their own. Practice singing scales to reach lower notes

Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 5
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 5

Step 2. Make the transition to normal vowel sounds

First, sing a certain word at the highest note in the vocal range while speaking loudly and producing a round vowel sound. Before you stop singing, allow your airway to return to its normal state so that the vowel sounds are heard normally. For example: transition from an "a" sound like someone yawning to an "a" sound like they're talking. Changes in the sound of vowels do not affect the meaning of the word.

As you practice singing the song, modify the vowel sounds on high notes until you get used to it

Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 6
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 6

Step 3. Use substitute words

If you have trouble singing certain words while practicing high or low notes, replace them with words that are easier to pronounce, for example: “nanana” or “lalala”. Sing the same song again, but this time using alternate words until you can reach the high notes easily. After that, use it with the word it should.

Modifying the sound of vowels can be done with the help of substitute words, for example: replacing the word "merdeka" with "mamama" while modifying the sound of the vowels

Part 3 of 3: Mastering the Basic Techniques of Singing

Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 7
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 7

Step 1. Warm up before singing

Get in the habit of flexing your vocal cords before singing. This exercise is necessary to reach the furthest notes in the vocal range and protect the vocal cords. Warm-up exercises can be done by flexing the tongue and lips (trilling), singing the notes up and down according to the scale while saying "mimimi" or "yoyoyo", forming the letter "o" while producing a buzzing sound, and humming.

  • Trilling exercise is done by closing the lips while saying the letter "b" until the lips vibrate or sticking the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors while saying the letter "r" until the tongue vibrates. When vibrating your lips or tongue, sing the notes up and down according to the scales in the vocal range.
  • After singing, you should also do the above exercises to relax the muscles used when singing.
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 8
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 8

Step 2. Use proper breathing techniques when singing

You'll need to master basic singing techniques in order to widen your vocal range. One of them is to apply the correct breathing technique. Inhale deeply so that the diaphragm under the lungs makes the abdominal muscles expand. While exhaling to produce sound as you sing, contract your abdominal muscles so you can sing for a longer duration and control the accuracy of your pitch.

  • Practice controlling your breath by breathing using time intervals, for example: inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds. Do breathing exercises regularly and gradually increase the time intervals.
  • You can't hit high notes if you're wasting the air in your body. Instead, take deep breaths and then exhale constantly to prevent straining of the neck muscles and vocal cords while singing.
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 9
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 9

Step 3. Get used to singing with the correct posture

You need to have the right posture to get the air you need to widen your vocal range. Place both feet on the floor and spread them shoulder width apart. While singing, relax your shoulders while keeping your back, neck, and head straight. Don't look down, look up, or tighten your neck muscles so you can reach notes outside your vocal range.

Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 10
Expand Your Singing Voice Range Step 10

Step 4. Relax muscles all over the body

Many novice singers try to sing high notes by tightening their muscles and vocal cords, but this is dangerous. When singing, get used to standing or sitting while relaxing the body, neck, and tongue. To avoid tension and improve airflow, do not tighten your neck muscles. This method helps you reach the farthest notes in your vocal range.

One way to relieve tension when you're not singing is to stick out your tongue 10 times. Do this exercise 2-3 times a day


  • Drink water regularly as needed to keep the vocal cords hydrated and elastic.
  • Do not take drugs and alcohol because excessive doses will gradually narrow the vocal range.
  • Sip on tea or another warm drink to stretch the vocal cords and open the airways.
  • When you want to sing a high note, tilt your head slightly to lift the soft palate and help you reach higher notes.
  • Gargle warm water with a little salt before singing to relax the vocal cords.


  • Widening the vocal range takes time and regular practice. Damage to the vocal cords is a serious problem. Be patient and don't push yourself.
  • Don't tighten your vocal cords when you sing. Stop singing if your neck feels tight or your voice starts to get hoarse.
