How to Widen the Cervix: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Widen the Cervix: 8 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Widen the Cervix: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

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Dilation of the cervix occurs during active labor, it serves to widen the space for the baby to exit through the birth canal. The cervix dilates naturally when the body is ready for labour, but when conditions force the process of labour, the opening or dilation of the cervix can be stimulated using homeopathic remedies or techniques. Dilation of the cervix should be handled by a doctor or midwife, who is able to ensure that the dilation process is carried out safely and effectively, whatever the reason. Continue reading to find out how to dilate the cervix.


Method 1 of 2: Dilation with Chemical or Mechanical Aid

Dilate the Cervix Step 1 1
Dilate the Cervix Step 1 1

Step 1. Understand in advance the cause of the need for cervical dilatation

Because cervical dilation occurs as labor progresses from "early" to "active," intervening in labor is essentially the same as inducing labor. There are a number of reasons why a doctor or midwife may decide this is the best option:

  • If the pregnancy has passed two weeks from the last due date, with no early signs of labour.
  • If the amniotic fluid breaks but no contractions occur.
  • If you have an infection in the later stages of pregnancy.
  • If there is a problem with the placenta.
  • If you have a medical condition that may be at risk if the labor process lasts too long.
  • If you are undergoing a dilation and curettage procedure.
Dilate the Cervix Step 2
Dilate the Cervix Step 2

Step 2. Understand the risks of inducing labour

Inducing labor should not be done for reasons of convenience, as it can pose risks to both mother and baby. Inducing labor should not be done haphazardly - make sure you understand what will happen to your body before agreeing to treatment. Inducing labor increases the risk of the following complications:

  • Need to have a cesarean section.
  • Premature birth.
  • Lowers the baby's heart rate and oxygen intake.
  • Got infection.
  • Uterine rupture.
Dilate the Cervix Step 3
Dilate the Cervix Step 3

Step 3. Talk to your doctor about medications used to dilate the cervix

The most commonly used drugs for this purpose are synthetic prostaglandins. Dinoprostone and misoprostol are two commonly used synthetic prostaglandins. Both drugs are given vaginally or orally.

These drugs have side effects that can affect the baby's health. Be sure to discuss with your doctor about the risks before using the drug

Dilate the Cervix Step 4
Dilate the Cervix Step 4

Step 4. Find out if a mechanical dilator will be used

Sometimes doctors use a device to dilate the cervix mechanically, not chemically. Be it a balloon-tipped catheter or a type of seaweed called laminaria that is inserted through the cervical opening.

  • After the balloon-tipped catheter is inserted, saline is injected into the balloon, causing the balloon to expand, causing the cervix to dilate.
  • Laminaria is a type of seaweed native to Japan, which turns into a thick, sticky gel when wet. The dried seaweed stalks are shaped like a "tent" which will gradually swell. A layer of this substance is placed just inside the cervix, around the cervix to trigger dilation. Although laminaria has been used both initially for dilatation and curettage and to induce labour, assurance of safety for use during pregnancy has not been proven to date.

Method 2 of 2: Speeding Up Labor Without Medical Intervention

Dilate the Cervix Step 5
Dilate the Cervix Step 5

Step 1. Have sex with your partner

Sex will produce prostaglandins in the body that can cause cervical stimulation and dilation. Before having sex at this stage, consult your doctor first. In most cases, having sex at this stage of pregnancy is completely safe as long as the water has not broken. Although research to support the relationship between sex and cervical dilation is not entirely conclusive, many doctors continue to recommend this method to patients who are impatient with their pregnancy.

Dilate the Cervix Step 6
Dilate the Cervix Step 6

Step 2. Stimulate the nipples

Stimulating the nipples will produce the hormone oxytocin, which triggers labor. Touch and rub your nipple or ask your partner to do it.

Dilate the Cervix Step 7
Dilate the Cervix Step 7

Step 3. Consult an acupuncturist

A small study conducted at the University of North Carolina concluded that women who undergo acupuncture treatment in the later stages of pregnancy are less likely to go into labor without medical intervention. It is thought that certain trigger points on the body can promote labour, which also results in the dilation of the cervix.

Dilate the Cervix Step 8
Dilate the Cervix Step 8

Step 4. Watch for signs of cervical dilatation if you are in the late stages of pregnancy

This indicates that you are about to give birth and that it is time to visit your doctor or midwife. Once the baby's head begins to press against the uterine opening, the cervix will thin out and open. Your doctor can perform a simple examination to determine if cervical dilation and effacement has begun which indicates that you may be in the early stages of labour.
