Quick Ways to Widen the Cervix: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Quick Ways to Widen the Cervix: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
Quick Ways to Widen the Cervix: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

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As your due date draws near, you may be looking forward to seeing your baby and are tired of being pregnant. Perhaps you wished you could deliver your baby sooner by dilating your cervix earlier. Before delivery, the cervix will soften and dilate on its own. The contractions will help the cervix dilate quickly when the baby is ready to be born. Although natural methods don't guarantee success, you can try them to dilate your cervix more quickly. If natural methods don't work, ask your doctor for help so your cervix can dilate faster.


Method 1 of 2: Using Natural Methods

Dilate Faster Step 1
Dilate Faster Step 1

Step 1. Take a walk to release oxytocin and stimulate labour

Keeping the body active can release oxytocin, which can help dilate the cervix more quickly as this will initiate contractions. Take a slow walk around the neighborhood, or take the stairs inside the house. Have someone accompany you just in case you need help.

If your water breaks, stop walking and call your midwife or doctor

Dilate Faster Step 2
Dilate Faster Step 2

Step 2. Have sex to stimulate the uterus and induce labour

The orgasms and prostaglandins present in the sperm naturally stimulate the uterus and thin the cervix, which makes it dilate. In addition, the brain will release the hormone oxytocin when you have sex so that the uterus will begin to contract. Try having sex so that the cervix dilates quickly, if you enjoy this activity.

Do not have sex if the amniotic fluid has broken because the baby is not getting protection from the amniotic fluid

Dilate Faster Step 3
Dilate Faster Step 3

Step 3. Try to do nipple stimulation to release oxytocin

Gently rub your palms against the nipples or run your fingers over the nipples. You will feel a tingling sensation, and this means that your nipples are stimulated. When this happens, the brain will release oxytocin which will help start contractions.

  • Stimulating the nipples will release a low amount of oxytocin which is safe for the baby.
  • Not everyone is suitable for using this technique, but it can't hurt to try.
Dilate Faster Step 4
Dilate Faster Step 4

Step 4. Visualize and deep breathing so you can relax.

Feelings of tension make it difficult for the body to start contractions so that cervical dilation becomes slow. Fortunately, by relaxing yourself, your body will begin to contract. Visualize by imagining that you are in a soothing place or imagining that you have a healthy baby. In addition, take a deep breath while counting to 5 and exhale on a count of 5. Repeat this 5 times.

You can also listen to relaxing music, take a warm bath, or read a book

Dilate Faster Step 5
Dilate Faster Step 5

Step 5. Eat pineapple to ripen the cervix and dilate it quickly

Eating pineapple is not guaranteed to help dilate the cervix quickly, but this fruit can help make it open faster. Pineapple contains prostaglandins that can make the cervix ripen faster so that it will dilate quickly. Eat 5 cups (100 grams) of pineapple daily until you give birth.

Don't eat pineapple if you are allergic or if you have heartburn

Dilate Faster Step 6
Dilate Faster Step 6

Step 6. Talk to your midwife or doctor about whether you should use evening primrose oil

Ask your midwife or doctor if you can use evening primrose oil. Take a 500 mg supplement or apply the oil to the vagina 3 times a day for the last four weeks of pregnancy. This can soften and thin the cervix so it can dilate more quickly.

You may be able to take up to 3 pills at a time. Talk to your midwife or doctor about what is best for you

Method 2 of 2: Go to the Doctor

Dilate Faster Step 7
Dilate Faster Step 7

Step 1. Ask your doctor about using prostaglandins to accelerate cervical ripening

The doctor will insert a prostaglandin, such as Dinoprostone or Misoprostol, into the vagina and place it near the cervix. This can soften and thin the cervix, which makes it dilate rapidly. In addition to these effects, you may experience contractions. Talk to your doctor to find out if this option is right for you.

  • Although quite effective, not everyone has success using this treatment.
  • If the cervix does not dilate after several hours have passed, the doctor will ask you to go home. Cervical ripening can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on how thin and soft the cervix is before the doctor administers prostaglandins. A sign that the medicine is working is when you feel a contraction.
Dilate Faster Step 8
Dilate Faster Step 8

Step 2. Try using IV oxytocin to quickly start contractions and dilate the cervix

Doctors can inject oxytocin into a vein to increase contractions and start labor. If you have contractions, the cervix will dilate rapidly. Consult this option with your doctor to see if you can use it.

  • Oxytocin is used to induce labor if your pregnancy is beyond your scheduled due date, or your doctor considers it the best course of action for your baby and you.
  • Oxytocin will not be given by a doctor, unless the pregnancy is overdue, your water has broken, or you have a condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
Dilate Faster Step 9
Dilate Faster Step 9

Step 3. Use ripening medicine to soften and thin the cervix which makes it dilate rapidly

The doctor will give medicine to ripen the cervix (eg Cervidil or Cytotec), either to be taken orally or inserted into the vagina. This medication works for 4 to 12 hours and causes you to have contractions that will soften and thin the cervix. You may need several doses of medication to get your cervix dilated and ready to start labor. Ask your doctor if you can use this medicine.

  • You probably shouldn't use medication to ripen the cervix if it's already having contractions.
  • Your doctor can give you this medication to use at home, or to use in the hospital if you have to stay overnight.
Dilate Faster Step 10
Dilate Faster Step 10

Step 4. Talk to your doctor about using a cervical balloon

The doctor will insert a flexible catheter into the vagina and inflate the balloon to dilate the cervix. You can place the balloon in your vagina for up to 12 hours or when the balloon comes out on its own. This can help dilate the cervix more quickly so labor can begin. Even so, not everyone is suitable for this tool.

  • One of the advantages of cervical balloons is that they are considered a non-medical option.
  • If you've had a cesarean section, a cervical balloon may be the best option.


Consult your midwife, doctor, or other staff first about the procedure you choose and want to avoid. Every delivery will be different, and you may need to be flexible. However, having a plan in advance is definitely useful
