How to Workout in the Bedroom (with Pictures)

How to Workout in the Bedroom (with Pictures)
How to Workout in the Bedroom (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Exercise is an activity that has many benefits, such as improving cardiovascular work, the immune system, brain function, making sleep better, and improving mood. Many people put off exercising because they don't have the time or place to practice. This condition can be overcome by exercising in a comfortable bedroom. Expected appearance and mood will pay off the hard work you do with regular exercise.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing the Training Ground

Do Aerobics Step 1
Do Aerobics Step 1

Step 1. Allocate a certain area in the room for exercise

In order to determine if there is enough area for exercise, lie on the floor with your arms and legs apart. You have a large enough area to exercise if your hands and feet are not touching anything around you. Also, make sure that you don't bump into sharp surfaces or furniture during your practice if you move slightly from the designated area.

Get Fit at Home Step 14
Get Fit at Home Step 14

Step 2. Clear the area for exercise

Tidy up the bedroom before exercising. Make sure the floor is cleared so that you don't fall over from tripping while practicing. Ideally, the practice area should be empty, except to put the sports equipment needed.

If you are sharing a room with other people, ask if you can use certain areas for exercise before vacating

Do Aerobics Step 4
Do Aerobics Step 4

Step 3. Purchase the necessary exercise equipment

Although optional, exercise equipment helps you perform a more varied range of movements when training in your room. At first, prepare simple equipment and then add it little by little as the intensity of the exercise increases. Start exercising using:

  • Yoga mat
  • Ball for practicing balance
  • Light dumbbells
  • Rope to jump rope
  • Resistance band for stretching muscles
Motivate Yourself to Work Out Step 9
Motivate Yourself to Work Out Step 9

Step 4. Make sure there are no distractions during practice

Although the place is quite spacious, you will find it difficult to focus if there are other people in the room. If you're sharing a room with a friend, practice when you're alone. Before determining the duration of the practice time, for example 15 minutes to 1 hour, make sure there are no tasks to do during practice.

Motivate Yourself to Work Out Step 12
Motivate Yourself to Work Out Step 12

Step 5. Look for an exercise program on the fitness center's website

If you don't know the sequence of movements you're going to do, there are many exercise programs on the fitness center's website that can be used as a guide. Choose a program that suits your physical condition and desired exercise. There are free websites, but there are also charges for a one-time or monthly visit.

You can get guidelines for maintaining health, including a healthy diet by accessing the website

Become a Contortionist Step 13
Become a Contortionist Step 13

Step 6. Practice using videos on YouTube

There are tons of fitness videos on YouTube with the sequence of movements according to the desired exercise. Look for videos that teach a variety of moves that focus on cardiovascular exercises, muscle strengthening, dance moves, yoga, or specific exercises in tight areas. The movements presented are usually easy to follow because they are guided by the instructor in the video.

You can select workout videos as needed or open an account on YouTube to access fitness workout videos

Make Money in College Step 5
Make Money in College Step 5

Step 7. Purchase a video with an exercise guide

If there is a DVD player in the room, you can practice while following the movements in the video. Choose videos that demonstrate simple movements, exercise while dancing, or doing yoga. Purchase videos online, at stores in gyms, or at the supermarket in the exercise equipment section.

Borrow videos from the library, if available

Call Back a Blocked Number Step 7
Call Back a Blocked Number Step 7

Step 8. Use a fitness workout app on your phone

Currently, there are many paid or free fitness training applications that can be downloaded using mobile phones. Find the app that interests you the most, download it, then use it as often as needed.

Part 2 of 3: Practice Aerobics in a Narrow Area

Do Aerobics Step 21
Do Aerobics Step 21

Step 1. Do a warm-up exercise before exercising

Get in the habit of warming up before exercising to reduce the risk of injury and help you use the muscles throughout your body when you exercise. Warm up 5-10 minutes by jumping rope, doing lunges, and squats. Expand the range of motion of the limbs by performing various movements, such as rotating the arms, lifting the legs, twisting the wrists and feet, touching the toes with the fingers, and bending the knees.

Be a Good Gymnast Step 9
Be a Good Gymnast Step 9

Step 2. Run in place

Aerobic exercise is not just running or swimming long distances because it can be done without changing locations, for example by running in place. Begin your warm-up exercise by lifting your feet back as close to your buttocks as you can while running in place. When you feel warmer, raise your knees as high as you can to your chest. Continue running in place for the first 5 minutes. If you are used to it, do it for 10 minutes.

Rest as needed

Do Aerobics Step 15
Do Aerobics Step 15

Step 3. Perform heel kicks

Same as spot running, but this movement is done while bending the right elbow 90° and kicking the buttocks with the left heel as close as possible. Then, do it by bending your left elbow and right leg. Do this exercise 3 sets of 30-60 seconds each.

Tighten Your Core Step 5
Tighten Your Core Step 5

Step 4. Perform mountain climbers as if you were climbing a mountain

Start practicing from a position like you want to do push ups. Then, bring your left knee close to your chest without moving your palm. Place your left leg in the original position and bring your right knee close to your chest. Repeat this movement for up to 3 sets of 30 seconds each.

Get Rid of a Fat Chest (for Guys) Step 12
Get Rid of a Fat Chest (for Guys) Step 12

Step 5. Do the star jump

Stand straight with your feet together and your arms stretched out by your sides. Then, jump while stretching both arms straight up and both legs to the sides at the same time. Repeat this movement starting from 3 sets of 10 times each. Jump more when you're ready.

Get Fit at Home Step 10
Get Fit at Home Step 10

Step 6. Practice jumping rope if space permits

Exercising jump rope is very beneficial. Hold both ends of the rope, one with your right hand, the other with your left, and make sure the strap is behind your heel. Then, swing the rope over your head and jump when the rope hits the floor. Repeat this movement for 45 seconds. Increase the time duration gradually according to ability.

Make sure the rope doesn't touch any lights or fans near the practice area. Also make sure the rope doesn't hit the wall painting, furniture, etc. when swung

Part 3 of 3: Build Muscles

Strengthen Your Core Step 3
Strengthen Your Core Step 3

Step 1. Perform plank postures to strengthen muscles throughout your body

To do the plank posture, start from a position like you want to do a basic push-up movement while straightening both elbows. If it still feels heavy, bend your elbows slightly and lower your knees to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds while activating muscles throughout your body.

Do a more challenging plank posture if you get used to the basic plank posture, for example, alternately extending one arm forward

Strengthen Your Core Step 2
Strengthen Your Core Step 2

Step 2. Do sit ups and crunches to train the core muscles.

Both of these movements are useful for tightening the abdominal muscles and increasing the rhythm of the heart rate. Begin the exercise by lying on your back on the floor. Place your palms behind your head or cross them in front of your chest. Contract your abdominal muscles to lift your head and upper back off the floor while doing the crunch. To do sit ups, lift your upper and lower back so they don't touch the floor, then slowly lie back down on the floor. Do this movement as many times as you can.

If the soles of the feet are still raised off the floor, have someone hold them still. If nothing else helps, you can tuck the instep under the mattress

Train to Run Faster Step 1
Train to Run Faster Step 1

Step 3. Tighten your leg muscles by doing squats

This movement is useful to tighten the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Start doing squats by standing straight with your feet hip-width apart. Then, bend your knees while lowering your body as low as possible as if you were sitting in a chair. Once back up straight, do the same movement over and over again. Start practicing 1 set of 20-25 times and then increase it to 2-3 sets of 20 times each. To make it more challenging, hold dumbbells while doing squats.

Shake Your Booty Step 12
Shake Your Booty Step 12

Step 4. Do squats while leaning against the wall

Stand up straight with your back to a flat wall at a distance of 30-60 cm from the wall. Rest your back against the wall and slowly bend your knees. Adjust the distance between your feet and the wall so that you can lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor and your knees are at a 90° angle. Extend both arms forward to maintain balance. Hold for 10 seconds then stand up again. Repeat this movement as many times as you can.

Be a Good Gymnast Step 10
Be a Good Gymnast Step 10

Step 5. Do push ups to strengthen your upper body

Start by doing plank posture. Then, bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor, but don't lie facedown on the floor. If it still feels heavy, bend your knees and lower them to the floor. Do 1 set of push ups 10 times first and then increase to several sets if your body is stronger.

Work out With Dumbbells Step 5
Work out With Dumbbells Step 5

Step 6. Practice using weights

Start practicing using standard dumbbells. Purchase a barbell at a sporting goods store or department store. Time to check the weight of the barbell before you buy it so it doesn't exceed your ability, but it's quite challenging. If you've never worked with weights before, buy a 1 to 2 kg barbell first and then gradually use heavier ones. Hold the barbell and bend your elbows to bring the barbell to your shoulders. Do this movement 10 times with one hand and then increase the number according to ability.

Choose Between Yoga Vs Pilates Step 12
Choose Between Yoga Vs Pilates Step 12

Step 7. Start practicing yoga

Yoga can help you relax and calm your mind. In addition, yoga can shape and flex muscles so that it can be used as a complement to other than aerobic and strengthening exercises. Purchase a video with a yoga practice guide, download a video from a yoga website, or do previously learned moves.

Treat Sore Ab Muscles Step 3
Treat Sore Ab Muscles Step 3

Step 8. Finish the exercise by stretching the muscles

Cool-down exercises are just as important as warm-ups. So, get in the habit of ending your workout by stretching your muscles. Set aside time to stretch as many muscles as possible, but prioritize the muscles that work the most during your workout. Don't force yourself to stretch as the goal is to relax your muscles and restore your body's condition.


  • Some exercises using a stationary bike can be done in a narrow area. Consider whether you need to buy one.
  • If there is still an empty area, find a small treadmill that can be placed in the room.


  • Don't train beyond your ability. If you feel like passing out, stop practicing immediately. Get some rest and drink lots of water.
  • Consult a doctor if you are short of breath or have an injury from exercise.
