Oil anointing (also called the blessing or sanctification of the oil) is a meaningful act of turning ordinary olive oil into a good spiritual symbol and tool. The process is self-explanatory, and once the oil is ready, you can use it in a variety of ways.
Method 1 of 2: Blessing Oil for Anointing

Step 1. Consult a religious or community leader in your location to learn the details
Each denomination/religious school has its own guidelines for regulating how to bless oil for anointing use, as well as how to use anointing oil.
- The most common restrictions include who may bless or anoint the oil. In some denominations, only a priest or clergyman may consecrate oil.
- Also be aware that some denominations may have their own guidelines and laws regarding how to consecrate oil and its subsequent use.
- Other rules may include the source/origin and the type of oil you are allowed to use.

Step 2. Choose olive oil
You can use plain or flavored olive oil, but it should still be olive oil, as it has a greater significance, both traditional and religious, than any other oil.
- You don't need to buy special anointing oil, unless instructed to do so by a religious leader.
- Cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil is the purest type of olive oil available on the market, so many people choose to use this type of oil when shopping for anointing oils. You can find this oil in most grocery stores.
- If desired, you can purchase flavored olive oil from a secular or religious goods store. Oils that have been scented with frankincense and myrrh are popular varieties and have special spiritual significance.

Step 3. Put some oil in a small bottle
Look for a small bottle or other container with a tight-fitting lid that won't leak. Pour some olive oil into this container. The sample in this container will become the anointing oil.
- You can buy special containers for special oils at religious supply stores or online, or you can use whatever small bottles are available.
- The most common container is a short metal bottle with a threaded cap and a small sponge inserted into it to keep the oil from leaking out.
- Plastic oil containers that are not too expensive are also usually easy to find.
- You can even use the small plastic shampoo bottles that people usually use/carry out for travelling.

Step 4. Pray for the oil
As long as it's not prohibited by your denomination, you can usually bless the oil yourself, without the presence or assistance of a clergyman. Your prayers must be steady and spoken with faith.
- The prayer you use should contain a request that God bless and sanctify the oil, so that it can be used to reveal the glory of God.
- For example, your prayer might say, "Lord, I pray that you will anoint this oil in your holy name., and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Step 5. Store the oil at room temperature
The best way to keep oil fresh is to store it covered and at room temperature. It is not recommended that you store it in the refrigerator.
If you store oil in the refrigerator, it will turn cloudy. However, this isn't really a problem, and you can still use the oil even if it looks a little cloudy
Method 2 of 2: Using Anointing Oil

Step 1. Understand the power behind the anointing oil
There is nothing mystical or miraculous about the oil itself, although anointing oil can be a powerful instrument of faith. Just like other spiritual tools, real power comes from God.
- The anointing oil is a symbol of your faith in God and in God's ability to cleanse and sanctify.
- Without faith, the anointing oil will have no positive effect. You can use this oil to strengthen and demonstrate your faith, but you cannot use it to replace faith itself.

Step 2. Anoint yourself
Most importantly, you can use the oil to anoint yourself when you are praying, have trouble, or are sick.
- While there are different ways to anoint yourself, the most common is to moisten your right thumb with a little oil and make the Sign of the Cross on your forehead, then draw a cross on your forehead saying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.. Amen."
- After anointing yourself, you can continue your prayers as usual, whether they are prayers for healing, penance, thanksgiving, or other prayers.
- Alternatively, if you are injured or sick, you can make the sign of the cross for yourself by applying the anointing oil on the problem areas of your body, while praying for healing.

Step 3. Anoint others
Besides you can use the anointing oil for yourself, you can also use it to help others who are in trouble or sick. Pray for them while anointing them with oil.
- When anointing another person, moisten your right thumb with a small amount of anointing oil and use it to draw a cross in the center of the person's forehead.
- As you describe the shape of the cross, name the person and say, "I anoint you with oil, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
- Continue this step with a prayer according to the specific condition. This includes prayers for physical healing, spiritual healing, purification, and general blessings.

Step 4. Use anointing oil for your home
Anointing oil is often used to bless new homes or homes that are experiencing spiritual threats.
- Remove all objects from the house that may have roots of evil power.
- Surround your home by anointing every door frame in every room. As you do so, pray that God will fill your home with the presence of the Holy Spirit, and that everything that happens in the home happens according to God's will.
- The basis of the act of anointing the house is that you turn it into a "holy place" for God.

Step 5. Understand some of its traditional uses
The anointing oil has a history that leads us back to Bible times. Although some of its traditional uses are no longer valid today, it is still useful to understand them.
- Anointing the body with perfumed oil used to be considered refreshing. If done for another person, this act is considered as an expression of friendliness.
- The ancient Israelites used to apply anointing oil to the skin of their shields when preparing for war.
- Some of the uses of anointing oil are also for medical needs and to prepare the body for burial and burial.
- Some types of oil are also used to purify or consecrate a person to respond to a spiritual call or a specific purpose for him which is believed to be God's plan.