Easter egg hunting is a common Easter holiday tradition, especially for children. Luckily, there are plenty of places to hide eggs, even if you don't have access to an open area or good weather. In addition to information on preparing for an egg hunt, this article contains tips on how to make an event more interesting or host other activities.
Part 1 of 3: Preparing for the Egg Hunt

Step 1. Prepare the eggs for the Easter egg hunt
You can use real hard-boiled eggs that have been colored or decorated for the Easter holidays, or hollow plastic eggs that you can fill with stuff. Chalk eggs are also available, but this may not be a good idea when the event is being held indoors, as children may be drawing pictures on your furniture.
Keep in mind that real eggs are likely to be crushed by small children, and will rot if not found. Consider using plastic eggs if you want to keep areas of the room clean

Step 2. Buy a treat if using plastic eggs
Plastic Easter eggs can be filled with items such as chocolate, candy, jelly, fruit, money, toys, or other small gifts that children will enjoy. Some families and groups choose to hide the empty eggs, then distribute the treats equally among the children when the hunt is over.
Ask parents of future children if there are certain treats you need to avoid. There are children who are allergic to nuts, and toddlers may not be able to eat chocolate or hard candy

Step 3. Determine the specific area in the room where the egg hunt will take place
Before hiding eggs, you should determine a safe room or place for the children to look for eggs. For example, choose an open and safe space such as a living room or small workspace, rather than in a warehouse where hazardous equipment and chemicals are stored.
- Lock private rooms if possible, or hang a sign that says “No entry” on the front and door of a room that children don't want to find. Hang the sign at eye level, and tell those who can't read where to look.
- Keep important documents, glassware, and personal belongings in a restricted area where children will not find them.

Step 4. Take security measures
While most parents won't expect you to completely make your home safe for children, there are some easy steps for temporary safety that you can take. Stick cardboard or foam on the sharp end of the guest table. Move medications and cleaning chemicals to higher shelves or locked cabinets. Precautions are very important especially for toddlers and young children.

Step 5. Consider color coding of eggs for children of different ages
If kids of different ages or abilities are going on an Easter egg hunt, it might be more fun for everyone if different kids are looking for different eggs. For example, you could tell older children that they should only look for red eggs that are hard to find, while purple eggs are left where they are easier for younger children to find.
- If there are a lot of children coming, you can even write the name of each child on one or more eggs and instruct the children to only look for eggs that have their own name written on them. To avoid fighting, make sure each child has the same number of eggs, and that you know where each egg is hidden so you can help.
- If a relatively older child is upset that they are not allowed to take a certain egg, invite them to help the younger child by pointing to an easy-to-find egg.
Part 2 of 3: Hiding the Egg

Step 1. Write down the location of each Easter egg when you hid it
Write down each egg's location so you don't forget where the egg is. This list will help you provide clues and signs to children who are having difficulty finding eggs. Plus, a list of locations will allow you to check for eggs that are left after the party. If you forget where to hide the eggs and no one finds them, the eggs will go bad, or if they are plastic, the treats inside may go stale and attract pests.

Step 2. Hide the Easter eggs when no children are in the room
To help make sure Easter egg hunts are fun for kids, you should hide the eggs when the kids are asleep, or not on site. For example, hide eggs on the night before Easter.
- If you want to help hide the eggs or another adult and older children want to join in, you can hide eggs at Easter when the little ones are being watched in another room.
- If you hide the eggs when the kids are awake, distract them first with a large homemade breakfast, board game, or coloring book.

Step 3. Hide the eggs in an easy place for children five and under
Toddlers and young children may find it best if you hide the eggs in a visible place that is low enough for them to reach. Place the eggs in a prominent place in a corner of the floor, in an Easter basket on a short table, or on a low flowerpot without much leaf cover.
You may have to wait until the egg hunt begins to lay the eggs directly on the floor, or someone may step on them. Children under the age of three may not notice even if you "hide" the eggs when they are in the room

Step 4. Hide the eggs in a more difficult place for children aged six and up
Many children aged six years and older enjoy searching for eggs in hard-to-find places, such as under, or inside objects. Children's enthusiasm, height, and egg-seeking abilities will vary, so hide some eggs in an easier place than others.
- Place the eggs on a cupboard shelf or in a drawer. You can hide it behind a book or under a magazine for the older kids in this range.
- Hide the egg in a pile of other objects. Children this age may be more enthusiastic about looking through piles of stuffed animals or in mailboxes.
- Hide eggs inside other objects. Hide the eggs in an overturned pan, pillowcase, or bowl.

Step 5. Hide eggs in difficult locations or provide additional challenges for older kids
Even if you don't have older kids joining you on the egg hunt, some of the younger kids might get excited and want to find the hard treasure. Keep in mind that many adults enjoy helping children find eggs, and providing a clever location will keep them entertained too.
- Stick the eggs under the chairs and tables. This method can go from difficult to easy if the children are short enough to see it!
- Unplug the lamp, then remove the bulb and replace it with an egg, hidden by the lampshade. You can use the same trick with wide candles.
- Use the toothbrush holder as an egg cup, hiding the eggs behind a brightly colored toothbrush.

Step 6. Use some tricks when hiding eggs
To make the eggs hard to find, use the following trick to hide the eggs where they are clearly visible, or where hardly anyone would think to see them. It can also make hunting more entertaining for adults who see children looking for or trying to guess the location of the remaining eggs.
- Make camouflage on the eggs. Red eggs will be harder to find in a flowerpot full of red flowers, while blue eggs can be placed on blue pillows while the children walk through them.
- Hide the eggs in a visible place by placing them with the unadorned eggs in the egg carton in the refrigerator.
- Keep an egg under your hat or in your pocket.

Step 7. Determine if a special prize egg is a good idea
Consider hiding a special gifted egg with a unique color and a special gift for the discoverer. This can make Easter egg hunts more fun, but the competition can anger younger or those who are less capable of finding eggs.
Choose a treat that the kids will enjoy, such as an extra large piece of candy or a chocolate bunny
Part 3 of 3: Doing Other Indoor Activities with Easter Eggs

Step 1. Invite the children to decorate the Easter eggs
There are many safe and easy ways to decorate eggs. Boil the eggs first, then let the children use crayons, food coloring and sponges, or paint to decorate the eggs.
Children may want to save their eggs after decorating, so you will need to hide separate groups of decorated eggs to hunt for eggs

Step 2. Turn the Easter egg hunt into a treasure hunt
Instead of letting the kids loose to find all the eggs at once, give them clues for each egg in turn. To experience the true “treasure hunt” feeling, write the next clue inside each egg, and fill the last egg with golden chocolate coins like “pirate treasure.”
A clue can be a puzzle, a hidden reference to an object in another room, or a reference to something the children have done. For example, an egg hidden in the “forest” could be placed among house plants, while an egg hidden “in the land of a birthday cake” could be placed on a cake in the refrigerator

Step 3. Roll the Easter eggs
Make a gentle path of wooden planks leaning against a stack of books. Cover the board and floor with a blanket in case the eggs break, then invite everyone to remove their eggs from the board. The person with the furthest egg wins the prize.

Step 4. Have the children compete in the Easter egg spoon competition
Invite the children to line up in two or more rows. Each holding a spoon. Place an egg on the spoon of each child in the first row. When you say “Start!” each row must carry the egg all the way to the end of the line without the egg touching anything but the spoon.
- If the egg falls, you can return it to the spoon first or let the children try to pick it up with just the spoon.
- Kids can also really race their Easter eggs by pushing them with their noses, jumping while holding them, or other methods, but these races are more suited to indoor locations.
- Decorate the room or area where the Easter eggs are hidden with Easter-themed decorations like ribbons, plastic “Easter” grass, or pastel-colored balloons. This will help provide children with information about places where they are allowed to look for Easter eggs.
- If you don't have enough room to hide eggs, ask a friendly neighbor if it's okay to hide some eggs in his apartment or house. Clearly state how many children will be looking and how old they are. If the neighbor is inexperienced with children, suggest that you limit searching their home for 15-30 minutes to just one room.