How to Feel Proud of Your Own Appearance: 13 Steps

How to Feel Proud of Your Own Appearance: 13 Steps
How to Feel Proud of Your Own Appearance: 13 Steps

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In this day and age, being satisfied with one's own appearance may seem almost impossible. Today the media continues to fill us with endless suggestions. They keep enticing us with all kinds of incitements like “your skin doesn't look like this” or “you need this body shape.” Loving and being proud of how you look is a surefire way to achieve personal satisfaction. You will always feel lacking if you can't feel proud of your own appearance. Fortunately, there are strategies you can learn to love and be proud of how you look.


Part 1 of 3: Developing Self-Acceptance

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 1
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 1

Step 1. Realize that you and your body are amazing

Instead of focusing on the things you don't like, focus on the things you like. If your smile or beautiful teeth are often complimented, enjoy these positive traits. Go beyond your physical appearance and focus on the positive non-physical things you have.

Make a list to stick on your bedroom mirror. Fill the paper with all the good things you like about yourself right now. You might include things like “I am a strong person” or “I am an animal lover.” Write down as much as you can, and look at this list regularly as a mood booster

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 2
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 2

Step 2. Smile often

Smiling makes a person more beautiful or handsome. When you smile, you get a variety of health benefits, such as reducing stress. By smiling you will feel more cheerful and happy. What's more, you can also make other people seem more attractive and spread positivity to them.

  • Challenge yourself to smile as often as you can, even when you don't feel like it. Give it 24 hours. Practice your smile in front of the mirror while getting dressed and getting ready for the activity. Smile when you run into strangers on your way to school or work.
  • Look at the reaction you get when you smile. Pay attention to how you feel about the reaction.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 3
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 3

Step 3. Take care of yourself

Everyone has their own uniqueness. You can't change how you look, but you can change the effect it has on how you feel. Shift your focus towards a healthy lifestyle. If you take good care of yourself, you will naturally have more self-confidence and better health.

  • Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, low-fat protein, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
  • Exercise regularly to prevent disease, maintain (or reduce) weight, and fight anxiety and depression.
  • Reduce stress by doing activities you enjoy. Take time to rest and relax.
  • Get enough sleep to improve focus and concentration and increase your chances of living a healthy life.
  • Stay away from drugs and alcohol. Both only please you for a moment. However, the impact on your body and mind will be long lasting.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 4
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 4

Step 4. Say love yourself over and over again

Sometimes, a reality starts with a lie. Convince yourself that you like how you look by saying positive things over and over to yourself. You can do it anywhere, anytime, out loud and in your heart. Over time, the things that were said slowly felt real.

  • I always try my best
  • I'm still growing
  • I am beautiful because there is only one in this world.
  • My body is healthy. My mind is brilliant. My heart is at peace, My soul is at peace.
  • I will not have any negative thoughts or feelings.
  • I really value my life.

Part 2 of 3: Overcoming the Source of Disappointment

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 5
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 5

Step 1. Realize that you are "enough"

Perhaps the reason you can't feel proud of how you look is because you're setting too many standards for your appearance. You want to lose 20 kg of weight. You need to attract the attention of someone special. Or, you want your mother to acknowledge your style of dress. What you need to realize is that you are good enough, no matter how you look, who pays attention, or how you dress.

  • Feeling that you are good enough yourself is not as easy as it seems. However, if you decide to believe and act every day, over time you will truly believe in yourself completely.
  • If you don't feel good enough, repeat the following sentence like a mantra: "I'm good enough." Repeat over and over until you believe the sentence completely.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 6
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 6

Step 2. Learn to love your own body

It is not as easy as you think. However, when you have reached the point of loving yourself for who you are, the pleasures are immeasurable. Say you have a scar on your chin. Want to like the scar? Think about the fact that the wound symbolizes you getting stronger from the things that are trying to hurt you. Here are some ways to love your body:

  • Stand in front of the mirror and look at the body parts you don't like. Look for the positive in that part of the body. For example, if you hate the shape of your nose, try to enjoy the fact that your nose is blackhead-free. Do it every day until you are more in love with this body part.
  • Calm your body regularly. Take a long and relaxing bath. Go for a manicure or pedicure. Try a new hairstyle. Visit the spa for a massage.
  • Wear beautiful and comfortable clothes. Do not be shy when choosing clothes. Choose the material, pattern and color that is best for you. If you wear trendy clothes that fit you, you will automatically feel more confident.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 7
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 7

Step 3. Don't compare

When you pay close attention, your friend seems to be growing taller and suddenly you think "I'm too short." When you buy nice new clothes, you suddenly feel that the clothes you are wearing are "very ugly." You don't know why you feel that way, but one thing is for sure: comparisons rob you of your happiness and self-confidence. Think of the following as reasons why you should stop the habit.

  • There is no benefit from comparing. This only destroys your morale, pride, and self-esteem.
  • This will only make you feel like a loser because there are always other people who are better than you (e.g. smarter, prettier, taller, etc.).
  • Comparing will only take away your individual strengths and assume everyone's tastes, styles and experiences should be the same.
  • You never know for sure what someone else's life is like. You are simply comparing your worst perceptions with other people's best.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 8
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 8

Step 4. Stay away from critics

Your opinion of yourself may not always be built on confidence. You also conceptualize yourself from the endless opinions and criticisms of others. A friend or relative who constantly belittles or comments on your appearance can make it difficult to develop a sense of self-worth. One of the biggest factors in linking happiness and emotional health is how other people treat you. Here are some ways to deal with people who criticize too much.

  • Limit socializing if your relationship causes you to feel inferior. Turn down the gathering invitation and spend less time with the person.
  • Be careful in choosing where to pour out your feelings and thoughts. If the person doesn't appreciate what you're saying, don't share it with them.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 9
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 9

Step 5. Challenge the media's image of beauty

If you watch too much television, dwell on social media, or read beauty and fashion magazines, your view will be affected by the irrational beauty image that is being bombarded by the media.

  • Men and women presented by the media can cause you to judge and compare yourself, despite the fact that all appearances are fake because they have been modified with Photoshop. Your self-confidence falls victim to constant judgment and comparison.
  • Limit media exposure to keep your view of the shape and beauty of the human body realistic. If necessary, strive to represent a true human figure in all shapes and sizes.
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 10
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 10

Step 6. Eliminate perfectionism

If you have a tendency to perfectionism, this mentality will hinder the growth of confidence in your appearance. You will always feel lacking when looking in the mirror. Every time you get complimented, you won't be immediately grateful or happy. Setting standards too high is self-destructive behavior and self-happiness. Eliminate perfectionism through the following steps:

  • If you find yourself setting your standards too high, be realistic. Remind yourself that no one is perfect and natural to make mistakes. Say to yourself, “Do your best!”
  • Expose yourself to your fears. For example, if you're worried about going without makeup, commit to doing it. At first, go without wearing lipstick or lip balm. Then, ignore the use of foundation. Lastly, don't put any makeup on your face and leave with a natural, clean and fresh face. Repeat this sentence over and over again, “You are already beautiful as you are.” Did your fear come true? Is anyone laughing at you?

Part 3 of 3: Redefining the Meaning of Beauty

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 11
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 11

Step 1. Find the beauty of others beyond mere physical appearance

As you try to find beauty in yourself, see beauty in others. Sometimes, you can see qualities in someone that they can't see for themselves. When you realize that beauty is everywhere, in everyone, you will believe that beauty is also within you.

Beauty comes in many forms. Pay attention to the subtle beauty you see in other people. Think of the people around you. Their laughter, compassion, zest for life, intelligence, and solidarity, aren't they all beautiful qualities? Do other people see the same in you?

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 12
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 12

Step 2. Find beauty in nature

One way to redefine beauty is to move away from today's modern ideals and turn to natural beauty. Nature offers a variety of presentations of beauty that can be seen in plants, living things, and natural landscapes.

There are thousands, even millions of forms of beauty given by nature. Just look at the many sights that took everyone's breath away. By looking at all the forms of beauty that exist in nature, you will understand that beauty is not only something that is visible to the eye, but also what your heart feels

Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 13
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 13

Step 3. Do activities that make you feel beautiful

As you try to redefine beauty, you may notice how it affects your everyday life. Since beauty is something that is felt, there are many ways to feel beautiful in life. Physical appearance is only a small part of one's beauty as a human being. Think of things you can do to feel beautiful.

  • It should be noted, these activities have nothing to do with your outward appearance. Although these activities may beautify your appearance and that of others, the activities meant here are things about body and soul that radiate beauty from within.
  • For example, volunteering will make you feel like you have made a positive contribution to society. Listening to your favorite music and dancing will also radiate your inner beauty. Laughing will make you look beautiful. Playing with children can also make you feel beautiful. These activities will make you feel better about yourself, both inside and out.
