Ideally, all students should submit assignments on time. But in fact, often laziness and various personal problems attack, making it difficult for you to collect assignments on time. Want to know how to come up with a plausible excuse so that your negligence can be tolerated by your teacher? Read on for this article to find the answer!
Method 1 of 3: Making Planned Reasons

Step 1. Make sure your reasons sound reasonable
If your only option is to come up with an excuse – or if you feel it's the best option – make sure you plan accordingly. Unreasonable excuses like “my dog ate my job” will be hard for your teacher to believe. Remember, tricking a teacher who has experienced working with hundreds of students (and hearing their excuses) is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Your teacher is experienced, so it's likely that you'll immediately realize the absurd and absurd reasoning.

Step 2. Shred your paperwork so your teacher doesn't realize you haven't done it
Submit torn, dirty, or illegible paperwork so you can prove your reasoning.
- Crumple and tear your paperwork. After that, you can say that your task was carried away by the wind and accidentally stepped on.
- Sprinkle a little dirt or mud and water on your assignment paper, then say that your assignment fell into a puddle.
- Spill something dark (such as juice or ink) onto your paper.

Step 3. Make an excuse based on the technology malfunction
- If you have to save the task on the USB, explain that the file you saved on the USB turned out to be problematic.
- If you're asked to submit an assignment via email, try "accidentally" sending the wrong file (for example, an assignment from another class or an unfinished draft). You can also send corrupt files so that your teacher can't open them.
- Be careful, chances are your teacher is tech savvy and knows such tricks; think creatively!

Step 4. Give a reasonable and acceptable reason
For example, your assignment fell out of your bag, you put the wrong paper or book in your bag, you have to attend a funeral, etc.

Step 5. If possible, write down the original answer
For example, you can write a random formula in your math assignment just to give the impression that you've done the assignment. But be careful, your teacher will find out if he observes your assignment more carefully.

Step 6. Avoid reasons that can turn against you
For example, don't admit to leaving your work in the locker; most likely, your teacher will ask you to take it. After that, he will know that you haven't done your homework.
Method 2 of 3: Buying Time and Faking the Truth

Step 1. Sit down as if you had completed your assignment on time, even though the opposite happened
- If you haven't done the assignments that must be submitted in the last class, chances are you can try to finish them in between other lessons or during your lunch break.
- You can also turn in the wrong assignments; for example, assignments that should be collected in another class or old assignments from the same class. While waiting for your teacher to realize your mistake, complete your assignment as quickly as possible. You can also submit the correct assignments the next day and apologize for submitting the wrong ones.
- Copy your friends' answers so you have something to collect. First, make sure your friend agrees with your actions; but remember, this method only applies to questions that have similar answers. In some schools, even copying someone else's work can get the culprit suspended! Therefore, make sure you first assess the situation and make a decision that will not harm you.

Step 2. Pretend to be sick
Careful; In most cases, you will need to be able to submit a doctor's letter to prove your claim.

Step 3. Ask your parents to help you write a formal letter of permission addressed to your teacher
- If your parents are unwilling to do so, you can try to fake their letter. But remember, this step is very dangerous and risky!
- If you decide to produce a fake license, be aware that the risk of getting caught is very high. If your parents or teachers find out about your actions, be prepared to receive serious punishment!
Method 3 of 3: Telling the Truth

Step 1. Try to be honest
Instead of making up excuses, telling the truth is actually the best option. Trust me, honesty and a sincere apology can have a very positive impact on you.
- You can say, “Sorry sir, I'm really stuck and having a hard time completing my assignment. May I request additional time and collect it tomorrow? I promise not to be late again.".
- Give a clear and simple reason; don't make your teacher even more upset by hearing long and convoluted excuses.

Step 2. Take responsibility for your mistakes
Admit that you really haven't finished the task and accept the fact that you are indeed at fault, instead of busy blaming someone else.
- This means you have to say something like: “Sorry, sir. I knew I should have kept collecting assignments. I am willing to accept the consequences and promise not to do it again."
- Doing so will show your maturity; Besides that, your teacher will definitely appreciate your honesty.

Step 3. Think of a strong and plausible reason
Trust me, you need a more elaborate excuse than just "I forgot to do my homework" to convince your teacher.
- For example, say that you have a hard time managing your time and feel stressed about it (this excuse generally has more power during exams).
- If the situation is beyond your control, for example because one of your relatives is seriously ill or has died, state the reasons as they are.
- You can also admit that you don't understand the task at hand, have difficulty doing it, or take a little longer to complete it.

Step 4. Remember, your teacher also has other things to do
Therefore, there is no need to wait until class is over to admit that you haven't done your assignment.
- Trust me, your reasoning will be more easily accepted if it is not delivered in the seconds leading up to the assignment.
- There are times when you can ask your teacher for additional work time.
- Get to know your teacher's personality; Is he flexible and forgiving or is it the other way around? When talking to your teacher, make a serious, anxious, sad face, or any expression that fits your reasoning.
- If you've done an assignment but forgot to bring it to school, explain to your parents that you've done it and try to submit it the next day (if your teacher allows it).
- Don't give inconsistent or far-fetched reasons if you don't want to be seen as lying.
- Come to school early to do homework.
- If you have free time between classes (or during breaks), use that time to complete your assignments.
- Never claim to have done an assignment if in fact you haven't done it.
- Ideally, you should turn in your assignments on time. Every now and then, you can skip assignments and make up reasonable excuses; but remember, don't do it too often! That way, if one day you really can't turn in your assignments on time, your teacher won't think you're lying.
- Even if you don't finish on time (and make you have to come up with a detailed reasoning), keep collecting your assignments.
- If you are able to do some of your assignments (or do all the questions even if the results are not optimal), keep collecting them. Trust me, collecting tasks that are not done optimally is much better than collecting nothing. Sometimes, your teacher will also be kind enough to give you a modest grade. If you want, you can also ask for additional task time with the excuse of maximizing the quality of your work.
- If necessary, 'practice' your reasoning in front of the mirror or with your friends. This method is effective in keeping your story consistent.
- If you are only able to complete part of the assignment but the class bell has rung, try explaining to your teacher that your assignment is not finished because there are some things that you don't understand and need to ask your teacher in class.
- Be prepared to accept the consequences if you get caught making up excuses. It's best to meet your teacher and explain that you are used to procrastinating, having trouble managing time, or having trouble doing the assignment.
- As much as possible, don't lie; Without realizing it, lying that is constantly being done can transform into a habit, you know!
- If caught lying, you can receive serious consequences from your parents, teachers, or even your friends.