How to Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School (with Pictures)

How to Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School (with Pictures)
How to Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


You want to have a girlfriend but don't know how to get one. Does not matter. The following steps will help you choose the right girl and make her a boyfriend.


Part 1 of 2: Choosing the Right Woman

Skip to Part 2, Making Him Your Girlfriend, if you already know which girl you want to be your girlfriend.

Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 1
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 1

Step 1. Get to know a lot of women

The more women know, the more options they have.

  • Use lunch and breaks to talk to as many women as possible.
  • If you don't know how to talk to a girl, find out who her friends are and make friends with them. This will provide an opportunity to talk to the woman.
  • Try talking to women who are close to your age. If you're in second grade, there's no point in trying to get a boyfriend from fourth or fifth grade.
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 2
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 2

Step 2. Be friends with the girl you like

If you've met a lot of girls, decide who's the best. Try to befriend them by spending time with them and being nice.

  • Praise them. Tell them you think they're smart or funny, or tell them you like their clothes or hair.
  • Defend them. If you see someone being mean to them, defend the girl you like because they'll know you're a good friend.
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 3
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 3

Step 3. Find out which of the new friends said you were funny

One of the most important things about having a boyfriend is that you can make each other laugh. As you spend time with new friends, pay attention to who can make you laugh or if you can make them laugh. If you find a certain girl being funny and she thinks you're funny, that's a very good sign!

Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 4
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 4

Step 4. Notice which of the new friends has the same interests as you

It's also very important when you and your girlfriend have the same interests in some things. You are different people so you don't have to be exactly the same. However, it would be better if you share the same interests such as having the same favorite sport or subject at school.

Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 5
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 5

Step 5. Make sure that he is being nice

You may be very close in deciding who will be the girlfriend. The final step to take is to make sure he is being nice. If you notice that the girl likes to be bossy or likes to make fun of you, she may not be the right boyfriend.

Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 6
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 6

Step 6. Choose the girl

You start by talking to the women. Then, make friends with some of them. Next, find out who you have in common and think that the similarities are funny. Now it's time to choose the best girl to like.

Part 2 of 2: Making Him Your Boyfriend

Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 7
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 7

Step 1. Make sure you are clean

Before doing anything, make sure that you are clean and well-groomed whenever you see him. Women don't like men who smell bad. Before going to school or on a date, do the following:

  • Take a shower and use plenty of soap.
  • Brush your teeth.
  • Wear clean clothes
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 8
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 8

Step 2. Find out if he wants to have a girlfriend

Most people don't have their first boyfriend until after elementary school, so find out and see if the girl you like wants a boyfriend or not.

  • Talk about other people you know who have a boyfriend because that will give him reason to ask him if he wants to have a girlfriend or not.
  • Ask him if he's ever thought about having a girlfriend or not, but don't tell him it's because you want to be his girlfriend. This can frighten him.
  • If he doesn't want a girlfriend, ask him why.
  • If he asks if you want a girlfriend, tell him that you want one but aren't trying too hard to get one.
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 9
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 9

Step 3. If he doesn't want to have a girlfriend, so be it

NEVER try to convince her to be a boyfriend. This will only cause him to hate you for not appreciating him. What's more, other women won't want to date you either. NEVER talk about anything he doesn't want.

Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 10
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 10

Step 4. Play with your friend and his friends

If he's going to be your boyfriend, try to spend some time with him outside of school. However, at first you shouldn't be too aggressive. Instead of just inviting him over to your house, try to invite your friends and his friends too. This can provide an opportunity to spend time with him in a less awkward way.

Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 11
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 11

Step 5. Be friendly to his friends

Girls talk about boys when they are alone. Therefore, make sure that his friends say good things about you. This is considered very important because no girl wants to date someone who is not friends with her friends.

Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 12
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 12

Step 6. Play only with him

If group play is going well, spend time just with him. Remember, this isn't a real date so you shouldn't think she's going to be a boyfriend just because the two of you are playing.

  • Find things to laugh about. Talk about funny things that happened at school or watch a funny TV program that you both enjoy.
  • Talk about what the two of you have in common. If you're both in the same class or doing the same thing outside of school, these are good topics to talk about so the date doesn't feel awkward.
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 13
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 13

Step 7. Talk about your feelings and ask about them

The boyfriend is usually close and talks about his feelings too. Therefore, if you are used to talking about situations when you are sad or happy with him, he will start to think that you are like a girlfriend.

Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 14
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 14

Step 8. Give her a gift

Giving gifts will show that you think about them. If the gift he can use, he will think of you whenever he uses it. Think about the things he enjoys doing:

  • If he likes to draw, give him a cute marker.
  • If she likes wearing beautiful socks, give her a pair of socks that you like. This will make him feel special.
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 15
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 15

Step 9. Ask him if he wants to be your girlfriend

In the end, you have to ask him if you want him to be his girlfriend. This may be the scariest part, but there are a few things you can say before asking if he wants to be his girlfriend or not:

  • You are one of my best friends and I think you are really smart and funny.
  • I think we have fun when we spend time together. So, I want to spend more time with you.
  • With you, I can talk about things that cannot be talked about with other people.
  • We have a lot in common and I'm happy with all of your friends.
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 16
Get a Girlfriend in Elementary School Step 16

Step 10. If he says no, don't stop being his friend

Remember, she was younger than most people when she had her first boyfriend. So maybe he's just not ready. Don't force him to do anything he doesn't want.


  • If he says he's not interested in you, ask why and don't be mad at him.
  • If you like the things he likes, you can play with him. So, if you and he both love to draw, maybe you can draw together on your first date together.
  • Show that you care about him, maintain good eye contact and show that you care about his priorities. It's important to always show him your true self.
  • If he rejects you, he may feel it's too early to date! Remember that you are young and still have years ahead of you!
