How to Turn Off Voicemail: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Turn Off Voicemail: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Turn Off Voicemail: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

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There are several things that might make someone decide not to use a voicemail service. Some cellular service providers may charge extra for voicemail. In addition, voicemail services can sometimes actually make it difficult for you to talk directly to people who are trying to reach you. How to turn off voicemail varies, depending on the cellular service provider you use, as well as the type of phone itself. While some phones allow you to turn off voicemail manually, it's a good idea to contact your cellular service provider and let them know that you want to turn off voicemail.


Method 1 of 2: Manually Turning Off Voicemail

Turn Off Voicemail Step 1
Turn Off Voicemail Step 1

Step 1. Open voicemail settings (voicemail)

On some phones, voicemail can be turned off through the settings (settings). Meanwhile, the voicemail settings you should open are determined by the type of phone and the service you're using. Open the list of options, and select the one related to voicemail. All cell phones have options related to the voicemail function. You just need to find out if voicemail can be turned off manually on your phone.

  • If you're not sure your phone has this option, try looking up voicemail/voicemail in your phone's user manual, or searching the internet.
  • T-Mobile phones usually have this option, which is listed as Visual Voicemail.
  • Meanwhile, many Verizon phones list it as "Account Services - Phone Extras".
Turn Off Voicemail Step 2
Turn Off Voicemail Step 2

Step 2. Turn off voicemail via settings

If you're lucky, you'll find the option to turn off voicemail on your phone. No matter what phone you're using, the first step to doing this is to check the Turn Off or Deactivate option. If you manage to find the right option, just check the option and the voicemail function will be turned off by the phone.

You can turn voicemail back on in the same way if you wish

Turn Off Voicemail Step 3
Turn Off Voicemail Step 3

Step 3. Enter the phone code

If your phone doesn't provide phone settings options, there are other ways you can try. Some cellular service providers such as Rogers allow you to turn off this service through a number that you can call your cell phone. If using Rogers, you only need to dial *93. Wait for it to "beep" twice. This sound indicates that your request has been accepted. After that, hang up the phone. Your voicemail should now be dead.

  • If you want to turn your voicemail service back on after turning it off in this way, do the same, but dial *92.
  • The voicemail service on the iPhone can be turned off in the same way. Just enter the number #404# and press "Call". This method should turn off the voicemail service.
Turn Off Voicemail Step 4
Turn Off Voicemail Step 4

Step 4. Check to make sure

After taking the necessary steps to turn off voicemail, it's a good idea to check again to make sure. Call your mobile number from another phone, or ask a friend to call you. Do not answer the phone call and see if the number calling you is asked to leave a message. If this request is not submitted, you have successfully turned off voicemail.

Method 2 of 2: Contacting the Cellular Service Provider

Turn Off Voicemail Step 5
Turn Off Voicemail Step 5

Step 1. Contact customer service

If in doubt, call the customer service number who can help you directly. Customer service number information is available on your mobile service provider's website. If you don't know the service provider you're using, look at your phone's home screen or check the bill (for postpaid phones). These services are usually toll-free and can be contacted whenever you have a problem with your phone.

  • Some cellular service providers, such as Three UK, have a special number for users who want to turn voicemail on or off. If you're using Three UK's service, simply dial 333 to turn off voicemail.
  • Take a little time if you decide to call the customer service number. There may be enough users dialing the number that you will have to wait quite a while to talk to someone.
Turn Off Voicemail Step 6
Turn Off Voicemail Step 6

Step 2. Tell the clerk what you want

After the customer service representative answers your phone call, let them know that you want to turn off your voicemail service without changing your subscription plan. Confirming that you don't want to change anything else will help speed up this process. Meanwhile, the customer service personnel will access your mobile phone information and modify the service according to your wishes. Next, it will notify you that the changes have been made.

Turn Off Voicemail Step 7
Turn Off Voicemail Step 7

Step 3. Double check to make sure that voicemail is turned off

After ending the conversation, and the customer service representative informs you that voicemail has been turned off, check again to make sure. You may try to call your cell phone from another number or have someone else call you. Don't answer the phone call. If the number calling is not asked to leave a message, you are successful. But if not, try calling the customer service number again and let them know that your problem is not resolved.


If you use a free voicemail service, you just don't need to open the voicemail system at all. Unless you'd rather not receive messages, and don't want others to assume that you received messages from them


  • If the voicemail service is discontinued in the middle of the subscription period, be prepared to pay the full usage rate.
  • Voicemail services can be very useful, especially if you use your cell phone for work. Stopping the voicemail service can cause problems communicating. So, think again if you decide to do so.
