3 Ways to Lose Belly Fat (for Teen Girls)

3 Ways to Lose Belly Fat (for Teen Girls)
3 Ways to Lose Belly Fat (for Teen Girls)

Table of contents:


The struggle to lose belly fat by training the abdominal muscles does not give the expected results? Maybe you don't know that body fat cannot be reduced only in certain body parts. To slim down, you need to burn fat thoroughly by adopting a healthy diet, getting enough sleep every day, and exercising regularly. In addition, the abdominal muscles can be trained by doing some of the movements in this article! Whatever your body shape and size, whether short fat or tall, all have their own specialties and beauty.


Method 1 of 3: Exercising Regularly

Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 1
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 1

Step 1. Choose a sport that you like

Do not force yourself to exercise that is not your hobby because it could be, you lose motivation! Find out what sports you enjoy, such as practicing yoga, dancing, playing futsal, basketball, swimming, jogging, and so on. There are so many choices! In addition, you can exercise with a team, such as playing soccer, or walking alone in the park.

  • After determining the sport that interests you, do it at least 3 times a week.
  • Take time to do other sports at least 2 times a week. For example, if you like playing basketball, do this activity 3 times a week plus weight training 2 times a week.
  • Do another exercise if you are bored. If you are injured, do not continue to train and seek medical attention immediately.


Don't waste money to become a gym member because you want to work out! You can practice on your own at home by watching free tutorial videos on YouTube.

Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 2
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 2

Step 2. Invite a supportive friend to exercise together

The best way to motivate yourself to exercise regularly is to ask someone to remind you to work out on a schedule. Sometimes, he invites you, but other times, you invite him to exercise. The ideal partner! If you don't have a training partner, sign up for an aerobics club or sports club at school. Another way, invite friends to exercise together.

Prepare useful gifts to make you more excited, for example, invite friends to practice yoga and drink coffee together or do aerobics and then play games at home

Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 3
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 3

Step 3. Get used to doing physical movement 1 hour every day

Instead of intense exercise, you can simply move your body, such as walking, cycling, practicing using dumbbells, playing badminton with your nephew, or jumping rope.

You can divide the duration of 1 hour into several sessions, for example practicing yoga for 30 minutes in the morning before going to school and then playing futsal with friends for 30 minutes after school

Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 4
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 4

Step 4. Do muscle strengthening exercises and lift weights 2-3 times a week

If you're working out in the gym, the weightlifting equipment is usually male dominated, but don't give up! Young women must have a strong body to stay healthy, for example by practicing lifting weights to reduce fat and build muscle. Make sure you work your arms, legs, and abs. For beginners, use your body weight as a weight, for example practicing push ups and crunches. Use dumbbells or a barbell if your muscles are stronger.

If you don't already know how to use a machine to lift weights, watch free video tutorials on YouTube or ask a fitness trainer how

Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 5
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 5

Step 5. Do abdominal exercises to build abdominal muscles

Exercising your body as a whole is an effective way to lose weight, but you need to work your abdominal muscles if you want to have a flat stomach, for example by doing a plank posture and then defending while straightening your arms or resting on your elbows. Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to heels. If you're just starting out, hold on for 30 seconds. Extend the duration little by little as muscle strength increases.

  • Also, do leg lifts while lying on your back and then raise and lower your legs a few times.
  • Belly fat does not decrease if you only train your abdominal muscles, but this step is useful for building abdominal muscles.
  • Do not train the abdominal muscles 2 days in a row.

Method 2 of 3: Adopting a Healthy Diet

Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 6
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 6

Step 1. Eat a nutritious breakfast every day

Don't skip breakfast! Some people think that they can lose weight if they don't eat breakfast. This method is not effective, even bad for the body. So, make sure you eat breakfast every morning, such as oatmeal, yogurt and granola, or scrambled eggs.

  • Avoid sugary cereals and donuts. In addition to being not nutritious, these foods are digested immediately so you get hungry faster and eat more often.
  • A bowl of whole grain cereal with fat-free milk and fresh fruit can be a delicious healthy breakfast menu.
  • Whole wheat bread and scrambled eggs contain a lot of protein needed for activities in the morning.
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 7
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 7

Step 2. Eat fruits and vegetables every day

Make sure you eat fresh fruits and vegetables with every meal, such as cereals and apples at breakfast, sandwiches and salads at lunch, rice and vegetables with grilled chicken at dinner.

  • Avoid saturated fats, such as butter or lard. Eat plenty of healthy sources of unsaturated fats, such as fish and avocados.
  • Replace refined carbohydrate sources (such as white bread or crackers) with unprocessed carbohydrates (such as brown rice).
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 8
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 8

Step 3. Drink water instead of soda or fruit juice

When consuming soda or fruit juice, large amounts of sugar go directly into the blood vessels. This is bad for the body and increases weight. So, drink 6-8 glasses of water every day. Get in the habit of carrying a bottle filled with water during your daily activities so that you can drink as often as possible, instead of waiting until you are thirsty. In addition to maintaining health, you will find it easier to lose weight if you stay hydrated.

Don't beat yourself up if you accidentally drink soda or fruit juice, but make sure it's only occasionally. Consume water as the main drink every day

Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 9
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 9

Step 4. Prepare enough food on the plate and then hide the bowl containing the side dishes

Many people can't stop eating until they are full because they continue to talk, while at the table various side dishes are served. Avoid this habit by taking enough food, then immediately save another dish.

If you're so restless during a long chat that you want to leave the table, get up to fill a glass with water or say goodbye and go elsewhere

Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 10
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 10

Step 5. Avoid nutritional foods

This step is quite difficult for teenagers! If your friends ask you to eat pizza or drink ice cendol, you come along, right? Alternatively, suggest another after-school event, such as swimming or playing a game. If you want to join, take the time to eat healthy food at home before joining them. When you get there, just order water because you've already eaten. You can still hang out and have fun with friends without eating malnutrition.

Many fast food restaurants provide healthy food, but not many know about it. You can enjoy a salad with low-fat mayonnaise

Method 3 of 3: Applying a Healthy Lifestyle

Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 11
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 11

Step 1. Make sure you really need to lose weight

Many young women want to slim down to look like idol artists. Unfortunately, magazine photomodels are usually forced to follow a strict unhealthy diet to lose weight. So, don't use the photomodel's weight as a benchmark. Check with your doctor to determine if you need to lose weight.

  • Know that you can determine whether or not your ideal weight is using your body mass index (BMI). However, BMI is not always accurate because if you are muscular, sometimes BMI indicates that you are overweight, but you are not. This happens because muscle weight makes BMI increase.
  • Adolescent girls' bodies usually become fuller during puberty. The fat that makes the breasts and buttocks bigger also forms a thin layer on the belly. This is a normal thing!
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 12
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 12

Step 2. Lose a maximum of kg per week

Lately, there are many fast diet programs that promise faster weight loss. However, an effective way to lose weight is to adopt a realistic healthy diet and exercise regularly. This step can lose weight kg per week if done consistently. If you run a fast diet program because you want to lose weight quickly, you will gain weight again after dieting because you are not used to adopting a healthy diet.

  • Losing weight kg per week seems insignificant, but remember, this is a safe and effective way to lose weight. If done consistently, you can lose 25 kg of weight in a year.
  • Do not take slimming pills, laxatives, induce vomiting, and avoid lack of food intake. This method is very dangerous because it is bad for health. If your friend does, ask how he's doing. He needs the help of a health professional because this behavior indicates that he has an eating disorder.
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 13
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 13

Step 3. Get in the habit of eating when you feel hungry

Do not reduce the portion of food because you want to lose weight because you will be sleepy, irritable, and unable to concentrate while studying. Bring healthy snacks to school, such as whole-grain crackers, cheese, apples, bananas, toast with peanut butter, or carrot slices. Bringing healthy snacks means saving money because you don't have to buy food when you're hungry.

Take time to eat before starving because you will eat the available menu without considering the nutrition if you are very hungry

Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 14
Lose Belly Fat (Teen Girls) Step 14

Step 4. Get in the habit of getting 8-9 hours of sleep every night

A good night's sleep plays an important role in maintaining your health and losing weight. A night's sleep of 8-9 hours keeps you energized, awake, and able to choose a healthy menu to eat. This step is able to overcome the 2 main causes of overeating, namely stress and sadness.

  • Going to bed on a schedule can reduce the consumption of nutritional snacks during late-night activities.
  • In addition to setting an alarm to wake you up, set a timer to ring according to your bedtime schedule. You can sleep better and wake up refreshed if you go to bed at the same time every night.
  • Implement a bedtime schedule and get up early on the weekends. Although it seems strange, this method makes the body stay fit and slim faster. You can sleep late on the weekends, but don't stay up late.


  • Don't skip breakfast! This method increases your appetite during the day so you overeat.
  • You can't lose weight if you just do crunches. You have to train your body thoroughly to increase your calorie burn. In addition to crunches, do other movements to get the best results.
  • Instead of consuming soda and sugary drinks, drink water.


  • Do a variety of physical exercises. The body does not experience changes if you do certain exercises regularly because this method is not efficient and effective.
  • Don't go on a crash diet.
  • You can hurt your back if you do too many crunches or sit ups. So, rest 1 day before practicing again.
  • Holding on to hunger is very harmful to the body and leads to weight gain later in life.