In a broad sense, aerobic exercise is an exercise aimed at working large muscles such as your arms and legs. By practicing aerobics, your breathing rhythm and heart rate will be faster so that the flow of oxygen to the muscles will increase. This increased oxygen flow will cleanse the bloodstream of carbon dioxide and lactic acid that builds up in your muscles. Regular aerobic exercise can help normalize high blood pressure and cholesterol, improve lung function, slow the heart rate at rest, improve cardiovascular health, lose excess weight, and build muscle. Aerobic exercise can also be done by walking or playing basketball, but the "aerobics" that we will specifically discuss here are exercises that combine music with movements such as dancing so that it feels more fun and makes you addicted.
Method 1 of 3: Prepare Before Practicing Aerobics

Step 1. Decide what aerobic exercise you want
Some people like to design their own exercise program, but for that, you have to find out what program appeals to you. Aerobics classes usually have a variety of factors you need to consider before deciding to join. Some of the main factors, including:
- Gym or at home? Would you rather go to the gym, or work out at home with the help of a DVD player, YouTube video, or something like that?
Types of aerobic exercise. There are many types of aerobic exercise, including:
- Targeted exercise: aerobics for seniors, men, pregnant women, etc.
- Themed workouts: boot camp, martial arts, hip hop dance, latin salsa, etc.
- Instructor: practice classes tend to focus on instructor guidance (both real and virtual), and if the training instructor isn't the right fit for you, your training experience won't be great. Different aerobics instructors have different personalities, sensitivities, and behaviors.
- Hard impact vs light impact. The advantages and disadvantages are explained in more detail below.
- Your current fitness level. If you are fit enough, perhaps a very energetic exercise program will be for you. However, if you're just starting out with aerobics, you'll need a program for beginners.

Step 2. Allow enough time to practice according to health recommendations
Whether your goal is to lose weight or simply improve your health, nothing will change in your body unless you exercise regularly.
- The United States Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults do at least 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic exercise (light impact) per week or vigorous aerobic exercise (hard impact) of at least 75 minutes per week.
- This means, one hour of aerobic exercise per week is not yet in accordance with professional healthy lifestyle standards. Set aside enough time during the week for your training goals to be met.
- Another thing you should do on a regular basis is to practice to speed up your heart rate for half an hour every day in your spare time.
- If you want to lose weight, you'll need to exercise more because the recommendations above are guidelines aimed only at helping you lead a healthy life.

Step 3. Develop an exercise plan as an initial preparation
You are free to choose the aerobic exercise you like but consider the most discreet way of exercising. Of the five recommended aspects of physical activity, namely aerobic exercise, body strengthening exercises, core muscle strengthening exercises, balance exercises, and flexibility exercises, aerobics is just one of the many ways to practice. However, by developing a preliminary preparation plan, you can incorporate various methods and tools into this plan so that you can practice in a balanced way according to the recommendations provided.
- Aerobic exercise: Of course, you want your heart rate to be regularly faster. This is the reason why aerobics instructors usually ask you to keep walking in place at each change of movement instead of stopping to rest. If during aerobic exercise you can still speak fluently, this means that your portion of exercise is not heavy enough for your physical condition.
- Strengthening exercises: doing a series of aerobic exercises while lifting weights will build muscle in your arms, while using weights on your ankles will build muscle in your legs.
- Core strengthening exercises: these involve movements aimed at your abdomen, windmill movements for example. Holding weights while doing a windmill can provide more benefits for strengthening core muscles.
- Balance training: Many of the movements in aerobic exercise require you to alternate your weight on your legs. While doing this move, focus on moving your weight slowly and carefully while trying to maintain balance. Hamstring strengthening moves and ski jumps, for example, are good opportunities to focus on balance.
- Flexibility exercises: When performing movements that require stretching, make a full commitment to stretching your muscles. The windmill movement is an excellent example for those who can't touch their feet for the first time because their bodies aren't flexible enough. Your flexibility will gradually get better with more attention and practice.

Step 4. Choose a tracksuit that allows you to move freely
Do not wear clothes made of stiff materials for aerobic exercise because you need to be able to move freely when you stretch your arms and legs. Since you'll sweat a lot, wear clothes that don't overheat you, such as shorts and a t-shirt for athletic training. You should also wear sports shoes, not flats or work shoes.

Step 5. Prepare a fairly large and airy area
During aerobic exercise, you should be able to swing your arms, kick, and move around. First, move the table and chairs to the edge of the room and prepare an empty area that is large enough so that you can move around without worrying about something breaking or hurting yourself by hitting the table.

Step 6. Arrange the order of the songs that you like
Several studies have shown a correlation between good song composition and increased exercise efficiency. Since the main goal of aerobic exercise is to speed up the rhythm of your heart rate, choose fast-paced music so that you have to try to match your movements to the beat of the song. However, choose the songs you like the most! The better the music, the happier you'll be moving and the better your workout will be. Especially if you can enjoy your workout because of the music because you won't get bored and stop practicing after a few practice sessions.

Step 7. Stretch the big muscles before you start training
If you don't stretch before exercising, your muscles could be overstressed and injured, instead of getting better.
- Start from a standing position with your feet together and then try to touch your toes. Try to keep your knees straight during this movement.
- While pressing one foot against the wall with your toes up, try to bring your body closer to your foot to stretch your calf muscles.
- Get into a side squatting position to stretch your hamstrings.
- Stand on one leg and pull the sole of your foot toward your buttocks to stretch your quadriceps muscles.

Step 8. Prepare a drinking bottle filled with water
If during practice you sweat a lot, you will feel very tired and uncomfortable. Always keep drinking water nearby and drink it whenever you feel thirsty or want to take a break.
Method 2 of 3: Performing Light Impact Aerobics Exercise

Step 1. Perform light impact aerobic exercise if your condition falls into the category defined by health recommendations
A more aggressive style of aerobic exercise (hard impact) can cause injury to people who have joint problems or are not ready to do heavy impact training. Light impact aerobic exercise is designed to reduce the risk of foot injury and is recommended for the elderly, pregnant women, and people who are overweight. If you fall into this category or have joint problems, don't do hard impact aerobics at all, unless your doctor has given you permission. If you are overweight and want to make it easier for you to adjust to your workout, light impact aerobics is a great way to get your body used to a variety of motions before doing a more strenuous workout.
- Repeat certain movements several times before doing different movements. You can start with any movement, but do the same movement for at least a week or two before doing anything else.
- Do the same movement over and over again. For example, step your feet back and forth to cool off between difficult movements that make your muscles feel hot. After that, continue your practice with more difficult movements.

Step 2. Warm up by walking in place
Do not immediately train with heavy intensity before you warm up. By warming up, the blood flow throughout your body will slowly accelerate. In addition, heating can also release tension in the muscles that will be used, thereby reducing the risk of stress on the muscles. Follow the rhythm of the music you use to guide your pace, but choose a music rhythm that is fast enough so that the rhythm of your movements can speed up the rhythm of your heartbeat.
- Let your arms hang naturally straight at your sides or you can swing them in a controlled firm motion to work your arm muscles.
- Raise your legs high enough that they feel hot after you have been moving for some time. You won't sweat if you just twirl in place!
- Do this warm-up for at least two minutes in preparation for more, more difficult moves.
- Enjoy the music! Clap if you like. You will continue to practice if you feel good while practicing.

Step 3. Step back and forth
Take three steps forward while swinging your arms vigorously. On the count of four, put your feet on the floor clapping your hands. Repeat this movement backwards so that you return to the original position.
Repeat this movement at will until you get bored and want to do a new movement

Step 4. Perform heel pressing movements
Starting in a standing position, move one foot forward and press your heel into the floor. Perform this movement with the other leg while following the rhythm of the music. Raise your arms at shoulder or chest level each time you bring your legs back to the starting position, and extend your arms down each time you move your legs forward. Keep your movements under control and do them carefully while tightening your muscles, rather than letting gravity do all of these exercises for you.

Step 5. Perform a side-stepping motion
Step your right foot wide enough to the right side in a comfortable motion (don't lose your balance!) then bring your left foot close to your right foot and touch the floor with your left foot. Step your left foot into the starting position and then touch the floor with your right foot near your left.
- You can combine this movement with hand movements, starting from swinging your arms to rotating your shoulders.
- Shoulder twisting is done by moving your shoulder slightly forward and then twisting it up and back. Alternate the direction of rotation of your shoulders to the rhythm of the music to work your shoulder and back muscles.

Step 6. Perform a walking motion like a duck
The movement of walking like a duck is not the same as walking in place, but walking while bending the knees. This movement will increase the burning in your thigh muscles. Do not forget to do pumping movements with your hands in a controlled manner on both sides of your body.
Keep your back straight during this movement to prevent back pain

Step 7. Perform a grape picking motion
Move your left foot to the left in a comfortable wide stride, but as you move your right foot toward your left, cross your right leg behind you away from your left leg while transferring your weight to your right foot. Step your left foot to the left to return to a comfortable standing position for one tap and then step your right foot closer to your left foot. Repeat this movement starting from the right foot stepping towards the right.
- Kick your feet forward on the final beat (when you would normally bring your feet together) to increase your heart activity.
- Begin the movement to the left by letting your arms straight down and then slowly lift them out to the sides and over your head while carefully extending your arms until they are straight over your head on the fourth beat.
- Lower your arms as you move to the right until they are straight back in the starting position.

Step 8. Perform hamstring contractions
Step on your right foot then lift your left heel back while bending your left knee. You don't need to swing your leg back but just bend your knee to bring your left heel close to your buttocks. Lower your left leg again and repeat this movement to the other side by stepping to the left side according to the rhythm of the song.
- You can stretch your arms forward as if you are pushing air away from your chest with each hamstring contraction. After that, bring your hands closer to your chest while lowering your feet to the floor.
- You can also do an archery move with your hands: straighten one arm to the side and then bend the other arm, bringing your palms close to your chest. Keep your elbows pointing to the side. Keep moving with the other leg. This movement should look as if you are holding a bow and arrow.
- To increase the use of force in the muscles, you can repeat this hamstring contraction three times on each side before moving to the other side. This way, your muscles won't relax again and the exercise will become a bit more strenuous.

Step 9. Look for a light impact aerobics class
There are many low impact aerobic exercises that you can choose according to your needs. Some of the classes you can take for example:
- Light impact aerobic exercise with step movements (step aerobics.)
- Zumba classes with light impact movements: Zumba dances accompanied by Latin music or other rhythms are usually performed with enough jumping and bouncing to put stress on the joints. Look for Zumba classes that are done with a light impact.
- Power yoga: power yoga is one of the yoga practice techniques developed in the United States. This strenuous exercise can speed up your heart rate without straining your joints, but it's best if you can join a yoga class for beginners.
- Cycling class: this exercise is performed on a stationary bicycle but is usually accompanied by music selected by the instructor.
- Water aerobics: this exercise is done in a swimming pool. The natural buoyancy of the water protects your joints and provides resistance to your movement making your workout safer and more powerful.
Method 3 of 3: Doing Hard Impact Aerobics Exercise

Step 1. Perform vigorous impact aerobic exercise if your joints are in normal condition and your weight is ideal
Research suggests that a healthy body does exercise by exerting force on the joints. This exercise can form and strengthen bones and speed up the rhythm of the heartbeat. Again, don't participate in vigorous impact aerobic exercise if you have joint or bone pain unless your doctor allows it. If you feel like you're ready to do hard impact aerobics, this is a great way to get your heart rate up with more vigorous training and build your muscles better than light impact aerobics.
Just like when you're practicing light impact aerobics, you're free to combine and arrange the movement sequences you like by choosing a fast music beat

Step 2. Warm up
Warm up you can do as in light impact aerobic exercise by walking in place. This exercise aims to get your body ready for physical exercise that requires more energy. Maybe you've been stretching, but this exercise alone isn't enough to prevent muscle cramps from working hard right away. Warm up by walking in place for two minutes before you start doing a combination of high-impact aerobics.

Step 3. Perform the scissor motion
You should do this exercise by jumping while moving your legs back and forth like scissors. You can do this move while holding your hips or swinging your arms in a controlled motion as you would normally do when walking or running but with a wider range.
- Starting from a standing position, perform a jumping motion so that one foot is in front and the other is behind.
- Jump again while swapping your legs.
- You have to jump to swap legs according to the beat of the song you are listening to.
- Take good care of your body's center of balance. Extend your arms out to the sides to stabilize your body if you feel like you're about to fall.

Step 4. Do the windmill motion
This exercise is done stationary without moving your legs, but it can still be said to be quite difficult and you could lose your balance if you're not careful. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart in a “stout” position. Extend your arms out to the sides parallel to the floor.
- Try to keep your elbows straight, then lower your right arm while trying to touch the inside of the sole of your left shoe. Try your best not to bend your knees during this movement.
- Swing your left arm up while trying to look up at your left hand. If you don't feel stable enough to do this movement, you may choose to keep your eyes on the floor as you raise your left arm.
- Return to the starting position and repeat this movement on the other side by touching your left hand to the inside of the sole of your right shoe.
- Try to keep your back straight parallel to the floor, instead of looking down or hunched over.

Step 5. Jog in place
Let your arms swing naturally as if you were jogging. If you want this move to be more difficult, raise your knees higher. You can do regular jogging and jogging by alternately lifting your knees higher to speed up the rhythm of your heart rate without exhausting you.

Step 6. Perform a ski jump
Start in the same position you normally would if you were skiing by bending your knees, bringing your chest forward slightly, then bringing your palms together in front of your chest, bending your elbows inward.
- From this bent position, jump to the right side with your feet together and land still with your feet together. Balance your weight using your heels and then return to the original bent position.
- This jumping movement should be done sideways, not forward or backward.
- As you perform this jump, raise your arms straight up beside your head as you begin to jump. When you land again, lower your arms straight at your sides while bending your elbows, then return to a bent position.
- Jump from left to right while repeating the movement.
- To make it more difficult, place an object next to you to jump over. Your practice will get better the higher your jump.

Step 7. Repeat these movements
Whatever movement you choose, from hamstring contractions to windmills, repeat each of these three times on each side. With this repetition, the movement will become more difficult and the burning process in your muscles will be faster because the side of the body you are training does not immediately rest after completing a movement.

Step 8. Look for a high impact aerobics class
You have a wide range of high impact aerobic training options, so you should be able to find the class that best suits your needs. Some of the classes you can take for example:
- Aerobic exercise with stepping movements that are usually done on a plank (step aerobics.)
- Zumba, a dance class accompanied by Latin and other music.
- Crossfit training is aerobic exercise arranged in an exercise program that combines various movements and training techniques.
- Capoeira, a martial art from Brazil that is performed by dancing and acrobatic movements while following the rhythm of the music.
- Tae Bo, an aerobic exercise that combines Tae Kwon Do, karate, boxing, and dance.
- Call the nearest gym and join the aerobics class they offer.
If your muscles feel sore, don't worry
- Do light impact aerobic exercise if you are overweight or have an injury.
- Consult a doctor before you join an exercise program.