This wikiHow teaches you how to increase the reach of your posts on Tumblr to increase your follower count. Apart from following basic social media development tips, creating an engaging blog and engaging with your audience on a regular basis can also increase the number of users who follow you and retain existing followers.
Part 1 of 3: Encouraging Others to Follow You

Step 1. Like and share other people's posts
If you like and/or share posts, especially from smaller blogs with fewer visits than larger, more popular blogs, the blog owner can know that you like their content. Often times, things like this can encourage blog owners to follow you as a form of appreciation or “courtesy”.

Step 2. Contact other users directly
Send fan letters to the people whose blogs you follow to keep them entertained and aware of your “existence”.
- Avoid disturbing the owner of the same blog by sending letters repeatedly.
- Sending aggressive or annoying messages will not get you followers.

Step 3. Follow other blogs
Following a variety of blogs, especially blogs that match the theme of your blog, can be a great way to attract the attention of other users to visit your page/blog.
Keep in mind that you can only follow 5,000 blogs

Step 4. Bookmark your posts
Tags are basically keywords that make it easy for readers to find posts about a particular topic on Tumblr. Post tagging is important so posts can be easily viewed and shared on Tumblr. The absence of a bookmark on a post (or an error in the selection of a bookmark) means that other users can only access/find your post by searching for it manually.
- To add a bookmark to a post, type a hash mark (#) followed by the keyword you want to use in the " Tags " field below the post. After that, press Enter key and repeat the process for other keywords.
- When choosing a marker, avoid choosing words that are too specific.

Step 5. Promote your Tumblr blog on other social media sites
The more places that display your Tumblr blog link or address, the more followers you can get. Post your name and Tumblr blog address on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media account you have.

Step 6. Upload posts regularly, but not too often
You need to upload 1-5 posts per day (7 days a week). Keep in mind that you don't have to upload lengthy or great content every time you upload a post; simply upload something, like a quote, photo or short story, to increase the visibility of your blog.
Don't upload original content more than five times per day

Step 7. Enter your blog into a promotional blog
These blogs can promote your blog (usually if in return if you want to follow the blogs). You can search for promotional blogs by typing the keyword "promo blogs" on Tumblr or the Google search engine.
Blogs like this usually already have a group of followers who are also finding new blogs to follow
Part 2 of 3: Creating an Interesting Blog

Step 1. Choose a content theme and stick with that theme
Many people focus their Tumblr blogs on specific topics or themes, such as cooking, photography, or fashion. By centering your blog on a specific topic, you can set a clearer purpose and direction for that blog.
- Make sure the theme is not too specific (eg trends in Indonesian women's clothing in the pre-independence era), and not too broad/general (eg Indonesian history).
- Create a Tumblr blog dedicated to that topic/theme. The use of personal Tumblr to upload special content actually makes the content seem not focused on one theme and too varied so that the content falls outside the set theme.

Step 2. Study popular blogs
Pay attention to the component designs of blogs that are already quite popular, especially the choice of colors, fonts, and column arrangement, as well as the content uploaded on the blog.
- Pay attention to blogs that belong to the theme that you stretcher, as well as other blogs that are outside that theme. The more popular blogs you see and study, the better your understanding of the aspects that make a blog look better.
- Posting meaningful or clever comments on popular blogs can also increase traffic to your blog.

Step 3. Choose a blog name that is easy to remember
Too many (or too few) words in blog titles and web addresses can confuse or distract readers. Even if you're passionate about picking a name (as is the case when you're blogging), it's a good idea not to design your blog first before finding the right, memorable name.
Tumblr users often like witty blog titles (e.g. puns), as well as titles that make reference to popular culture

Step 4. Choose a stunning blog design
Most users who have a lot of followers have blogs with a neat and impressive appearance. There are tons of beautiful free Tumblr designs to choose from. You just need to take the time to find the right blog theme.
- Even if you don't understand CSS code, you can still change the background and text color in a Tumblr theme. You can find this option in the " Preferences " section of the " Appearance " menu.
- You can buy premium themes for a few dollars. While it doesn't have to be a premium theme, they often contain well-designed entries.

Step 5. Consider a minimalist design
Many of the latest design trends are based on the principle of "less is more" minimalism (simplicity gives more value). This means, bright colors, bold text, and “crazy” formatting are things to avoid when you want to manage and design a blog.
The main exception to this concept is that the chosen theme can meet the wishes of an audience who is not very fond of minimalism. Just like when you make adjustments or blog settings, consider the blog's theme when you want to design it

Step 6. Upload quality materials
While quality is a subjective concept for many people, you can still fine-tune post quality by making sure the text/post is neatly formatted, edited, and visually appealing. If the theme is family related (or suitable for families), check the content to make sure there is no risky or inappropriate content with a theme.
- Make sure you check for spelling and grammatical errors.
- If you want to take photos, edit and upload the best photos.

Step 7. Make sure most of the uploaded content is original content
At the beginning of using a blog, reblog content according to the theme carried by the blog can be the right step to expand the reach of readers. You can still re-share your posts, but make sure that most of the content you upload to Tumblr is content that you create yourself.
- Tone/writing style is the element that differentiates your original content from the content of others.
- One way to combine original content/ideas with other people's content that you want to reshare is to include critiques, conclusions, or reviews that match or align with the reshared content.
Part 3 of 3: Interacting with the Audience

Step 1. Show respect for followers
Remember that your followers have a big role in your success. If they like the content uploaded and you can become a blog owner who has understanding or concern for them, there is a chance that they will recommend your content to other friends.
An important component of showing respect on Tumblr is being open to criticism or different points of view

Step 2. Respond to other users
If someone likes one of your posts or leaves a supportive or helpful comment on the blog, remember to reply or respond to the post. Social networks work when there is reciprocity between users.

Step 3. Support the work of fans
Encouraging followers to submit fan art or other types of work is a great way to retain existing followers, gain new followers, and grow the Tumblr community.

Step 4. Try to show the availability or liveliness of the blog throughout the day
While it's important to remember that you shouldn't post non-stop, your followers will ask questions, complaints, and comments. By dealing with such responses throughout the day, you can earn a good reputation as a blog owner who understands and cares about the needs of blog followers.
- If you have a smartphone or tablet, you can install the Tumblr app for free. This way, you can interact continuously with followers when you can't access a computer.
- If you can't use Tumblr for a certain period of time, you can create a post queue to make sure your posts are uploaded regularly when you can't access Tumblr.

Step 5. Create content that fits the needs of followers
Most of the followers you get will usually be interested in the original content you upload. While the content you upload should always match your interests, also consider your followers and what they like.