4 Ways to Get More Followers on Twitter

4 Ways to Get More Followers on Twitter
4 Ways to Get More Followers on Twitter

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Guy Kawasaki, Silicon Valley financier says that "the fact is, there are only two kinds of Twitter users: those who want to get more followers, and those who lie don't." You don't have to be a celebrity or use complicated programs to get into the Twitter community. You can increase your follower count by creating an account worth following, increasing the chances that your account will be seen by others, and using some well-planned ways that have been proven to increase your follower count.


Method 1 of 4: General Guide to Adding Followers

Step 1. Post a clear profile photo, complete with a concise and clear biography

Most Twitter users choose to follow you based on their first impression of your account. You are in complete control of this impression, so try to make it as good as possible:

  • Post a clear and large photo of your face or company logo.
  • Write a short biography smartly. Think of this biography as your "Twitter Thesis Sentence."
  • Try showing a photo with an idea of what your followers will get.

Step 2. Upload tweets 1-3 times a day, or more

You have to tweet regularly or people won't think you're worth following. You can tweet about anything--the important thing is that you need to be active on a regular basis. Apart from that, you can also set your Twitter schedule to get the most out of it if you want.

  • Post tweets before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. to reach people before and after work--two of the most popular times on Twitter.
  • Share your popular tweets regularly, so people who missed them can follow them back.
  • Use a program like TweetDeck which allows you to schedule your tweets ahead of time, so you can stay active even when you're too busy.

Step 3. Upload different types of tweets to attract different users

Tweets on Twitter may be limited to 160 characters, but that doesn't mean you don't have a choice when you create them:

  • Upload an image. Twitter can be automatically linked with Instagram, which allows you to easily edit photos.
  • Look for interesting articles to link to and include your comments in 100 characters.
  • Comment on the most popular events of the day--use the "Trends" section to find out which hashtags are the most popular.

Step 4. Learn to follow the right people

Twitter is a reciprocal website, so you'll have a hard time getting followers if you don't want to follow other people. For example, you should follow:

  • People who follow you. Otherwise, they may unfollow you.
  • Accounts similar to yours. If they are tweeting about the same thing, try to join the community.
  • Accounts that will follow other accounts automatically. If you see an account that follows around 1300 users, they are more likely to follow you back if you follow them.

Step 5. Learn how to promote your account in a planned manner

There are several ways to make your account known, each with its own advantages and challenges. Some of the most successful methods include:

  • Link your Twitter account to your other accounts. Link your tweets with your Instagram and blog accounts, put a "Follow Me" button, and link all your social media accounts so they can grow together.
  • Try to get your tweets shared by celebrities. If your tweets are redistributed by a heavily followed account, you will almost always benefit from people's attention and visits to your account.
  • Search keywords and hashtags to find people who share the same interests as those who want to follow you.

Method 2 of 4: Creating an Account Worth Following

Get More Followers on Twitter Step 1
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 1

Step 1. Compose your profile

Create a complete profile with an avatar containing your face and a clear biography. This is important so that people get to know you and your interests.

  • The simplest and most personal way is to put a photo of your face facing the camera directly. Don't take photos from odd angles or show anything else in them. Crop the photo into a square, but don't reduce it. People should be able to click and see a larger version of the photo.
  • If you have a company and want to use your brand logo as an avatar instead of a personal photo, you can do that. However, careless use of images or photos can give the impression of a spam account, so this is not recommended.
  • Many people will read a Twitter biography before deciding to follow you. A well-written biography can help you gain more followers than a bad biography.
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 2
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 2

Step 2. Create an interesting, funny, or curious tweet

Most potential followers will pay attention to your latest tweets before deciding you're worth following. Thus, the better your tweets, the more followers you will get.

  • Vary your tweets.

    Be sure to tweet a variety of topics, and not just your personal thoughts or current activities. Tell us about your hobbies and interests, share helpful advice, or upload a photo with something cool as a variation of your tweet.

  • Create an account that is interesting, clear, and curious.

    Share personal news about your life. If you can craft a good story, your readers will be addicted to the daily drama of your life.

  • Upload an interesting link.

    Find an interesting story. Surf the internet for story material that you can build into a catchy tweet. Guy Kawasaki, who has over 100,000 followers even has employees looking for stories worth sharing through his tweets. There are many websites that can be a source of interesting Twitter tweets.

  • Upload multimedia tweets.

    Upload pictures, videos, or even sound clips every now and then to make your account even more interesting to follow.

Get More Followers on Twitter Step 3
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 3

Step 3. Tweet frequently at the right time

No one wants to follow an account that never tweets, so you need to stay active on Twitter. You should upload at least one tweet a day, or ideally two a day to get your account seen more often in the Twitter universe.

  • You should also post tweets in the morning or evening when most people are active. No one will see your tweets or have a chance to follow you if your tweets are always uploaded while people are sleeping. The best times to post tweets are before people start work (before 8am) and after they finish work (around 6pm).
  • Be sure to consider your account's time zone as well. Most Twitter users live in the US, so it's a good idea to adapt your tweets to the east or west coast time zone.
  • But on the other hand, don't upload a barrage of tweets that annoys your existing followers. Your tweets can fill their homepage and appear intrusive, as a result, they may unfollow you.
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 4
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 4

Step 4. Use hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to connect people with similar interests, while increasing the likelihood that your tweets will be seen by others.

  • Add hashtags to your tweets, or create a tweet based on the hashtags that were popular on Twitter at the time (you can find them in the "trends" section on the side of the Twitter page). Hashtags will expand the reach of your tweets.
  • However, as with anything else on Twitter, hashtags should not be overused. Use one or two related or interesting hashtags that will improve the quality of your tweets. Don't just add hashtags to the words in your tweets, or just include them.
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 5
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 5

Step 5. Follow all the accounts that follow you

You may find this step useless, because your goal is to increase your followers. But it's a pretty good move, because people who notice that you're not following them back will probably unfollow you. Just like any other social media site, Twitter is a reciprocal community.

  • Also, when you follow back, some people may respond publicly. That way, their followers will know your account.
  • If you're worried about not being able to monitor so many people's tweets, you're right. Once you've followed more than 100 people, reading all their tweets is impossible. You'll be more selective about what and who you read.

Method 3 of 4: Increase the Chances of Your Account Being Seen

Get More Followers on Twitter Step 6
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 6

Step 1. Direct people to your Twitter account

You can direct people to your Twitter account by posting a "Follow Me on Twitter" link on your blog, email, or other social media profile, as well as on websites.

  • This way, people who are interested in your activities can easily find your Twitter profile and follow you.
  • Using symbols such as buttons or calculators may also be more effective at attracting attention and increasing your Twitter following.
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 7
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 7

Step 2. Try to get celebrities or famous people to follow you on Twitter

This will increase the chances of them replying to or sharing your tweets, increasing the chances that your account will be seen by others.

  • You can catch the attention of celebrities on Twitter by sending @message. These @message direct messages can be sent to anyone, whether you follow them or not.
  • Pick a celebrity (or anyone with a large following) to send an @message to. This message will appear on your profile page, so anyone who opens your profile will see who sent the tweet.
  • If you're lucky, these celebrities will reply to your message, share it, or even follow you back. This will make your tweets visible to thousands if not millions of people, and of course will increase your followers.
  • Even if this doesn't happen very often, try sending a direct message or two each day so you still have a chance to get your tweets spread. Remember, the funnier and quirky your tweets are, the more likely it is that celebrities will notice them.
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 8
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 8

Step 3. Follow people with similar interests, then follow their followers

This step may sound quite complicated, but it really isn't. You just need to find people who share your interests, but are already followed by a lot of people. Then, all you have to do is follow the account and its followers.

  • For example, if you like tarot divination, find other people who also like it but have a lot of followers, then follow them. Your profile clearly states that you're a tarot fan too, so they're likely to follow you too.
  • Be careful, following too many people may turn some of your potential followers away.
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 9
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 9

Step 4. Ask people to share your tweets

Your retweeted tweet will make your Twitter account reach even wider. Putting "Please retweet" or "Please RT" at the end of some of your tweets every now and then (not all the time) can remind your followers to share them. Occasionally posting links to articles on how to retweet can also help your followers spread the word.

Get More Followers on Twitter Step 10
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 10

Step 5. Re-upload your most popular tweets

Research your Twitter account name and see which tweets are most replied to and retweeted. Then re-upload the tweet several times over a span of 8-12 hours at a time.

  • You can reach more people this way, because you can catch the attention of those who missed your tweet at first. People check the tweets of those they follow on Twitter at different times of the day and night.
  • If you get complaints for repeating your tweets, reduce the frequency a bit (or remove those complaining from your account).

Method 4 of 4: Increase Your Followers Planned

Get More Followers on Twitter Step 11
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 11

Step 1. Unfollow people who don't follow you back

It is very important that you do not exceed the following limits. The first limitation is when you follow 2000 people. You won't be able to follow again until you get 2000 followers.

  • When this happens, you must "clean up" your following list by unfollowing those who don't follow you back. Try to unfollow people who don't tweet very often, or those whose tweets don't really interest you. That way, you won't feel lost.
  • However, as the number of people you follow increases, it will be more difficult and longer to separate those who do not follow you. Luckily, there are services like Twidium and FriendorFollow that can clean up this list for you.
  • Once your following list is cleared, you can follow other Twitter users, and if you choose well, most of them should follow you back.
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 12
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 12

Step 2. Follow people who follow automatically

Twitter celebrities (Twitter users with a large number of followers and followings) are more likely to follow you automatically too.

  • They follow thousands or sometimes even tens of thousands of people, but, unlike spam accounts, they have the same number of followers (or even more).
  • You'll find such accounts while browsing Twitter (eg when retweeted by someone you follow), but you can also browse the internet for "most popular Twitter accounts," or "most popular accounts on Twitter."
  • People who follow spam accounts are more likely to follow them automatically. Wait for the spam account followers to follow you. Spam account followers usually follow more than 1000 accounts, but only 5 to 150 accounts follow.
  • Follow all spam account followers. Most likely they will follow you back to increase the number of people they follow.
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 13
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 13

Step 3. Use keywords to find followers

One good technique is to search for tweets with keywords related to your topic of interest.

  • Let's say you're a rock music fan. Look for people who mention your favorite rock band. Reply to their tweets then follow them. Your response will show that your interests are the same as theirs, so they have a better chance of following you back.
  • Or better yet, retweet their tweet if it's good. Not only do you build relationships with other Twitter users, but you also share what's good for your followers.
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 14
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 14

Step 4. Consider buying followers

There are many services that allow you to exchange money with followers. Most of the followers you get this way are bot accounts (fake accounts used to increase the number of followers), but your follower count will still increase.

  • Devumi, FastFollowerz, TwitterBoost, BuyRealMarketing, and TwitterWind are examples of Twitter followers selling services ranging from Rp. 150,000 to Rp. 300,000, which offer refunds, and can increase your Twitter followers by 300,000-500,000 accounts.
  • If you are using a personal account, try to build your following the normal way. If any of your friends buy fake followers, it's very easy to spot them, so it's pretty embarrassing to get caught. Buying followers is usually done by business or celebrity accounts which have to display a large number of Twitter followers. Famous politicians and musicians are often followed by a number of fake accounts.
  • There are many risks you may face as a result of buying followers. Many services don't guarantee your followers will stay long term, so you could end up losing a lot of followers in one week. Many sellers of Twitter followers are simply scamming and trying to get your credit card information or collect contact information and spam your real followers.
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 15
Get More Followers on Twitter Step 15

Step 5. Done


  • Consider creating a different Twitter account. There is a possibility that if you try to increase the number of followers, your account will be terminated by Twitter (because it is considered a spam account). If your main Twitter account is very valuable (a username created after your name, or a specific brand, etc.) you may need to create a trial account first to test the methods in this article.
  • Make an effort to keep up with your followers on Twitter. People who actually follow the tweets of people they follow will regularly check the accounts they follow and will unfollow anyone they deem unfit to follow again.


  • Don't send automated direct messages that might result in your account being unfollowed.
  • Twitter has a system that can detect the number of followers that is growing very much. If this system captures your account, your tweet may be removed from Twitter's search engine.
  • Don't immediately unfollow people you already follow. Wait at least five days before you unfollow people who don't follow you back. If you immediately unfollow them, your account will likely be reported and terminated by Twitter.
