Learning how to use energy efficiently will cut electricity costs by millions of dollars and help you protect the environment. Some energy saving methods require some sacrifice on your part. However, the other methods require only a small investment of time and money, which will pay off in the end. There are various tactics to make it easier for everyone to find the most suitable way to save energy.
Method 1 of 4: Save Energy while Cooling Your Home

Step 1. Paint the house with a bright color
Dark colors will absorb heat. Painting your house white (especially the roof) can reduce the heat of the house naturally and the amount of air conditioning (AC) consumption.
Research conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that in warm weather, houses with white roofs consume 40% less energy than houses with dark roofs

Step 2. Use equipment that generates heat at night
Some appliances, such as ovens, dishwashers, will generate heat that is absorbed around the house. Try using this equipment at night to reduce air conditioning consumption in hot weather.
- Alternatively, use a crock pot or microwave, which doesn't generate as much heat as a regular oven.
- Grilling outdoors is also a great way to cook without heating the house.

Step 3. Check your AC system
AC works very inefficiently if it doesn't work properly. You can contact the repair company for a consultation or try to check it yourself.
- Your air conditioner uses too much power if the size of the house does not match its capacity. The window unit, for example, is only for one room.
- Consider buying a new air conditioner. New air conditioners with the latest systems certainly don't use as much energy as 15-year-old air conditioners.
- You can see for yourself whether the outdoor unit (heat pump) has been clogged with foreign objects. This will increase energy consumption significantly.

Step 4. Replace your air conditioner filter every month
A dirty air conditioner filter will make it difficult to pump air and increase energy consumption. Dirty filters can also prematurely damage the air conditioner which will add to your costs. It's best to replace the AC filter once a month.
Consider buying a permanent filter. This filter does not need to be cleaned frequently. The price ranges from IDR 260,000 to IDR 520.00 and can last up to a year. The cost of purchasing a permanent filter will break even within a year

Step 5. Distribute your cooler consistently
If the airflow in your home is blocked, the air conditioning system will work hard to cool hard-to-reach places. Use a fan and make sure there are no airflow obstructions in your home.
- Fans don't cool your home, but by pushing air around them, they distribute heat better.
- Leave the vent open. You may forget that you have closed the vent of the house. If so, the air conditioner will continue to run without any noticeable effect.
- Leave the door open. Otherwise, the air does not circulate properly.

Step 6. Insulate your home from heat
One great way to keep the house warm, is to prevent heat from entering in the first place. This can be done with a few home repairs, but is often enough with a simple lifestyle change.
- Check for leaks in peeling weather in doors or windows, as well as holes around pipes and around the garage floor. Use putty to cover all holes.
- Your house can be very hot if the sun is allowed to enter. Close the curtains during the day to keep the house cool.
- The insulation in the attic floor should be approximately 30.5 cm thick. Do not place a lot of items or walk frequently on the attic floor as this will compress the insulation and reduce its effectiveness.

Step 7. Learn to love heat
Raising your home's temperature by 2°C can reduce cooling costs by as much as 5%. Wear light clothing (or wear nothing at all) to compensate for this slight temperature rise. Raise the temperature of the air conditioner when you leave the house.
- Buy an automatic thermostat that will turn itself off when the house cools down. The EPA estimates that a programmable thermostat can save you Rp2,340,000 in bills per year. Such a thermostat costs approximately Rp. 325,000.
- Keep equipment that generates heat away from the thermostat. These devices can mess up the thermostat readings.
- It's best not to mop, wash dishes, and wash clothes in the heat of the day. These activities produce humidity that will make the house feel damp and uncomfortable.
Method 2 of 4: Saving Energy when Warming the House

Step 1. Check your furnace
It's a good idea to ask a professional to check if your heating stove is working properly. Replace the furnace filter monthly and make sure nothing is blocking the heat pump outside the home.
Make sure the fireplace is not on “emergency heating.” This will turn off energy-saving settings and double the cost of heating the house

Step 2. Close the fireplace
Fireplaces are a great way to warm the house, but an open chimney also exposes you to the elements. Make sure you use a fireplace with a door that can be closed. In very cold weather, starting a fire is counterproductive because cold air can enter the house.

Step 3. Insulate your home
If possible, ask a professional to check for insulation problems at home. Check for leaks in peeling weather in doors, windows, holes around pipes and around garage floors. Use putty to seal the hole.
- When the weather is sunny, open the curtains so that the sun can enter.
- Make sure that the heater outlet is free of obstructions. Move furniture and curtains away from vents. Clean the vent regularly so that air flows smoothly.
- Know what to leave. Insulated garages, verandas, and attics usually don't need to be heated because they waste energy. Seal the heat register to save costs for heating these spaces.

Step 4. Learn to like cold
Every degree that drops in your thermostat will reduce your electricity bill by 3%. Wear thick clothes to stay warm. When traveling lower the thermostat by 5-10°C to save costs.
Method 3 of 4: Saving Costs on Other Equipment

Step 1. Turn off the power when not in use
Turn off lights and fans when not needed. Since appliances also use power when plugged into the mains, look for appliances that can be unplugged.
- Instead, start the habit of walking around the house before going to bed. Check to see if there is anything left or electrical equipment that can be unplugged.
- Turning off lights that are not in use can save IDR 3,562,000 per year.
- In places that are rarely shaded, such as garages, consider setting a timer that automatically turns off the lights at a certain time.
- To save time unplugging the equipment from the mains, try using a power strip. Turning off the power strip will immediately disconnect all connected equipment.

Step 2. Purchase an Energy Star certified product
Energy Star is a program that certifies the product has used energy efficiently. Energy Star products will save on your utility costs. A variety of appliances such as light bulbs, refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, and stoves can have Energy Star certification. However, some of these products can save energy much better than others.
Replace your light bulb immediately. replacing one light bulb with a Compact Florescent Lamp (CFL) can save IDR 1,599,000 per year. CFL lamps are more durable so they can save on lamp replacement costs

Step 3. Wash clothes in cold water
Washing clothes in cold water can save costs of IDR 1,976,000 per year. Warm water has little effect on washing clothes.

Step 4. Dry your clothes
The dryer uses quite a lot of energy. You can save money by hanging clothes on a clothesline. If you don't have a proper drying space, many supermarkets sell clothes racks so you can hang some clothes without taking up space.

Step 5. Set the water heater to 120°C
More than that, you run the risk of getting burned by the hot water. What's more, at that temperature your electricity costs will skyrocket. The EPA estimates that setting up a 20°C excess water heater will cost IDR 65,000,000 per year.
Method 4 of 4: Handling Electricity Financing

Step 1. Find a supplier
In the US, some states (including Texas and Pennsylvania) allow residents to choose the electricity supplier to use. Therefore, electricity supply companies compete with each other in terms of service and pricing. However, there are limitations and biased information provision so they should be aware of hidden costs. In Indonesia, electricity supply is fully controlled by the state (PT PLN) so it is the only choice.
- Usually, you will be required to wait until your contract expires before signing up with a new supplier. Contact your old power supplier to find out how long the contract is.
- Be aware of the difference between fixed and variable rates. Variable rates allow your power price to spike as per the terms of the contract. Usually they persuade with low rates at the beginning, which will increase over time. Your country's website may have historical records of the company's electricity rates so you can calculate the average price.
- Read the contract carefully to see if the company charges a fee, for example, to talk to a service professional. Usually, a minimum usage fee is also charged. These fees may apply if you reduce your energy use.

Step 2. Check your meter
Sometimes, the utility company may make an error while reading your meter. Check the meter reading at the end of the month and compare it to your electricity and water bills. Report any discrepancies.
- When reading the meter you will see several dials. Look from right to left for a full measurement of your kWh usage. When the dial is between two numbers, you should always estimate the lower number. Even if the dial points exactly to a number, estimate one less.
- Even if your electricity bill is correct, reading the meter can be useful for monitoring the management of your electricity usage.

Step 3. Save electricity by managing usage time
In the US, some power companies charge a higher price for power used at any given time. Contact your supplier for details. If true, usually the electricity tariff is lower during the night. Therefore, do activities that consume a lot of energy at night.