Mosquito bites are itchy because you are experiencing a slight allergic reaction to the saliva that the mosquito injects into your body before the insect bites you. The main food source of female mosquitoes is the blood of their victims; therefore, most mosquitoes usually get food from several people throughout the day. Male mosquitoes do not bite. While mosquitoes can transmit a variety of harmful viruses, most of their bites cause nothing more than minor irritation.
Part 1 of 2: Recommended Medical Treatment Advice

Step 1. Wash the mosquito bitten part with soap and then rinse with water
This will remove any irritating mosquito saliva that remains on your skin and will help heal the bite without infection.

Step 2. Apply ice to the mosquito bite as soon as you notice that you have been bitten
Most mosquito bites are painless so you may not feel them for a few hours. Compressing the bite with ice helps control pain and swelling.

Step 3. Soothe the bite by applying calamine lotion (Calamine lotion - also known as Caladine lotion) or other over-the-counter (OTC) medication used to treat insect bites
To use the medicine, follow the directions on the package.

Step 4. Add to the water in the bath one of the following ingredients:
raw oatmeal (colloidal oatmeal - specially produced for bathing), baking soda, or Epsom salt (English salt/magnesium sulfate). Then, soak in the tub to help control the itching.
Part 2 of 2: Traditional Healing

Step 1. Try traditional remedies to relieve pain and itching
- Add enough water to a little baking soda to form a paste. Apply the paste on the part that was bitten by the mosquito.
- Use a powdered meat tenderizer (meat tenderizer), such as Spice Cargo, which contains the enzyme papain - an enzyme from papaya sap. Mix the powder with a few drops of water to make a paste. Apply it on the bitten area, maybe the paste will help control itching and swelling.
- Crush an aspirin and add a little water to make a paste. Using aspirin as an external medication may help with pain.

Step 2. Take over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin or acetaminophen (paracetamol)
Follow the dosage instructions on the package.
- Use wet wipes that contain alcohol. The tissue will cool as well as treat the bitten part.
- Use citronella, linalool, and geraniol candles when you relax outdoors. All of these wax products are known as female mosquito repellents. Most mosquito bites occur around dawn (at dawn) and dusk/late evening, when mosquitoes are at their most active.
- Avoid mosquito bites by covering all exposed areas of skin with insect repellent when you go out.
- If you mix a stomach acid neutralizer (antacid/heartburn medication) that has been crushed with water into a paste and apply it to the mosquito bite, the mixture will relieve it. In addition, calamine spray is also useful for dealing with mosquito bites.
- Don't itch or make the bite mark bleed, because it will look terrible if you do. If you make it bleed, the bite mark will take longer to heal. Apply an itching cream/ointment and apply a wound dressing on the bite mark.
- The possibility of mosquitoes transmitting serious diseases from one donor to another, such as malaria and West Nile virus. Some of the early symptoms of contracting the West Nile virus are fever, headache, body aches and pains, and swollen glands. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately for treatment.
- Avoid scratching or scraping mosquito bites. Doing so can cause more serious irritation and may result in a scab or scar.