To be alone means to isolate oneself from other people or distractions, or even to face the loss of a loved one. Maybe you're alone because you really want to. maybe you're alone because you don't want to. Either way, there is power to be found in detachment, and this power is at your fingertips, ready to be grabbed. This article will explain to you a few different ways to deal with loneliness – whether it's because of a breakup, suddenly no friends have time, or because you've decided not to bond.
Method 1 of 3: Alone after a Breakup

Step 1. Reflect on what you have
It's easy to feel depressed after breaking up with your ex. The person you have shared your life with is no longer by your side. All the constant things in your life no longer feel safe. That's why it's important to look at what you have.
- Think about or make a list of what you do have. We often lose track of this after a breakup. Focus on the intangible, in particular:
- Family. They love you unconditionally, not who you want them to be, but who you really are.
- Friends. They have the ability to cheer you up during the darkest of times. Offer real perspectives, and are people you can really talk to.
- Experience. You've done a lot in life. Welcome your accomplishments and your act of taking risks; that's what keeps you going.
- Health. Hope you are well, even if you are alone for a while. Are any of your friends or loved ones unwell? Think about how lucky it is to have a healthy body.

Step 2. Get rid of all painful memories
Those pictures of your ex that you hang on the wall? Take it down and put it in storage. The love letter he wrote to you? Set aside in a box. Unfortunately, dredging up old memories will only make the recovery process more difficult. Do this hard thing and get rid of any painful memories.
It might be refreshing, but destroying all the memories isn't a great idea. In the heat of the moment, take a little time to calm down and think. Maybe later you'll realize that keeping memories is the smartest thing to do. Before destroying, make 100% sure that the memorabilia is a bad influence in your life

Step 3. Do something you've always wanted but never had the time to do
A relationship sometimes takes a lot of effort. That's why it's important to reward yourself when you have time. Maybe you have sacrificed a lot to make the relationship thrive. Now it's time to give yourself a little:
- Adventure. Go where you've always wanted to go. Maybe Kolkata, maybe Charleston. Wherever it is, you'll find that exploring different parts of the world is truly exhilarating.
- Spirit. Maybe you'll enjoy taking a self-defense class, or skydiving, or signing up for a 21km marathon in your city. Put a little zest in your stride by doing something exciting or unexpected.
- Fulfillment. It doesn't have to mean "spiritual", but it has to be satisfying. Many people derive much happiness and satisfaction from giving to those who are less fortunate than them.

Step 4. Spend the evening with your friends
Chances are your friends know how you're doing, which will give them even more reason to ask you to have fun. You and your other girl friends can get together at home to watch a movie and give each other manicures/pedicures. Maybe you and some other guy friends are going downtown. Being with friends will naturally help you get over your breakup instead of forcing yourself to feel fine on your own.

Step 5. Tell yourself the truth:
There will be others out there. After a breakup, it can sometimes be thought that you will never find someone as nice/sweet/funny as the person you now call your ex. This is a mistake. Not only will there be a great chance that you'll meet someone nice, sweet, and funny, but there's also a good chance that the next person you'll hook up with will be an upgrade from your ex. This is called personal development.
Start learning from mistakes. Think about all the mistakes you or your ex made in the relationship. Resolve to learn from mistakes, to develop into a person who doesn't make the same mistake twice. Making mistakes is forgivable; What is unforgivable is refusing to learn from those mistakes

Step 6. If you are in a painful relationship with your ex, resist the urge to see him
Don't put yourself in a situation where you're likely to run into him. It's probably best to cut contact altogether, meeting him only increases the chances of a tangle. It hurts now, but it will feel much better a month from now.

Step 7. Be patient
Don't expect to find someone a week after a breakup. Relationships take time. Just as losing 10 kg in one month doesn't make sense, hoping to find someone to start loving right away doesn't make sense either. Some things you can do when loneliness starts to come:
- Get out and socialize. No one gets a girlfriend by sitting in a room alone, listening to Celine Dion or Kenny G. In trying to find your next partner, you have to put yourself in a social situation. That's where you're likely to have success.
- Rely on friends. Ask your friends if they know the right person for you, or someone who could set you up. It may seem old fashioned, but sometimes it works. Plus, if you ask, you can't refuse.
- Don't let setbacks hold you back permanently. Everyone has had a bad date or been rejected. If you've never had a bad date or been rejected, you might be a little picky. Heal yourself when someone isn't right for you and put yourself out there right away.
Method 2 of 3: Alone, without Friends

Step 1. Love yourself
It sounds trivial to say, but no one will love you if you don't love yourself first. Allow yourself to love yourself, if you haven't already. You will feel better about the fact that you are alone and the opportunity to finally break that loneliness.
Say something encouraging yourself every day. Don't be too cocky, but praise yourself for something you did well. If you can't find a reason to praise yourself, say something like "I love myself even when I'm alone" and really believe it. It can be really uplifting spiritually

Step 2. Immerse yourself in the hobby
Whatever your hobby is, immerse yourself in it. Hobbies bring you long-lasting happiness and pleasure. As long as it's not illegal and doesn't hurt other people, hobbies are perfectly fine. Having a social hobby also gives you the opportunity to meet new people. Seize every opportunity you get to turn a hobby into a social event.

Step 3. Focus on becoming a better person
This is a lesson that applies to everyone, but especially here. It's not true that you don't have friends because you are a bad person. It just means that maybe you have more time, which means you have the opportunity to use that time productively:
- Take good care of yourself. You can go for long walks, especially in nature. Run and swim and bike to your destination. Join an intramural sports team so you can compete while building some muscle.
- Think about developing new skills. This is purely for yourself, not to impress others. Maybe you know C++ and want to learn Java: maybe you're an expert on balance beams and still need to master the easel; Maybe you know how to play the guitar but have to learn the banjo. You have the freedom to do anything!

Step 4. Learn from your social interactions
It's possible that your lack of friends is purely due to circumstances or bad luck. In a case like this, it's likely that you will have friends in the near future. But there's also the possibility of having no friends because you don't pick up on social cues, and can learn a bit about them.
- Pay attention to:
- Other people's body language. Does the smile turn into a smirk? Does getting too close to other people make them take a few steps back? Your words and your body have a visible effect on other people's bodies, if you learn to see.
- What other people say without actually saying it. "Yesterday I went to Coachella" is really just an invitation for you to ask how great the event was.
- Do not dominate the conversation. Let the other person talk occasionally; on the other hand, don't be silent. Learn to ask questions and contribute information so you can keep the conversation flowing.

Step 5. Look online to find people who share your interests and passions
Internet communities are a great place for you to find people who may be incredibly shy in person, but are incredibly open online. This may sound strange to you, but give it a try. You can find a treasure trove of like-minded open-minded individuals who are fun and interesting to make friends with.

Step 6. Take social opportunities
There are no sure bets, but life values people who respect themselves. If you've never put yourself in a situation where you could fail socially, you're probably very shy. Go and talk to someone who seems friendly. Invite an old friend for tea. Introduce yourself to a group of strangers and ask fishing questions. Fortune favors those who dare.
Method 3 of 3: Deciding to Be Alone and Unbound

Step 1. Determine what your surroundings are like
If it is not possible to be alone in your environment then leave the area and find a quiet place that is not disturbed by other organisms. Such places include a forest, a quiet outdoor room or garden.

Step 2. Free yourself from distractions, such as electronic communication devices (cell phones, etc
). You may want to bring an iPod or other music player to block out the noise if you can't find a quiet enough area.

Step 3. Start your activity
Whether your reason for solitude is to have some time to think or to finish reading a novel, this is the perfect time to get it done.

Step 4. Remind yourself of the importance of detachment
Learning how to be untethered is a skill. Unbound means you don't rely on other people's help. Unbound means determining the outcome of your own actions, not someone else's. Once you think about the advantages of detachment rather than the disadvantages, you will realize that you are much happier.
- If you need a little inspiration, think about these quotes about detachment that can help you adjust to being alone:
- "I am not a bird; and there is no net to ensnare me: I am a free man of independent will." - Charlotte Bront, Jane Eyre
- "Freedom (n.): Asking for nothing. Expecting nothing. Depending on nothing." - Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
- "To discover who you are, think for yourself." - Socrates

Step 5. Immerse yourself in the activity
Put your heart and soul into whatever you are doing. That way, you won't think about being alone – you'll distract yourself from feeling distracted. Humans are social creatures by nature: we want the attention of others, and recognition from others. When you immerse yourself in an activity, you are less likely to notice it.

Step 6. Balance alone time with time spent with other people
However much you think that all you need is to be alone, it may not be healthy. In fact, being with other people from time to time will help you to be alone.
Think of it this way: We need to charge the battery. When we are tired, we need sleep. When we are hungry, we need to eat. When alone, we need to be around other people. Being around other people will help you "recharge," full enough that you'll feel energized and excited at the idea of being alone again
- This is a great way to relax, so wear comfortable clothes and don't try to impress anyone. There will be nothing to impress!
- Be happy and love yourself. Treat yourself to activities. Don't think about other people. Don't try to impress other people. Don't get hung up on the past. Walk towards your future.
- If for security reasons you don't feel comfortable without a cell phone or other communication device, take it with you but keep it in your pocket and stand still or off if possible.
- Make sure the area you are going to is safe. This strategy is best executed during the day.
- Don't be alone for too long. We all need other people. If there are some activities that require you to be alone for long periods of time, you should tell your friends. You can't just disappear, then reappear out of nowhere and assume people will stretch their arms out to greet you.