How to Prepare an Emergency Kit for Unexpected Situations at School (article for girls)

How to Prepare an Emergency Kit for Unexpected Situations at School (article for girls)
How to Prepare an Emergency Kit for Unexpected Situations at School (article for girls)

Table of contents:


Teenage girls certainly don't want to have a bad day at school. There are many things that can start your day off with something unpleasant, such as body odor, periods, or messy hair. This article will teach you to prepare an emergency kit that will prevent these nasty things from ruining your day.


Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 1
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 1

Step 1. Prepare a cute little bag, which can accommodate all the needs of the package

Another small bag can also be used to store women's personal items separately, if you wish.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 2
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 2

Step 2. Add lip balm/lip gloss

Just in case, who knows you might need it! It's okay to refresh your lips a little every two hours.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 3
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 3

Step 3. Add deodorant

If you don't want to smell bad after gym class or after running down the hall to class before the last bell rings, you'll want to freshen up. It is highly recommended that you bring a deodorant in a small package.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 4
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 4

Step 4. Enter your makeup kit

Fix your makeup if it looks a little messy, or if your pimple suddenly bursts, you can cover up the scar. Makeup like mascara, eyeliner, blusher, lip gloss, lipstick, eye shadow and foundation is a good makeup kit to carry. However, makeup is not the most important thing. Only enter this pack if there is enough space and you feel the need to apply makeup at school.

Carrying a makeup bag every day is also good if you suddenly have to stay overnight after school or face other sudden situations. This will ensure that you can smooth your face in the morning

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 5
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 5

Step 5. Add lotion

Lotion is good to carry for those times when your hands start to feel dry. You can apply it on your face if you don't use makeup. Lotion is also good for keeping your feet moist during lessons that involve physical activity.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 6
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 6

Step 6. Add hand sanitizer

You just touched the gum stuck under your desk but the teacher won't let you go to the restroom? You can take out hand sanitizer. Actually school is also an unclean place. If there's no soap in the bathroom, this easy-to-carry hand sanitizer is also useful for keeping you clean.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 10
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 10

Step 7. Add gum or mint gum

If your breath doesn't feel fresh, grab a piece of gum or mint to freshen your mouth (some schools may not allow students to bring chewing gum, so keep some mints if that's the case). However, remember to brush your teeth every day.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 11
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 11

Step 8. Insert sanitary napkins/tampons and pantyliners

You may suddenly have your period. It's a good idea to carry a pack of sanitary pads or tampons and pantyliners in your personal locker at school, or even use a separate compartment for this purpose. It might be a good idea to start doing this if you've never carried this sanitary pad with you (just in case!). You can also help your friends if they suddenly have their period and don't carry it.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 12
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 12

Step 9. Add perfume/fragrance spray

You certainly want to look good at school. Keeping it clean is enough for some people, but add some perfume too if you feel the need! Alternatively, bidysprays have a less overpowering scent and are a good choice for school use.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 13
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 13

Step 10. Insert the tissue

There are times when you have to sneeze and you're either embarrassed or don't have time to come up to the teacher's desk to ask for a tissue, so there's nothing wrong with carrying a tissue with you.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 15
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 15

Step 11. Insert a spare pen/pencil

You never know when you lose your pen/pencil.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 17
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 17

Step 12. Bring your cell phone

Maybe your girlfriend, mother, father, brother or someone else is calling, or do you need a map yourself? If your cell phone has an internet connection and can provide notifications of the latest news, it is actually a very useful mini computer! Make sure that the school allows students to carry them, and be careful when bringing these devices.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 22
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 22

Step 13. Insert the hair tie and clip

This thing is useful during gym class or if you want to tie your hair. If you feel like you don't like your hairstyle, just tie it with a hair elastic, or if you feel that your hair isn't as tidy when you go to school, you can use a bobby pin to straighten it again.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 23
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 23

Step 14. Put hairspray and dry shampoo in small packs

It is used to straighten your hair in an emergency. Your hair may feel greasy that day. With dry shampoo, you can get right on it. In addition, this method can also add volume or thickness to your hair after gym class.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 24
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 24

Step 15. Insert the drinking water bottle

This is to keep you energized and to keep you hydrated throughout the day.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 25
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 25

Step 16. Put snacks in your emergency kit

Do you feel like you don't want to be wasteful? Buy a box of healthy energy-boosting snacks from the store, such as a granola bar, and take one with you every day.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 26
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 26

Step 17. Don't forget to bring your wallet

Your wallet containing money, coupons, gift cards, discount cards, food cards for school, needs to be carried at all times. You never think that you need to suddenly go out with friends.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 30
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 30

Step 18. Bring a small mirror:

You need to take it with you to do your makeup and it's more convenient than always going back and forth to the restroom at school which may not always have a mirror.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 33
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 33

Step 19. Put spare underwear in your emergency kit

You would never think if suddenly your underwear got wet for some reason!

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 34
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 34

Step 20. Insert a comb

You never know when your hair will get tangled! A small comb needs to be put in the bag.

Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 35
Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls Step 35

Step 21. Think about what else you need to include in the table of contents of your school emergency kit

If there's something else you might need, just include it. Just think about a time you were in an “emergency” situation at school before, remember what equipment helped you, and put those things in your emergency pack!


  • If you're going to put personal items too, be sure to keep them in a safe place so they won't be seen by others.
  • If you're going to be carrying everything on this list, it's probably best to buy a smaller travel bag, as this type of bag will provide a lot of space!
  • Bring only the things you need.
  • To carry sanitary napkins and/or tampons and pantyliners, put these personal items in a smaller bag, which is enough to fit into a larger bag where you can store all your other emergency supplies.
  • Buy everything in the shop that is cheap. Sometimes you can buy things for less than IDR 20,000!
  • Buy the things you need.
  • Carry everything in a small bag.
  • Label your emergency kit bag, so you don't confuse it when you have to distinguish it from your other bags, such as stationery bags.


  • Don't buy things that won't fit in your bag.
  • Try not to leave it carelessly, because this bag can be stolen by someone.
  • If you plan to put the bag in your school locker, place it behind other objects or hide it among your other things, so that if your friend likes to browse through your locker, he won't find your emergency kit bag..
  • Some schools don't allow students to bring certain items, so don't put prohibited items in your bag (e.g. chewing gum, cell phone, medicine, etc.).
  • Be careful when using perfume. Some people get dizzy just from smelling perfume!
