3 Ways to Lower Your Tone Permanently

3 Ways to Lower Your Tone Permanently
3 Ways to Lower Your Tone Permanently

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Everyone has a different voice and not everyone is gifted with a low-pitched, deep, and authoritative voice. Many people have a lower voice as they mature, but there are also those who continue to have a tenor voice. Converting tenor to bass or soprano to alto in a short time is impossible. Even though it's difficult, you can have a lower and louder voice if you practice your routine diligently.


Method 1 of 3: Practice Correct Breathing Techniques

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 1
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 1

Step 1. Find out where the sound source is when you speak

Sounds that come from the area behind and around the nasal cavity will sound the most natural and thick. To get used to speaking using these areas to produce sounds, start by saying hmm-hmm-hmm like you're saying "yes" over and over again feeling a vibration in your face each time you sound hmm. When you make a sound, focus on the areas where you feel the vibrations on your face.

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 2
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 2

Step 2. Learn how to do diaphragmatic breathing

Instead of using chest breathing, the sound will be louder and thicker if you do diaphragmatic breathing. When you inhale, only the abdominal cavity is allowed to expand. Try not to expand the chest and shoulders. This is called diaphragmatic breathing.

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 3
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 3

Step 3. Get in the habit of speaking using your diaphragm

Exhale while contracting the abdominal cavity and circulate the air through the vibrating area of the face (already discussed in step 1). Do this exercise as often as you can by saying anything while focusing on both areas. Over time, you are able to produce a thicker sound without straining the vocal cords so that your voice is louder and lower.

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 4
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 4

Step 4. Practice regularly

At first, diaphragmatic breathing is uncomfortable, so you're likely to want to return to your normal breathing and speech. However, by practicing as often as possible over the course of a few weeks, you can form new habits. Diaphragmatic breathing is the easiest way to naturally improve sound quality.

Method 2 of 3: Practice Consciously

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 5
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 5

Step 1. Begin speaking by making sounds from the abdominal cavity, rather than from the throat

Try to lower the Adam's apple by doing slow swallowing movements. Adam's Adam's apple position that must be maintained is the position at the end of the swallowing movement before the throat opens again. Another way is to pull the base of the tongue into the throat. Even though it seems difficult, try to find the most appropriate way by continuing to practice.

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 6
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 6

Step 2. Change little by little

If your voice suddenly changes from soprano 1 to bass, friends or family will mistake you for someone else or give you a decongestant. When speaking, say a few words at the beginning of the sentence and end in a lower tone of voice. Make changes gradually so that they are not too obvious.

Besides being too flashy, wanting to quickly speak in a very low tone will eventually damage the vocal cords. You have to be careful and don't push yourself if your vocal cords feel tight

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 7
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 7

Step 3. Lower the pitch of voice at the end of the sentence

If you forget to lower your voice while speaking, take a deep breath, lower your Adam's apple in a swallowing motion, then finish the sentence in a lower tone of voice. A rising tone of voice at the end of a sentence is used when asking a question. Try lowering your tone of voice at the end of the sentence to make yourself feel more confident.

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 8
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 8

Step 4. Practice lowering your voice diligently for some time until you get used to it

Just like forming a new habit in anything, at first you will often forget. With frequent practice, new habits that initially must be done consciously will become habits that are not realized. It's best to keep talking in a consciously low tone until you get used to it.

Method 3 of 3: Through Surgery or Vocal Training

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 9
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 9

Step 1. Determine if you are prepared to incur high costs

Depending on why you want to lower your voice, decide whether the money-saving method is an option. Vocal training and surgery are two of the most likely options for success. If you want to lower your voice to boost your confidence, socialize, or find a date, choose a safer and cheaper method, even if it takes more time.

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 10
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 10

Step 2. Find out how to lower the voice pitch surgically

Voice pitch can be permanently lowered through laryngeal skeleton surgery (thyroplasty) by reducing vocal cord tension. Another method is to inject fat taken from the patient's body into the vocal cords. The surgery was successful in lowering the pitch of the voice and improving the quality of the voice. Hormone change therapy is also able to change the voice of transgender men to be more masculine. This method can be used by people who want their voice to sound heavier.

Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 11
Permanently Lower Your Voice Step 11

Step 3. Take vocal training with the help of a therapist

People who have the expertise to practice speaking skills can help their clients in various ways, for example to change the tone of voice. A good therapist is able to find the cause of the high pitched voice and help change it. There are also therapists who specialize in helping transgender people practice having a more masculine or feminine voice. The chances of successfully lowering your voice permanently will be much greater if you use professional help, instead of just practicing on your own using a guide.
