Intimidation can make others fearful, nervous, or unworthy. The goal is to gain a social position or get a desired result. Although in many interpersonal interactions it is considered a negative quality, bullying can be helpful in sports, business, and other competitions. By learning to bully, you can also avoid being bullied by others.
Method 1 of 2: Physically Intimidating

Step 1. Stand up straight
Body language is very important to convey a certain attitude. If you appear tall and confident, the intimidation effect will be greater. So make sure you practice good posture. You can also lean slightly when communicating with other people.

Step 2. Take control of the room
Whenever you sit, stand, or walk, try to take up as much space as possible. This shows that you are in control of the room and are confident in yourself.
- When walking, open your arms (swinged, dropped to the side, etc.)
- When sitting, lean back, and relax your arms and legs apart.
- If standing, open your legs and arms whenever possible.

Step 3. Curl your waist
When standing in front of or near other people, place your hands on your waist or hips, and open your arms away from your body. In many contexts, this posture conveys authority and seems intimidating.

Step 4. Block people's path
If you control the room that other people are going to pass, they have to face you or get out of the way. Most people will avoid direct confrontation, and ask if you can let them pass or step aside without bothering you. Whatever their choice, you already seem intimidating.
- Try this technique by blocking hallways, stairs, doorways, etc.
- If you really want to be intimidating when someone asks if you can let them through, say, "Oh, is anyone there?"

Step 5. Cross your arms in front of your chest
When standing, walking, or sitting, cross your arms in front of your chest. This kind of attitude appears intimidating or aggressive in many contexts.
Make sure your arms are crossed high in front of your chest, in a firm stance. When crossed under or loose, it conveys the impression of nervousness, not authority

Step 6. Put on a sour face
A smile indicates friendliness and pleasure, while a sour face indicates aggressiveness, anger, or displeasure. This can make people a little afraid to talk to you, the impression you're looking for if you want to be intimidating.

Step 7. Show the other person the finger
Pointing the finger at others means you are expressing authority and conviction. In some cases, this is considered rude or aggressive. However, when you want to intimidate, this gesture is good to use.

Step 8. Build muscles
Research has shown mixed results, but many believe that a muscular body appears more assertive and is perceived as more intimidating than non-muscular. If your muscular body makes you feel more intimidating, then it's possible that people are intimidated by your muscles. Try different bodybuilding techniques to increase muscle mass.

Step 9. Don't fidget
Tapping your hands or feet, shifting your body weight from side to side, squeezing your hands, and other erratic movements will create a feeling of nervousness. If you want to be more intimidating, try to stay still and move consciously. Such body language conveys assertiveness.

Step 10. Look presentable
Paying attention to clothing and personal hygiene, as well as ensuring that one's appearance is always clean and tidy, can convey the impression of being assertive and confident. Get in the habit of taking care of yourself, and see if you can be more intimidating.
- For men, consider growing a beard. Many people believe that a beard conveys masculinity and assertiveness.
- A nice suit, blouse, slacks, or other formal attire can also show authority. If you want to appear intimidating, it's best to dress better than the other person. For example, if the standard work attire in the office is business casual, you will be more intimidating if you wear a full suit.

Step 11. Show a neutral facial expression
Many emotions are conveyed through facial expressions. Happiness is conveyed with a smile, disapproval is conveyed with a frown, surprised by a gasp, etc. If you always keep a neutral expression and don't show much emotion, you will come across as more intimidating.
Try to practice not smiling, laughing, frowning, and so on in situations where you normally respond with expressions. You can also practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to perfect this technique

Step 12. Make eye contact
In many cultures, looking someone in the eye can be intimidating. Begin the practice of looking into the other person's eyes. You can feel the effect, and see that other people react as if intimidated by you.
- In some cultures, looking people in the eye is considered disrespectful. If in your area there is a taboo culture of looking people in the eye, be careful. You want to be intimidating, but you don't need to sound rude or overly aggressive.
- Staring at people and then rolling your eyes can also seem intimidating. However, be careful as this can also sound harsh in many contexts.
Method 2 of 2: Socially Bullying

Step 1. Speak clearly
Confidence is reflected in the tone of voice. If you mumble, hesitate, or whine, no one will think you're assertive. However, if you speak clearly and measuredly, at a moderate to loud volume, you reflect self-confidence and can be intimidating.
If you find it difficult to speak clearly and measuredly, think before you say anything. So you can prepare the words. In addition, you will also appear confident and not bothered by silence. That alone was intimidating enough

Step 2. Be assertive when communicating
You can reflect confidence in the way you communicate, and that will increase the level of intimidation. That means, do the following:
- Don't always agree with others.
- Voice your opinion.
- Not avoiding conflict.
- Speak with “I” statements, such as “I disagree” instead of “You are wrong”. This will emphasize authority over others.
- Agree in principle, but not necessarily in the details, such as by saying, “That makes sense, but…”
- Don't get defensive when criticized, and don't criticize back. Instead, focus on stating your opinion clearly.
- Stick to your opinion. State your point repeatedly if necessary, but don't hesitate.
- Dare to say “no” (or “I'm very busy”, etc.) when asked to do something.

Step 3. Make a mockery of it
Ridicule, or mild criticism, is common in sports as a way of showing confidence and making opponents nervous. However, ridicule can be used in other contexts (such as political advertising or at work) to intimidate.
- Ridicule can be made directly, such as saying to a coworker, “I got 13 new accounts this month, Jim, how much did you get? Zero." You can also add sarcasm, such as “Your report will be great, Jim. Maybe next time you can get one account actually reported.”
- Avoid sexism, racism and other offensive language. Focus the ridicule on the person's abilities, not their identity.

Step 4. Have followers
Going to a new place with a group of people will make you seem important and powerful. The stronger and more confident your followers are, the less likely you are to be bullied. Having followers shows that you are a leader, and can be positively intimidating.
- In some places, followers can be hired for some time.
- Ideally, followers are good friends who support and even idolize you.
- Followers can act as advocates talking about your impressive achievements and qualities to others.
- You have to be kind to your followers and respect them. Make sure you listen and support their interests.

Step 5. Show off your achievements
If you have academic achievements or awards to be proud of, and want to sound intimidating at work, don't be shy about decorating the walls of your work area with certificates and diplomas. By posting your achievements, you will appear more intimidating to anyone who comes to chat.
To increase the level of bullying, you can also briefly mention achievements in the chat

Step 6. Show a mysterious impression
Sometimes silence is louder than words. Try to keep your distance a little, talk less, and seem distant. If you can create a bit of mystery, other people can be intimidated and curious about what you really are.
- Don't always speak up. Observe the other person and show that you are listening, but maintain an air of mystery.
- Try to always appear busy or working on something (like reading a book or fiddling with something on your laptop or tablet), but don't let other people know what you're doing unless they ask.
- Whenever someone asks you what you're doing, give a short, cryptic answer to hint at some mysteriously important job. For example, if a coworker sees you busy with your tablet and asks what you're working on, just say, “Oh, a new project. Maybe you haven't been told."