Circumstances in life are often complicated and uncertain. One day you may feel confident that everything is perfect and the next day you may question every decision you have ever made. If you want to find consistency in life, you have to be consistent with your ways of life, habits and mindset. Finding consistency can help you stay persistent through the tough times and periods that come from personal doubt. Consistency starts with building a more stable, consistent way of life for yourself and extending it into other areas of your life.
Part 1 of 3: Building Habits to Create a Consistent Life

Step 1. Commit to change
The first step to making any transformation in your life is to commit to the change. Making a conscious and determined declaration to yourself that you will continue to work on and live with for the desired outcome can help keep you motivated and encourage you to achieve that goal. In this case, you must commit to living a more stable and consistent life.
- Think about the reasons why you want a more consistent life. Are you looking for that consistency for yourself, for your family or for some other completely different reason?
- Whatever your reason for seeking consistency, use it to help you stay motivated. Whenever you start to doubt yourself or question your efforts so far, think about how your life (or the life of your family) will be better in the future.
- Convince yourself that you can do it and that the results will be worth the effort.

Step 2. Avoid clutter
Some people feel addicted to chaotic situations. An addiction like this can be just as damaging as an addiction to drugs or alcohol. These people crave what some call "reliable contingencies" - meaning that inconsistency is the only constant in that person's life. While it's a good idea to break out of a tedious routine by occasionally doing different things in your life, chaos of any kind is highly unstable and not very sustainable for long periods of time.
- Chaos can take many forms. Disruption can include erratic behavior, mood swings, or getting involved in other people's problems (often as an escape from one's own problems).
- If you find yourself going through a lot of chaos in your life, pause and think about the various factors that led to you being approached or even approached by the chaos.
- Try to get out of other people's problems. This doesn't mean you have to get rid of these people from your life, just resist the urge to get involved in the conflict and drama around you.
- Having true consistency in life is impossible if you continue to "make friends" with chaos. Once you decide to find consistency in your life, you must also be determined to avoid further chaos.

Step 3. Find your goal
Having a goal doesn't necessarily mean having a target. People with purposeful lives often have clear goals that they are pursuing, but having indirect goals equals making your life purposeful. Developing realistic goals based on your interests and values/beliefs can help you find your purpose in life and start making changes in your life.
- Part of finding a purpose in life may require you to define your values, interests and goals in life.
- Having a purpose in life usually helps a person develop a consistent pattern of behavior in his daily life.
- Push yourself out of your comfort zone to explore things that positively interest you in order to find a purpose in life.
- Let your values and beliefs guide you as you explore what you can do with life and what you can achieve.
- You don't have to find the answer to everything. All it takes is an interest in your goal and an exploratory step to get started.

Step 4. Live a healthy lifestyle consistently
Consistency in life extends to your daily habits and routines. Living an unhealthy lifestyle is tantamount to inviting inconsistency and chaos. One of the best ways to make your life more stable and consistent starts with how you actually live your daily life.
- Make physical activity a part of your daily life.
- Eat at regular time intervals and follow a balanced diet.
- Avoid smoking or quit if you are a current smoker.
- Avoid consuming anything in extreme large quantities, whether it's about eating habits or about drinking alcohol.
- Make sure you get enough rest every night.

Step 5. Do meditation
Some of the biggest challenges to life consistency include anxiety and emotional/mental turmoil. Meditation has been shown to help calm a restless mind and restore balance to your inner feelings. With practice, meditation can also help you become more aware of yourself, your thoughts/feelings and your surroundings. Most types of treatment focus on relaxing breathing and should be done on a regular (perhaps daily) schedule.
- Find a quiet and serene place.
- Sit in a comfortable position. If you prefer, you can also meditate on your back.
- Reduce distractions. Mute your cell phone ringer or turn it off altogether.
- Close your eyes (if you feel comfortable doing so). If you're afraid you're just going to fall asleep, you can simply focus your eyes on a spot on the floor directly in front of you.
- Inhale slowly and deeply through your nostrils, feeling the sensation of air passing through your nose.
- Make sure you inhale deeply into the diaphragm (the part below the ribs, in the abdominal area). If you're only breathing in into your chest, the breath is too shallow.
- Whenever a thought enters your mind or something bothers you, simply refocus the mind on the repetition of your breath. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply, in and out through the nostrils.

Step 6. Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is a kind of meditation. This can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions. When you live a mindful life, it will be easier for you to be consistent about your habits of thinking and acting.
- Pay attention to all the little details around you. This can start with your own actions (the way you reach for your toothbrush in the morning, the thoughts that go through your mind as you commute to work) and work your way out.
- Try to see things from a new perspective, with a more "fresh" view. Pay attention to details in your everyday world that were previously overlooked.
- Immerse yourself in your five senses. Pay attention to what you see, smell, hear, taste, taste and think.
- When you're eating something, take your time to pay attention to the aroma, appearance (color, texture, shape, etc.) of your food, and chew slowly to enjoy the complex flavors in each bite.
- As you eat, think about how much effort it took to make the food. It starts with sunlight and water to grow it, farmers to harvest it, and truckers and traders to bring the food around your neighborhood.

Step 7. Have a consistent sleep pattern
Sleep is the body's way of healing and rejuvenating itself. It is very important that you get enough sleep and ensure that the sleep you get is quality rest. The best way to ensure you get a good night's rest is to follow a consistent sleep pattern and continue to do so day after day.
- Follow the same sleep schedule, even on weekends. Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning.
- Establish a bedtime ritual that helps you relax. This can include meditation, reading or even exercise (though some people may find it difficult to sleep after exercise).
- Keep your room in a cool temperature. A temperature between 15.5 to 19.4 degrees celsius is the optimal temperature range for sleep.
- Make sure you get enough sleep. Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep at night, although some may need around 10 hours each night.

Step 8. Stay true to your efforts
It's probably obvious that you need consistency in order to be consistent. However, the fact is that you simply won't be able to find consistency in life without commitment and building habits. These efforts can take a while, so don't get frustrated if you're still forcing yourself to do these things and aren't used to it. Be patient and don't give up.
- Some studies show that it takes 21 days to incorporate a new habit into your routine. Other researchers suggest that it can take up to 66 days for a new habit to become consistent in your life.
- In order for you to change your life and make it more consistent, you must maintain a constant drive for consistency.
- Do not give up. Finding consistency can give your life greater stability, satisfaction and ultimately happiness.
Part 2 of 3: Building More Stable Relationships

Step 1. Focus on healthy relationships
Healthy relationships tend to bring stability to your life. A healthy relationship is important to your well-being and identity, be it friendship or love. Finding ways to make your relationship more stable and healthy can bring a sense of complete satisfaction and consistency into your life.
- Respect each other at all times. You can joke and tease, but the flirting shouldn't be hurtful or serious.
- Show respect in the way you treat one another, including the way you talk to one another.
- Try to trust each other. If you're having trouble giving trust, remind yourself that this person isn't someone who's hurt you in the past and it's unfair to treat them as if they've hurt you.
- Support each other in all your endeavors.
- Be honest all the time. Never lie, cheat, or cheat on each other, otherwise you will have no basis on which to build trust.
- Share responsibility for a loving relationship or friendship. Take responsibility for your own actions and make sure both parties contribute equally to spending time together.
- Be willing to compromise or negotiate to resolve the dispute.

Step 2. Establish a ritual with your friend/partner
Rituals are small, intimate habits that you share with others. Rituals may seem like small things, but they can be quite helpful in building a stronger relationship between you and your partner or friend.
- Rituals are very important, because they can help you bond with your friends or partner on a emotional level.
- Rituals can help you build stronger connections based on intimacy and intimacy.
- You don't have to make very big changes to make something a ritual. The most beautiful and intimate rituals between couples or friends are the little things - the way you greet each other, the special jokes you tell, and so on.
- Rituals do not have to be forced. Maybe there's a little thing you guys always do without ever considering it a ritual, then starting to think of it more and more as a ritual can help strengthen your bond.

Step 3. Communicate with each other
Communication is key if you want to develop stability and consistency in your relationships with other people. It is important that you take the time to communicate one-on-one with one another. However, it's also important to always be open and honest, even if your interactions are sometimes very brief (like when you go to work, for example).
- Strong communication is the foundation of a healthy friendship or romantic relationship.
- Communication can help build consistency and stability. When you can talk about your fears, anxieties, hopes and dreams with each other, you build a strong bond with each other and the conversations become routine.
- Talk about things that upset you or feel anxious when they arise (when the time is right). Don't hold back your feelings, or you'll hate each other even more.
- You should be able to talk about anything with each other. Try to help each other feel comfortable enough to communicate openly and honestly at all times.

Step 4. Repair a broken love/friendship relationship
Maintaining friendships that are meaningful to you is important. If a once meaningful friendship/love relationship becomes strained over something trivial or easy to resolve, putting your differences aside and focusing on the friendship/love relationship may pay off.
- If you and a friend often fight over something trivial, try to avoid the argument by siding with that friend. If you and your partner have fundamentally incompatible beliefs, the solution may be more complicated. However, if you're fighting with your best friend over something like "who should do the dishes this time," simply offer to do it.
- If you stopped talking to a friend because of an unimportant disagreement, call or text him or her to apologize. Ask if he's willing to go out for coffee and share the news.
- Realize that not all friendships/relationships are healthy and deserve to be nurtured. However, valuable relationships may just need to be nurtured a little more.
- If you and your partner or a friend don't share the values of a healthy relationship as summarized above, it could be an unhealthy relationship. If so, it is better for you to continue living without the presence of that person in your life at this time.
Part 3 of 3: Finding Consistency at Work

Step 1. Balance your work life and personal life
Separating work life and home/private life can be difficult. However, if you don't try to keep these parts separate in your life, you run the risk of being overworked and needlessly stressed. Complications like these can seriously affect your ability to have a stable and fulfilling life in both environments, both at home and at work.
- Don't obsess over work. Being motivated and focused on your career is important, but don't spend all your time at home planning or worrying about the next day's work.
- Try to adapt your way of spending time. If work makes you feel emotionally or physically exhausted, find something you enjoy and can do every day after work (or even before work).
- Choose healthy and productive ways to spend your free time apart from work. For example, instead of consuming alcohol, try jogging or riding a bicycle to reduce stress.
- Develop a hobby or pursue an activity in your spare time that will give your life greater purpose.
- Make sure you live a healthy life at home. This includes exercising regularly, eating healthy and getting enough sleep.

Step 2. Be punctual and consistent
If you want to have a consistent work life you have to be consistent from the first time you come to work until you return home after work hours are over. This starts with arriving at work ready and on time, both of which are important for productivity and ensuring that you are not in danger of losing your job.
- Know the factors that can make you late. Is it traffic fluctuations, having trouble finding a parking space, or having trouble at home?
- If problems at home are affecting your work life, you may need to decide not to work on your household issues until after work hours.
- If traffic or parking spaces are keeping you late, leave early to address those factors. You can try checking a traffic map (such as Google Maps or Waze) to see which areas have the worst traffic and try to find alternative routes that will cut off the road from those areas and save time.
- Add in the time it takes you to get to work on a weekday and the amount of time you are occasionally late due to factors such as traffic. Then just leave early, maybe with an extra 10 minutes of backup time just in case things get really delayed.
- Reward yourself for your consistency. Maybe you can find a way to reward yourself, such as delaying the time to finish off your leftover cake until you've left for work (but only if you manage to make it on time).

Step 3. Prioritize your workload
You may have had days when you felt so overwhelmed with all the work that you didn't know where to start. But if every day goes like that, you will find it very difficult to complete any work and it will be impossible for you to follow any schedule or routine at work.
- Try to keep a whiteboard or whiteboard at your workplace and use it to write down whatever you need to get done that day.
- Sort the jobs into what categories you can (and should) complete today, what must be done before the day after tomorrow, and what must be done before the end of the week.
- You can check the list or delete it when you're done. This step can help you see what you've accomplished while reminding you what to do next.
- Managing and organizing your tasks in this way can help you feel more stable and productive at work, which can then result in a greater sense of order in your life.

Step 4. Get your friends at work and support each other
If you're struggling to find a stable working life, finding a solution to this problem with someone else may be helpful. If you have a colleague you get along with or someone you know is also struggling with a productive routine, you may want to get that person to work together to motivate and support each other. This can help both of you develop consistent, productive work habits by directing each other to stay on track.
- Having someone else encourage you to be consistent and productive at work can be equally beneficial for both of you.
- You may need to develop ways to track each other's progress and motivate each other to be more productive and consistent in your work habits.
- Find ways to celebrate success together and reward one another. For example, the two of you might be able to go to an ice cream shop or have dinner together after work on the weekends if you both have met all of your goals.