How to Grow Tall Faster (Kids) (with Pictures)

How to Grow Tall Faster (Kids) (with Pictures)
How to Grow Tall Faster (Kids) (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Have you always been smaller than your classmates? Even though we have to accept whatever our height is, deep down you must be curious because you want to be able to match your friends. Everyone grows at a different pace depending on many factors such as genes and self-care. However, with proper nutrition and moving your body, you can grow taller faster.


Part 1 of 3: Getting the Right Nutrition

Improve Bone Density in Kids with Milk Allergies Step 2
Improve Bone Density in Kids with Milk Allergies Step 2

Step 1. Eat healthy

Food not only provides energy to get through the day, but also helps growth. By getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs through healthy and regular food, you can grow faster.

Eat three times a day, namely breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as two healthy snacks. This ensures your body has enough energy to get through the day and encourages growth

Lose Weight as a Kid Step 3
Lose Weight as a Kid Step 3

Step 2. Choose foods from the five food groups

To grow, you need vitamins and minerals. You can get what you need by eating a variety of the five food groups each day. The five food groups are fruits, vegetables, lean protein, cereals, and dairy products. Make sure you eat different food options with each meal to get enough nutrients to grow.

  • Choose fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, blueberries, apples, broccoli, spinach, and potatoes. Lean proteins like chicken, fish, and eggs are great options to help with growth. You can get cereals from whole grain breads and pastas or breakfast cereals. Dairy products can be obtained from sources such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and even ice cream.
  • Eat two healthy snacks between meals. Some good snack choices are low-fat cheese sticks, yogurt, oranges, or apples. Healthy snacks keep you full between meals and help avoid junk food.
Take Care of Naughty Kids Step 3
Take Care of Naughty Kids Step 3

Step 3. Create a meal plan

Make a meal plan for each day of the week. This helps ensure you get enough vitamins and minerals to grow. Ask your parents to help you plan so you can have healthy meals at home and at school.

  • Make a specific plan for each day's meals. For example, “Monday: whole wheat toast with peanut butter, a bowl of strawberries with Greek yogurt, and a glass of orange juice for breakfast; apples for a midday snack; sandwiches of meat, vegetables and a glass of milk for lunch; cheese sticks and crackers for an afternoon snack; chicken breast, steamed vegetables, and lettuce for dinner; blueberries and raspberries for dessert.”
  • Bring lunch from home on school canteen days serving not so healthy food. For example, bring a lunch of lettuce or wheat sandwich instead of having to eat pizza and fries in the school canteen. Remember that you can "cheat" one day a week so you don't push yourself or then forget to eat your favorite foods.
  • Involve your parents in your meal plans. You can ask them to plan together, cook with mom and dad, or help them shop.
Get Rid of Kidney Stones Step 4
Get Rid of Kidney Stones Step 4

Step 4. Drink throughout the day

Just like food, drinking enough will help speed up growth. The best option is plain water. However, milk, fruit juices, and sports drinks can also help you grow taller.

  • Drink the recommended amount of fluids each day. Boys ages 9–13 should drink 10 glasses a day and girls the same age should drink 8 glasses. Boys ages 14–18 should drink 14 glasses a day and girls the same age should drink 11 glasses. If you are physically active or it is very hot outside, you need to drink more.
  • Eating nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables can add 2-3 glasses of fluid to your total daily intake.
Lose Weight as a Kid Step 8
Lose Weight as a Kid Step 8

Step 5. Avoid unhealthy choices

Nutrition is very important for growth. Therefore, do not eat too many unhealthy foods. Foods like sweet pastries or French fries and drinks like soda won't provide you with the nutrients you need to grow.

Choose healthy foods whenever possible. For example, a dish of lettuce will help you grow faster than fries, and grilled chicken is better than a cheeseburger. If you are allowed to choose where to eat, choose a restaurant with healthy food options, don't choose a fast food restaurant

Improve Bone Density in Kids with Milk Allergies Step 13
Improve Bone Density in Kids with Milk Allergies Step 13

Step 6. Replace unhealthy foods

If you eat a lot of unhealthy foods and want to grow taller, try replacing them with healthier options. You can do it gradually so as not to shock the body. It also helps to know what you like and what you don't.

Change food and drink choices simply and gradually. For example, you can choose brown rice over white rice, or cake with fruit instead of cake with icing. For drinks, you can choose plain water instead of soda

Teach Children (Age 3 to 9) Step 6
Teach Children (Age 3 to 9) Step 6

Step 7. Involve your parents

Tell them that you want to eat healthier in order to grow taller. Ask them to help you get the nutrients you need by making healthy choices and cooking. Involving the whole family can make everyone healthier and you taller.

Ask your parents if you can shop with them. Together, you can choose and plan meals. Make sure you choose foods from the five groups

Treat Bipolar Depression in Younger Children Step 5
Treat Bipolar Depression in Younger Children Step 5

Step 8. Take children's vitamins

If you are worried that you are not getting enough vitamins, you can take children's vitamins as a complement to a healthy diet. Talk to your parents and doctor before taking any vitamins or medications.

  • Get most of your vitamins and minerals from food and drink. This will be easy if you eat a variety of healthy foods every day and drink enough.
  • Stay away from megavitamins, supplements, hormones, or anything that is not safe for children. All of that can harm your health and actually hinder your body's growth.

Part 2 of 3: Moving Your Body

Build Muscle (for Kids) Step 1
Build Muscle (for Kids) Step 1

Step 1. Do lots of activities

Just like nutrition, exercise or activities to move the body is very important to grow taller. Playing sports or going for a walk will build bones and muscles, which will help you grow taller. Try to do some type of activity every day.

  • Do moderate activity for at least an hour each day. You can swim, bike or walk. Games like hide-and-seek, jumping on a trampoline, or jumping rope are other ways to move your body.
  • Join a sports team or club at school. For example, if you're not a fan of competitive sports, join a sports group like volleyball or dodgeball for fun.
Build Muscle (for Kids) Step 9
Build Muscle (for Kids) Step 9

Step 2. Stretch every day

When walking or sitting all day, the spine will press against each other. This makes you shorter at the end of the day. By stretching in the morning, afternoon, and evening, you can grow taller.

  • Stand with your back against the wall. Raise your arms up as far as possible. You can also sit with your back against a wall, raise your arms and bend forward to touch your toes. Hold each stretch for 5-10 seconds and repeat 10 times.
  • Sit on the floor and spread your legs wide. Bend at the hips and stretch your arms out to touch each leg. Hold for 5-10 seconds and repeat 3-4 times.
  • Hang the body from a cross or a series of rings. Try touching your feet to the ground so that you are taller.
  • Know that your body will return to its natural height after a good night's rest.
Build Muscle (for Kids) Step 6
Build Muscle (for Kids) Step 6

Step 3. Try yoga

Light yoga can stretch the body. Even if you've never done it before, trying a pose or two will really stretch your body and make you taller. If you don't do a whole yoga session, it still counts as daily activity. Join a yoga class or do yoga with a DVD guide or at home podcast.

Do light yoga like restorative or yin yoga for the best stretch. If you can't do a full yoga session, do downward facing dog for 10 breaths. This position is like a triangle. Place your hands and feet on the floor, and lift your buttocks up

Plan Successful Play Dates for Your ADD_ADHD Child Step 11
Plan Successful Play Dates for Your ADD_ADHD Child Step 11

Step 4. Limit idle time

You may enjoy playing video games or tablets. This type of activity doesn't help you move and grow. Create a schedule for when you use your computer or device. Invite your friends to do activities that move the whole body, not just sitting at home.

  • Try video games like karaoke or Wii that require you to move around.
  • Remember that some type of downtime or mindless play will also help with rest, which is also important for growth.

Part 3 of 3: Considering Other Factors

Lose Weight as a Kid Step 15
Lose Weight as a Kid Step 15

Step 1. Stand up straight

How you stand affects not only how tall you appear to be, but also how tall you can grow. Standing straight and sitting in a chair with a backrest can ensure you stand up properly and grow taller. This practice also makes you appear taller than slouching.

Don't sit with your shoulders hunched over because it can make your spine stoop. Pull your shoulders back and your stomach in for the best posture

Lose Weight as a Kid Step 18
Lose Weight as a Kid Step 18

Step 2. Get plenty of rest

Moving the body is important for growth, as well as getting enough rest. Sleep helps the body recover from daily activities and supports growth. Remember that sleep also restores the body in a higher state.

Get 10 to 12 hours of sleep every night. Add a 30-minute nap if you're tired. You can also do relaxing activities that don't require a lot of body movement or using your brain

Cleanse Your Kidneys Step 18
Cleanse Your Kidneys Step 18

Step 3. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes

Just like unhealthy food, unhealthy habits also hinder growth. Drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or smoking can inhibit bone and muscle growth. This habit can lead to a stooped posture or bone loss when you are older.

Talk to a parent, trusted adult, or medical professional if you drink, smoke, or use drugs. They can help you find ways to break this habit, which will help you grow taller in the long run

Lose Weight as a Kid Step 1
Lose Weight as a Kid Step 1

Step 4. Look at your family members

Genetics plays a big role in determining how high you can grow. For example, if your parents weren't that tall, you probably wouldn't be that tall either. However, there may be a tall relative that you don't know. You may be taller than you think, or even taller than your entire family.

  • Ask your parents and grandparents if they know how tall your ancestors were. You can also ask about the growth of your siblings and parents. This can give you an idea of when you are experiencing a growth spurt.
  • Remember that you have another awesome attribute besides your height. Try to focus on something like that, like your good hair or your accomplishments.
Treat Spider Bites on Kids Step 1
Treat Spider Bites on Kids Step 1

Step 5. See a doctor

If you are concerned about your height, make an appointment with your doctor. Medical professionals can not only determine if you are growing for your age, but also diagnose potential problems that are hindering growth. Doctors can also give tips to grow taller faster.

  • Express your concerns honestly. Make sure your doctor knows what you eat, what activities you do, and if you have any bad habits like drinking alcohol.
  • Ask any questions about growth. The doctor can assure you that you just have to wait. Puberty affects growth and occurs at different times for each person.
  • Doctors can also show your percentage compared to your peers. You can use this information to discuss potential problems.


  • Take this height concern positively and accept your measurements while you're growing. Remember that everyone's growth is different. Today your best friend may be taller, but you may be taller than her next month.
  • Try to sleep longer at night and also exercise.
  • Don't worry if you're not tall yet. Eat healthy, try taking vitamins, and avoid smoking and alcohol. Even though video games are fun, try to play something that moves your whole body. Finally, try to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours.
