How to Pretend Fever (with Pictures)

How to Pretend Fever (with Pictures)
How to Pretend Fever (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


If you want to fake a fever to escape an unpleasant situation, try making your face warm, flushed, and sweaty. You can also warm the thermometer to "prove" that you are sick. Coupled with other symptoms, such as weakness and a runny nose, you may miss school, practice, or boring events. However, honestly expressing reluctance not to go is always better than risking getting into trouble.


Part 1 of 4: Making the Body Warm, Reddish, and Sweaty

Fake a Fever Step 1
Fake a Fever Step 1

Step 1. Heat the forehead with a hot water bottle or hot compress

Hot water bottles are a classic trick for faking a fever. Hold the hot water bottle on your forehead for a few minutes so that your forehead feels warm to the touch. Or, use a hot compress, but don't apply it directly to the skin, make sure your face is covered with something like a towel. Don't burn the skin.

When someone comes to check on you, your forehead will be warm enough for the person to think that you have a fever

Fake a Fever Step 2
Fake a Fever Step 2

Step 2. Eat spicy food so that the body temperature rises naturally

Spicy foods, whether with chilies, peppers, or paprika, can increase body temperature. Try eating spicy food to increase body temperature. However, don't overdo it. You certainly don't want to get really sick from too spicy food.

Fake a Fever Step 3
Fake a Fever Step 3

Step 3. Exercise or hide under a blanket to make your skin appear rosy

The easiest way is to cover your head with a blanket for a few minutes. The reflected heat will make the skin red, and increase the temperature on the forehead. Or, do small exercise movements, such as jumping up and down or running in place until your face turns red. The redness of the skin will make the charade of the fever more convincing.

Fake a Fever Step 4
Fake a Fever Step 4

Step 4. Place the washcloth on your skin or spray your face to make it look sweaty

Wet the washcloth with warm water. Once warm, place on the face and let stand a few minutes, then remove. Or, spray your face with water. Don't let it get wet, it just looks sweaty and damp.

Part 2 of 4: Raising the Temperature of the Thermometer

Fake a Fever Step 5
Fake a Fever Step 5

Step 1. Wet the thermometer with hot water

If you want to convince people that you have a fever, you may need to fake the temperature reading on the thermometer. One way to raise the temperature of a thermometer is to use hot water. Place the tip of the thermometer under a hot water tap, and let it sit until you see the temperature rise above 38°C.

However, be careful not to exceed 39°C. You could be caught lying or be rushed to the hospital

Fake a Fever Step 6
Fake a Fever Step 6

Step 2. Shake the mercury thermometer to increase the number

Shaking the mercury thermometer while holding the tip may increase the temperature indicated. However, you have to be careful because if you shake too vigorously, the temperature achieved will be very high. Also, don't shake so hard that the glass breaks.

  • The tip of a mercury thermometer is made of metal. The other half of the thermometer is made of glass with the numbers printed on it. The mercury in the thermometer will rise to show the temperature.
  • Hold the metal tip while whisking. Point the other end towards the floor, and shake back and forth until the indicated temperature increases.
Fake a Fever Step 7
Fake a Fever Step 7

Step 3. Heat the digital thermometer by rubbing the tip between your fingers

Hold the base of the thermometer as steady as possible with one hand, then hold the tip between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. Rub your thumb and forefinger as quickly as possible to increase the number listed.

Digital thermometers are usually made of a plastic frame with a metal tip, and display digital numbers

Fake a Fever Step 8
Fake a Fever Step 8

Step 4. Eat or drink something warm before taking the temperature by mouth

If someone comes to take your temperature, raise your mouth temperature beforehand. Eat or drink hot soup or tea just before the measurement. Do not choose foods or drinks that are too hot because your mouth will scald. Hold a small amount of the food or drink in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it.

You can also hold a small amount of warm liquid under your tongue during temperature measurement

Part 3 of 4: Displaying Fever Symptoms

Fake a Fever Step 9
Fake a Fever Step 9

Step 1. Say that you are cold, not hot

People with fever usually feel cold even though their skin is warm to the touch. If someone checks, make sure you wear a blanket or warm clothes. Say that you are cold and seem to have a fever. Add a little chills to make it more reassuring.

Fake a Fever Step 10
Fake a Fever Step 10

Step 2. Give the impression that you are exhausted

If you want to fake a fever, you can't jump around for fun. Drag your feet as you walk and show that you have no energy. For example, rest your head on your arm while sitting as if you are not strong. You can also close your eyes slightly as if they are too heavy to open wide.

Fake a Fever Step 11
Fake a Fever Step 11

Step 3. Pretend you don't have an appetite

Another symptom of fever is loss of appetite. If someone asks if you want something to eat, don't ask for a hamburger and fries. Instead, ask for water, tea, or juice. You can eat or snack when you're alone, or ask for something simple, like bread or soup.

Fake a Fever Step 12
Fake a Fever Step 12

Step 4. Blow your nose, sneeze, or cough

Cold symptoms usually go hand in hand with fever. So, you can blow your nose, cough, or sneeze as a complement to the play. Scatter a few tissues around the bed or room for a reassuring impression.

Eating spicy food can also make your nose run

Fake a Fever Step 13
Fake a Fever Step 13

Step 5. Pretend you have a headache or stomachache rather than a cold

If you're not sure you can fake cold symptoms, just complain of a headache or stomachache. Hold the body part that feels uncomfortable. If you pretend to have a stomach ache, go to the bathroom and wait longer than usual before leaving.

For example, say, "My stomach hurts so bad."

Fake a Fever Step 14
Fake a Fever Step 14

Step 6. Don't overdo it

Your plays should be realistic, not dramatic or unbelievable. Fake a symptom or two and don't act like you're dying of a mysterious disease. If you go too far, people will realize you are faking or trusting them completely so they intend to take you to the doctor.

For example, don't cough and say you want to throw up, then moan while rolling on the floor. It's too much

Part 4 of 4: Confess if Found

Fake a Fever Step 15
Fake a Fever Step 15

Step 1. Admit your play if someone confronts you

If your parents catch you heating up a thermometer or sticking a hot water bottle to your head, admit that you're faking a fever. Even though it's tempting to deny it, you'll only get into trouble if you keep playing the game once you get caught.

For example, say, “Yes, ma'am. I just pretended to be sick."

Fake a Fever Step 16
Fake a Fever Step 16

Step 2. Explain why you are faking it

Your parents may be upset if you take the extreme step of not going to school, attending training, or doing other responsibilities. Tell me honestly why you don't want to go, don't invent new lies. Share your feelings without looking for excuses.

For example, say, “Today is a history test and I haven't studied. I pretended to have a fever so I wouldn't get a bad grade."

Fake a Fever Step 17
Fake a Fever Step 17

Step 3. Apologize for lying

While confessing, I sincerely apologize for trying to trick them. Explain that you know it was wrong, and say that you will be more honest in the future. Realize that they may find it hard to believe again after you've been caught lying.

Fake a Fever Step 18
Fake a Fever Step 18

Step 4. Accept the consequences

Your parents may confiscate the facilities they provide or punish you for lying. Don't argue or fight, but accept the consequences and avoid other lies. You can try to earn their trust again by being honest, responsible, and willing to help.


  • Pretend to sleep a lot to make it look real, put on a blanket and wear warm clothes.
  • If you want, wear layers of clothing when sleeping. However, get up 10 minutes early to take it off and say you "feel hot and have a stomach ache."
  • Pretending to have a fever can cause trouble and lose people's confidence. Usually, it's still better to finish what you don't want to do than to pretend to be sick.


  • Don't squeeze onions in your armpits to increase body temperature. That doesn't work and will only make you reek of onions.
  • Don't take medicine. It will actually make you really sick.
  • Do not put the thermometer in the microwave. The temperature will not rise, and the thermometer and microwave may be damaged.
  • Try to think about whether there's any point in faking a fever. If you've feigned a fever several times to skip school, your grades may drop.
