How to Make Idli: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make Idli: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Make Idli: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Idli is a traditional breakfast from South India and its border countries like Sri Lanka. Although this savory dish in the past was originally fried, now idli is generally steamed. Learn how to steam idli at home for a delicious and inexpensive Indian breakfast!


  • Rice soaked 2 cups (1.2 kg)
  • Urad dal 1/2 cup (300 g)
  • Fenugreek seeds 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt to taste


Make Idli Step 1
Make Idli Step 1

Step 1. Soak the rice and urad dal (black lentils) in a separate bowl for at least 4 hours

The soaked rice and lentils are then ground to make a dough that is fermented for 6 hours or more.

Make Idli Step 2
Make Idli Step 2

Step 2. Grind separately

It's best to use a millstone, but a powerful blender will work as well (although the resulting dough will be coarser in texture).

  • Grind the soaked rice.
  • Grind the soaked urad dal.
Make Idli Step 3
Make Idli Step 3

Step 3. Mix the rice mill and urad dal

Make Idli Step 4
Make Idli Step 4

Step 4. Put in a warm place to ferment for 8 hours

Use a slow cooker on a "keep warm" setting or use an oven on a "proof" setting if you live in an area where the ambient temperature is below 24 degrees Celsius.

Make Idli Step 5
Make Idli Step 5

Step 5. Add salt

Make Idli Step 6
Make Idli Step 6

Step 6. Grease the idli steaming nest with oil

Make Idli Step 7
Make Idli Step 7

Step 7. Pour the mixture into the nest with a spoon

Make Idli Step 8
Make Idli Step 8

Step 8. Place the nest in a steamer that has been heated with water underneath

Make Idli Step 9
Make Idli Step 9

Step 9. Steam the dough for 5-10 minutes or until soft

Make Idli Step 10
Make Idli Step 10

Step 10. Remove the idli from the steamer and serve warm with Chutney or Sambhar


  • In South India, newly weaned toddlers are given idli as the first solid food.
  • Use your hands to knead the dough for best fermenting results.
  • Idli is a food that can be consumed by everyone even when sick.
  • If you don't have a nest of idli, you can also use a small cup or saucer to steam the idli.
