4 Ways to Maintain Body Fitness with Food

4 Ways to Maintain Body Fitness with Food
4 Ways to Maintain Body Fitness with Food

Table of contents:


Eating the right foods is an important part of maintaining a healthy body. If you want to stay in good shape, pay close attention to food and exercise. Foods that are full of nutrients cannot replace physical activity, but paying attention to the food you eat has an important role in getting a healthy and strong body. Combine a balanced diet with careful attention to good nutrition when exercising so that the food you consume can keep your body in tip-top shape.


Method 1 of 4: Balancing Diet

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 1
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 1

Step 1. Follow the guide on the food pyramid

Over the past few decades, the US government and a number of other public health agencies have developed a variety of food "pyramids" and "plates". The tool is a graphical representation of the different food groups you should be eating, and the amount of each food group you should be consuming. US public health research institutes such as the Harvard School of Public Health have developed a very useful food "pyramid" tool for evaluating your diet. The amount of food you eat in each of the categories within a healthy "base" will vary according to your body size, exercise intensity level, and dietary preferences. However, most of your calorie intake should come from the following categories:

  • Carbohydrates obtained from whole grains (whole grains) such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread (whole wheat), and brown rice.
  • Healthy fats and oils. Some healthy choices include unsaturated fats like vegetable oil and olive oil; whole grains, nuts, and avocados; as well as fish that contain lots of fat such as salmon. Several studies have shown that 1/3 or more of the daily diet of Americans usually comes from the fat category, and this figure is still acceptable (that is if they consume a healthy type of fat). Keep in mind that oils and fats contain calories, so even very small amounts will increase your calorie intake quickly. Read the packaging carefully.
  • Fruits and vegetables. At every meal, try to fill half the plate with these foods.
  • Nuts, beans, and/or tofu. If you are a vegetarian, these foods are a very important source of protein.
  • Fish, eggs and poultry. If you eat animal products, eat more of these foods and less nuts, beans, seeds, or tofu.
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 2
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 2

Step 2. Eat small amounts of the foods that are at the top of the food pyramid

The nutrients in milk are important, but overall you should eat the foods at the top of the pyramid in small amounts. Try following these guidelines:

  • One to two servings of dairy products a day, or vitamin D and calcium supplements if you don't like (or are allergic to) dairy.
  • Don't eat too much processed meat, red meat, and butter. Don't eat red meat more than twice a week, and minimize your consumption of butter and processed meats.
  • Minimize consumption of refined grains such as white bread, white rice, sweet or processed foods, and salt.
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 3
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 3

Step 3. Consume "superfoods" for their incredible nutritional benefits

If your goal is to get fit and healthy overall, try eating foods that provide added energy, calcium, antioxidants, or heart-healthy fats and proteins.

  • Dried fruits, bananas, and sweet potatoes contain complex carbohydrates that can help store and use energy efficiently. Each of these foods contains valuable potassium and various other nutrients.
  • Broccoli and other green vegetables, blueberries, tomatoes, and cocoa contain antioxidants that can remove cell-damaging free radicals from the blood.
  • Milk and green vegetables contain calcium for healthy bones. Warm milk taken before bed has the added benefit of increasing levels of melatonin and serotonin, which can help you sleep.
  • Salmon and nuts contain healthy fats and protein. In particular, try adding Brazil nuts to your diet, as they are high in selenium, a mineral that can help boost the immune system.
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 4
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 4

Step 4. Pay attention to the portion sizes of your meals

Read food packaging carefully to determine the size and number of servings you should consume. Divide each serving of food into a bowl, and try to share food with friends during large meals at restaurants. Learn how to identify the right portion using a hand size reference. You can find the guide on the internet. For example, one serving of carrots is the equivalent of one cup, or about the size of an adult's fist; one serving of dry cereal is also the equivalent of one cup, or the size of an adult fist.

Method 2 of 4: Eat Enough Fiber

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 5
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 5

Step 1. Understand the benefits of eating foods high in fiber

Foods rich in fiber help control hunger and lose weight in a number of ways.

  • Foods high in fiber have a higher "chew factor". The simple explanation is that these foods take longer to chew, which increases the feeling of satisfaction.
  • Foods rich in fiber take longer to pass from the digestive tract. This means that you will feel full longer.
  • Foods containing soluble fiber such as oatmeal and beans help stabilize blood sugar throughout the day. This makes you less hungry.
  • Fiber also helps lower cholesterol in some people and improves bowel movements, so it's good for digestive health.
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 6
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 6

Step 2. Choose foods that are high in fiber

You can get fiber from a variety of foods, so adding this essential element to your diet isn't as difficult as you might think. Try eating foods that are high in fiber such as cereals, beans, nuts and seeds, vegetables, and fruits.

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 7
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 7

Step 3. Continue to make the transition to high-fiber foods gradually

Although foods rich in fiber are great for bodily functions, you will need time to adjust if you have never eaten foods high in fiber before. Start by including one of the elements of a high-fiber diet, then increase your fiber intake gradually. For example, you could replace low-fiber corn flakes with raisin bran cereal, then wait a few days before adding salad to your lunch.

Method 3 of 4: Preparing Fresh Food

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 8
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 8

Step 1. Prioritize whole foods

Unprocessed foods allow you to control your diet by getting rid of "hidden" ingredients and excess salt. Weight gain may not be due to the amount of food you eat, but to the amount of salt, sugar, and other ingredients added to your diet. Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish also tend to be at the "bottom" of the healthy food pyramid.

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 9
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 9

Step 2. Consider starting gardening

Several studies have shown that children who participate in school gardening programs are twice as likely to try new foods as those who do not participate in the program. Growing your own vegetables from seeds or seeds can inspire you to eat a healthy diet. Growing your own vegetables can also save you money so that your body can stay in shape without burdening your finances.

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 10
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 10

Step 3. Cook the food from scratch

Similar to eating whole foods, cooking meals from scratch increases your control over food. In addition to saving costs, cooking your own food can also eliminate various additives, excessive sugar and salt, and other processed ingredients.

Improve your cooking skills gradually. You may be overwhelmed if you learn too many cooking skills too soon. Start with easy recipes to boost your confidence. Take the time to learn to cook and eventually cooking will become a habit that sticks with you

Method 4 of 4: Eating the Right Food While Exercising

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 11
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 11

Step 1. Prepare for exercise by eating foods with a low glycemic index

Low-glycemic foods are made up of "slow-digesting" carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, bran cereals, or whole-grain toast. Eat a low glycemic meal three hours before training. Some studies show this action can burn more fat when you train.

It is also important to drink adequate amounts of fluids before exercising. Try to drink two to three cups of water, two to three hours before exercising

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 12
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 12

Step 2. Eat foods that can increase energy and endurance

You've probably heard a lot about the various carbohydrate mixtures made of glucose and fructose (sports drinks, gels, etc.) However, you may prefer the natural option that combines fructose and glucose with added antioxidants and vitamins: honey! The darker the color of the honey, the more antioxidants it contains.

Continue to get enough fluids while exercising. Drink 3/4 to 1 1/2 glasses of water every 15 to 20 minutes, and try an electrolyte drink if you've been exercising for more than 60 minutes

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 13
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 13

Step 3. Recharge your energy after practicing for a long time

This is a great opportunity for you to combine delicious food with something to keep your body in shape: chocolate milk is an excellent post-workout recovery drink. The carbohydrate content in it will help replenish your energy stores. If you don't like milk, try eating bananas with peanut butter.

Drink tart cherry juice after a workout to help relieve inflamed muscles. However, don't drink the juice before or during your workout as it can cause stomach cramps

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 14
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 14

Step 4. Eat protein after your workout so your muscles can recover and grow

Some good sources of protein include fish, meat, poultry, beans, beans, whole grains, lentils, soy, and dairy products. Don't be fooled by protein supplement ads that claim that their products contain amino acids that the body cannot produce. In fact, you can get amino acids by eating a variety of foods that contain lots of protein.

Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 15
Keep Your Body Fit With Food Step 15

Step 5. Remember that eating "fitness" foods cannot replace physical exercise

An important study has shown that "fitness products" encourage consumers to eat more of the given food and discourage people from exercising. This can mess with your efforts to keep yourself in shape. "Fitness" foods have the same calorie content as other foods of the same size and nutritional value.

  • Read food packaging carefully. Energy bars (food supplements in the form of bars) and other "fitness" products often contain large amounts of added sugar and are usually made through a long process of processing and full of unnatural ingredients. If you really want an energy bar, look for a product that contains about 5 grams of protein, some carbohydrates, and very little fat.
  • Pay attention to the calorie content of the sports drinks you drink. If you're exercising to lose weight, opt for water or a "light" version of a sports drink.
