4 Ways to Improve Kidney Function

4 Ways to Improve Kidney Function
4 Ways to Improve Kidney Function

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Kidneys are one of the most important organs of the body. The kidneys play a major role in the regulation of the content, volume, pressure, and pH of the blood. Kidneys are responsible for filtering blood plasma and separating chemicals that are not useful from those that are useful. Take good care of your kidneys so that your overall health improves and your chances of getting sick decrease. Various health problems can occur. However, following a few simple tips can reduce the chances of developing health problems such as kidney stones, kidney infections, and/or kidney failure.


Method 1 of 4: Healthy Eating

Improve Kidney Function Step 1
Improve Kidney Function Step 1

Step 1. Have a balanced nutritious diet

A balanced healthy diet is a major factor in good body health, including kidney health. Do not eat fatty and salty foods. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you're not sure what foods make up a nutritionally balanced diet, consider the food groups in the food pyramid.

The old food pyramid has been criticized by many public health experts. So check out the new healthy food pyramid that combines healthy eating with weight control

Improve Kidney Function Step 2
Improve Kidney Function Step 2

Step 2. Reduce salt intake

People generally have a diet that contains more salt/sodium than is recommended. A high-salt diet has a very bad impact on the kidneys because it can cause high blood pressure. High blood pressure conditions over time damage the kidneys and increase the likelihood of serious kidney problems.

  • Buying more fresh food than packaged may reduce the amount of salt intake.
  • If you buy packaged foods, choose those labeled 'no added salt' or other similar information.
  • Get in the habit of reading food labels to find out the amount of salt in the food.
Improve Kidney Function Step 3
Improve Kidney Function Step 3

Step 3. Eat foods that are good for the kidneys

A healthy and balanced diet is the most important thing. However, there are some foods that are great for kidney health and function. Foods that contain antioxidants, usually vegetables and fruits, can improve kidney and overall health. Some of the best foods to eat regularly include cabbage, cauliflower, berries (especially cranberries), red peppers, and onions.

  • While cranberries are very healthy, packaged cranberry juice may contain a lot of sugar.
  • Asparagus is believed to be very good for kidney health.

Method 2 of 4: Healthy Drinking Pattern

Improve Kidney Function Step 4
Improve Kidney Function Step 4

Step 1. Drink lots of water

Keeping the body hydrated is very beneficial for health. If the body is properly hydrated, the urine becomes more dilute so that kidney health and function is maintained. Some doctors recommend drinking 2 L of water every day. However, in some cases, a higher amount is recommended. Water helps remove toxins and waste from the body, so keeping the body properly hydrated helps the kidneys to do their job, as well as regulates body temperature.

Improve Kidney Function Step 5
Improve Kidney Function Step 5

Step 2. Drink water at certain intervals

Drinking water frequently throughout the day, rather than drinking half a liter of water twice a day, can also improve kidney function. The kidneys regulate fluids in the body. So, drinking lots of water and often makes it easier for the kidneys to function.

Improve Kidney Function Step 6
Improve Kidney Function Step 6

Step 3. Limit alcohol intake

Drinking large amounts of alcohol can have a very bad impact on kidney function. One of the main tasks of the kidneys is to filter harmful substances from the blood. Alcohol is one of the harmful substances handled by the kidneys. Excessive alcohol consumption can greatly reduce the ability of the kidneys to filter out harmful substances.

Alcohol also dehydrates the body, which has a negative effect on the kidneys, as opposed to the positive effect of keeping the body hydrated

Method 3 of 4: Weight Control and Regular Exercise

Improve Kidney Function Step 7
Improve Kidney Function Step 7

Step 1. Control your weight

It is important to keep your weight within a healthy range because being overweight can cause an increase in blood pressure which further increases the workload of the kidneys. Having a healthy and balanced diet and exercising regularly is sufficient to maintain a healthy weight and normal blood pressure.

Being overweight can also lead to diabetes. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two most common causes of kidney problems

Improve Kidney Function Step 8
Improve Kidney Function Step 8

Step 2. Exercise often

Being active and exercising provides a variety of health benefits and plays a major role in weight loss and control. Exercise helps increase circulation and mobility, so it's good for the kidneys, which regulate blood. Exercising regularly can help prevent diabetes and control blood pressure so that the workload on the kidneys is reduced, as well as reducing the possibility of kidney disorders.

  • If you are not used to exercising regularly, it is important to make exercise a regular habit so that you can get long-term benefits and improve kidney function. Exercising regularly may be difficult if you are very busy or a bit lazy. However, try to do it.
  • Doing a sport or activity you enjoy is probably the best way to make it fun for people who aren't used to being active.
  • Working out with a friend or partner may make the activity much more fun and relaxing if you don't want to join a sports club or team.
Improve Kidney Function Step 9
Improve Kidney Function Step 9

Step 3. Get vitamin D by exercising outside

Vitamin D deficiency has been known to be associated with renal impairment. One of the tasks of the kidneys is to activate vitamin D. So, going outside and drying yourself in the sun, in order to get vitamin D, can reduce the workload of the kidneys.

  • Exposing yourself to the sun for at least 15 minutes every day can help your kidneys function.
  • Vitamin D also helps regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the body.

Method 4 of 4: Understanding the Causes of Kidney Disorders

Improve Kidney Function Step 10
Improve Kidney Function Step 10

Step 1. Understand kidney function

The first thing to do is read up on how the kidneys work and function. Kidneys play a very big role in maintaining healthy blood. In other words, the kidneys help transport important nutrients throughout the body as well as protect the body from disease and maintain pH balance. If you know this, you will realize how important healthy and well-functioning kidneys are for the overall health of the body.

Improve Kidney Function Step 11
Improve Kidney Function Step 11

Step 2. Know the causes of kidney problems

After understanding the function and importance of kidney health, find out the causes of kidney disorders. The two most common causes of kidney problems are diabetes and high blood pressure. There are various other possible causes, including poisoning and physical damage/trauma. For example, kidney disorders can occur due to a hard impact on the kidney area.

Some types of pain relievers that are taken regularly in the long term can cause kidney problems. So, if you take the drug in the long term, you should regularly consult a doctor

Improve Kidney Function Step 12
Improve Kidney Function Step 12

Step 3. Ask parents if any family members have a history of kidney problems

Kidney disorders often occur due to heredity. So, if you have a family history of kidney-related health problems, you may be at higher risk. If so, consult your doctor for specific medical advice on how to prevent hereditary kidney disorders.
