This guide can help you, Yu Gi Oh! players, put together the perfect deck for you in the future. This article was written with the assumption that you already have some Yu Gi Oh! and gaming experience.

Step 1. Determine your playing style - This is important, because it determines how people will judge you as a duelist/duelist Yu Gi Oh
Are you an aggressive dueler who quickly summons, attacks, and activates cards? Or are you a thinker who analyzes the cards and the situation at hand before taking a step? Or maybe a duel that throws cards out of your game so your opponent can't use them anymore? Taking this into account will help you choose the archetype/deck type.

Step 2. Choose your deck type - deck theme, or deck consisting of cards with a certain theme
Don't build a deck with too many cards in it. This is called a card salad, and you won't be able to make combos.

Step 3. Choose your base deck - A deck theme is recommended, as the cards are less likely to be banned, so they are definitely playable
See tips for links on archetypes.

Step 4. Choose your monsters - Once you know what deck you want to play, and how you want to play it, choose your monster base
Each archetype will have at least 10 main monsters. Once you have added them to the list of cards you want, add the appropriate support. Keep around 18 cards, unless you really need them, as might be in the case of Elemental Hero.

Step 5. Control the amount - you should have:
- LV 1-4: Around 12
- LV 5-6: Around 4
- LV 7-8: Around 1 or 2
- LV 9 and above: Never more than 2, depending on deck type. Some decks can and need to consist of cards that are all high level monsters. Even Malefic is an Arcanetype with only high level monsters with the two main monsters being level 10. They are easy to summon, only need non-malefic forms, and a spell field.

Step 6. Choose your spells - Again, about 1/3 of the 12 spells in your deck should be support/monster combos
The rest are favorites and staples. Add the cards to your list once you've made your choice.

Step 7. Choose your traps - 10 traps, no more, no less, for any type of deck
The only exceptions are decks that rely on traps, such as trap decks that have lots of weak monsters. Among these, 3-5 should be supports that match your deck type, and the rest are staples like Mirror Force, Dimensional Prison, and Bottomless Trap Hole.

Step 8. If you're building a deck of multiple monster cards, as in Dragon Ruler or Mermail, 3 - 6 traps should suffice
A great option for a deck that relies primarily on monsters is Royal Decree.

Step 9. Line up your cards and make sure they all work well together
It's useless if you have cards that don't work well with each other. Make a list of the cards you need to improve your deck and try to buy them. Pay attention to the cards your opponent usually plays. Also, add some generic cards in your side deck that you can use later, in between duels.

Step 10. Get the cards you need - Next you have to find the cards you need
Always go to card shops and ask about trading deals, or single cards.

Step 11. Play with friends and players in your area to have fun and learn more about decks, such as learning deck weaknesses

Step 12. After a few plays, it's time to cover your deck's weaknesses and take advantage of its strengths, and modify them with new support cards
By this time, you should have discarded at least 5 cards, and replaced them with more useful cards.

Step 13. Then, repeat the process of playing and modifying, and never be afraid to have the perfect deck
Decks are supposed to be constantly changing, with new cards from the game every week.

Step 14. Half of your deck should consist of monster cards
One monster card for each spell/trap in your deck. This is a great start. Most likely, you'll end up with a little more than 20 monster cards.

Step 15. Choose your deck
The deck structure is great for getting cards that work together and of the same suit, but this deck doesn't have any synchro monsters or tuners. The starter deck contains many different card types and tuner/synchro cards. The booster pack contains cards that don't work together, so get a booster pack at stores in your area, because when you buy a booster pack at the store, the back of the booster pack package says the types of cards in the package. Another option is to buy on websites that sell every pack from the first to the newest, meaning you can find all the cards on the website. The website also sells singles of each card. This allows you to get cards that may be very rare. The price is not always cheap but if there is a card that you really need, you can buy it this way.

Step 16. You should have around 13 monsters of level 4 or less
These monsters are divided into three main types- Normal, Effect, and Tuner Monsters. Balance each suit so that there are more Normal and Effect monster cards (about 8 or 9 cards) than Tuner monsters (about 4-5 cards).
- A normal monster card with no yellow edged effect without any attributes should have an attack of 1600 or more. In today's metagames (popular cards and decks that people use), the only reason people use normal monsters is so that they have a target for Rescue Rabbit, so they can get a free rank of 4 xyz.
- Effect monster attacks may vary, but make sure the monster effect helps you. Flip effect monsters can produce very good effects, such as causing damage to your opponent based on a certain type of card your opponent has on the field, or destroying monsters, such as Old Vindictive Magician. A good attack for a level 4 effect monster or less is 1600 or more (unless it's a flip monster, their attacks and differences don't matter). If they can attack directly, or make other monsters have a large number of attacks, the amount of attack/defense points they have is not important. Some cannot be destroyed if the monster has a certain amount of attack, good for defensive position monsters, and some can attack/hold more than once. These are great monsters. Shield Wing, which only had a defense of 900, could withstand twice per turn and not be destroyed.
- Cards with one tribute need to have at least 2300 attacks. Have this card as much as 4 or less, depending on the card and your deck. Some Arcane cards, as well as non-Arcane cards, are a level five or six tribute card with a lower attack than that and can be very useful. For example, Reeze Whirlwind of Gusto only has 1900 ATK, but this card is the best Gusto after Sphreez, because it replaces a card that belongs to you in the field with an enemy monster, and if this card later dies, you still have that enemy monster.
- Cards with two tributes need to have at least 2600 attacks. Fill the rest of the monster cards in your deck with these cards.

Step 17. Trap cards are useful, but especially cards that can prevent enemy monsters from attacking
You should have 6 or more of these trap cards, and some examples are Scrap Iron Scarecrow, Negate Attack, and Sakurestu Armor. Spellbinding Circle and Nightmare's Wheel prevent monsters from attacking while the card is in the field. After all, your playing style matters; it really depends on how you play.
You should have ten trap cards, so pick four more that will also help you in the game

Step 18. Regular spell cards should destroy enemy monsters, injure your opponents, and give your monsters a large number of attacks
You should have at least 7-10 cards of this type.

Step 19. Nowadays, special summoning spells are also almost mandatory to cast high level monsters
Even a single tribute card is almost impossible to win if you only summon normally, as this form summoning can only be done once per turn. So you can take out your low level monster, and it will most likely die before your next turn, so you'll need to summon another monster, and by this point you're almost out.
There is also a type of card called a Quick-Play spell card. This card has a lightning bolt printed next to the words “Spell Card,” on the card. You should have three to five cards of this type, because these cards can be used when it is your opponent's turn. Book of Moon is a common Quick Play spell card

Step 20. Don't use forbidden cards
Some examples include Graceful Charity and Pot of Greed. These cards are known as overpowering cards, which will make your deck look 'cheat'. These cards can also cause fights with other duelers.
Remember, never use forbidden cards in tournaments. You can use these cards during a duel with a friend but your friend may not accept the offer

Step 21. Test your deck against strong players, then make your deck stronger by buying more cards, and don't buy unless necessary

Step 22. Update your deck
Wait for the latest booster packages to come out and if the booster package suits your needs, then buy the package to test your luck. However, keep in mind that some experienced duels use old cards/combos, so while you wait for a new booster pack to come out, take a look at your collection or search online for old cards/combos that can help you and your deck. !
- Duel as often as you can, you'll learn more about the game, your deck, and yourself. Practice is indeed the path to perfection.
- Lastly, never get angry; keep a good attitude in the duel. Dueling is just a game, to have fun, relieve stress, relax, have a good time, make new friends and, sadly, spend money!
- Make sure you keep your opponent's possible decks in mind, and build the appropriate side decks.
- Frequently visit the local TCG card shop in your area to make new friends, exchange cards, and learn new techniques.
- A good deck doesn't make you a good duel. Good abilities AND good decks make you a good dueler. Keep practicing and practicing.
- If you don't have many / absolutely no friends to play with, don't give up!
- Always keep your deck balanced, keep your deck close to 40 cards and add cards that can work together in your deck such as the Marik Gravekeeper deck. You can almost always get a Gravekeeper's Monster and also always have a Necrovalley. Then, you have to find other cards that affect your or your opponent's game plan. For example, get Gravekeeper's Monster + Necrovalley + Any Card that increases the power of Dark Monsters = Great Strategy! Remember: get cards that can work together as a team; this will help. Try to find cards with the same name as "Elemental Hero" or "Dark Scorpion" or others, and get Spells, Traps, and Fusions cards that can be used with those cards and you will become strong.
- Some cards are great, but if you're not sure how you can use them right away, keep them in your side deck to use once you've recognized your opponent's deck. For example, the "Prohibition" card can destroy many strategies but if you don't know what to prohibit/block, the use of the card can be wasted.
- Try starting with a deck structure and some booster packs (Dragunity Legion, Stardust Overdrive, and Hidden Arsenal 3, etc.)
- Work on modifying your deck until you succeed.
- Stay calm and relaxed during the match and don't get emotional if your dueling opponent summons a lot of monsters or cheats, which shows that you are a better duel.
- If you want your deck to stand out more or make more money in the future, spend your time and money on the cards listed in the 1st Edition/First Edition list (the bottom right corner of the card is gold-plated and has the words 1st Edition printed below the image). card). Also, look for cards that vary in rarity from Super Rare to Ultimate Secret Rare, as they are more expensive and will likely get more expensive in the future.
- Consider filling your extra deck with a variety of Xyz, Synchro, and Fusion Monsters.
- Expand your tire cards. This surprises you.
- Don't forget the synchro monsters, because they can also be good cards, like the Black Rose Dragon which is a good card in dragon/dragon or fire/fire decks.
- If your deck is depleting your 40 cards faster than you can pronounce Yuma Tsukumo, add another 15-20 cards. An example of this is the Light-sowrn deck that consumes your cards faster than you think. Add a “Localized Tornado” card to solve this problem. HOWEVER, REMEMBER THAT YOU MAY ONLY HAVE A MAXIMUM OF 60 CARDS IN YOUR MAIN DECK, excluding extra decks and side decks, if you have any.
- Always practice when the opportunity arises, and find the weaknesses of your deck, and change it little by little. And never be afraid to reach the impossible limit called 'Perfect'. The game is always changing, and so are the decks you use.