How to Make a Pokémon Card (with Pictures)

How to Make a Pokémon Card (with Pictures)
How to Make a Pokémon Card (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Pokémon was originally a card game played for fun. Pokémon cards are collectible cards that can be bought or traded with friends. Making Pokémon cards is actually illegal if you sell them for a profit. However, if you just want to have fun, say, to display yourself or to put on a cat, you can use an online card maker or learn how to use drawing software. If you plan to play a homemade card, there are several things to keep in mind such as balancing attack power (damage), energy (energy), life (health / HP), and weakness (weakness).


Part 1 of 3: Making Cards Over the Internet

Make Money Writing Online Step 8
Make Money Writing Online Step 8

Step 1. Look for a Pokémon card maker site

Try entering “Pokémon card maker” in the search engine box and you'll find lots of generators online. The two most popular sites are or

Make a Pokemon Card Step 1
Make a Pokemon Card Step 1

Step 2. Find your Pokémon card image

If you want to create a realistic Pokémon, look for an image that has characteristics of the original Pokémon, such as sharp edges and bright colors. If you want a cute or quirky card, use a photo of yourself or a spooky animal. After selecting the image, upload it on the site.

Choose an image that matches the type of Pokémon you're making. For example, if you choose a fire or water type Pokémon, we recommend using an image that matches that type. Therefore, don't choose the fire type if you choose an image of an animal shooting water from its mouth

Make a Pokemon Card Step 2
Make a Pokemon Card Step 2

Step 3. Select the stage of evolution

The stages of evolution are similar to determining the age of a Pokémon. If it's still at the basic stage, it means that the Pokémon is still a child, stage 1 means a teenager, and stage 2 means an adult.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 3
Make a Pokemon Card Step 3

Step 4. Choose a Pokémon name

If you're having trouble picking a name, think about what the Pokémon represents. Are these Pokémon cute? Strong? Scary? You can give it a name based on the name of the attack, for example “Tinjubara” or “Thunderbolt Strike”

Make a Pokemon Card Step 4
Make a Pokemon Card Step 4

Step 5. Fill in the special characteristics

Usually the site will display a form that needs to be filled out to determine the specific characteristic set of the created Pokémon. This is the fun part about making Pokémon. Think about the types of attacks and weaknesses your cards have. Fill in the attacks, creator statements, and weaknesses of your crafted Pokémon.

Part 2 of 3: Designing Functional Characteristics

Make a Pokemon Card Step 5
Make a Pokemon Card Step 5

Step 1. Put the Pokémon's name at the top

It's important to choose a name that reflects the Pokémon well. Use the official Pokémon fonts that can be found online.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 6
Make a Pokemon Card Step 6

Step 2. Enter the Pokémon's HP number in the top right corner

A Pokémon's HP number determines its number of lives. You can also attack more often if your Pokémon has a high HP number.

The number of lives of a Pokémon depends on its type. For example, water-type Pokémon tend to have a lot of HP. In addition, evolution stage 1 or 2 has higher HP than the previous evolution stage

Make a Pokemon Card Step 7
Make a Pokemon Card Step 7

Step 3. List the Pokémon attacks below the image

List 2-3 types of Pokémon attacks below the image. When attacking your opponent, you need to strategize and choose your attacks wisely.

  • Similar to HP, a Pokémon's attack power depends on the Pokémon's type and stage of evolution. Different types of attacks, different effects (e.g. Electric-type Pokémon often have a high-five of coins in their attacks, and fire-type Pokémon generally sacrifice energy to attack).
  • For example, when attacking, you could say, "Quick Attack, attack!" If the opponent doesn't dodge when the opponent says "attack", it means that he takes damage as much as the number of the attack.
  • Sometimes, you can run away if your Pokémon is very weak against certain types of Pokémon. Other times, when your opponent is very weak against a certain type of Pokémon, your attack power increases.
  • Also know that you can use potions (HP healers), trainer cards (trainers), and support cards (supporters). These cards count as one round.
Make a Pokemon Card Step 8
Make a Pokemon Card Step 8

Step 4. List the strength number next to the associated attack

Write down the number of attack power numbers, just to the right of the associated attack name. When attacking, make sure you check his special condition. Thus, the attack power number is to the right of the attack name, and below it is a status change (e.g. sleep, poison, or stun), or a coin toss instruction to increase attack power, depending on which side of the coin appears. The attack attribute is created to the left of the attack name.

  • Attack attributes often lull the defending Pokémon or make them continue to take damage.
  • Before starting a match, make sure you check your weakness and resistance.
Make a Pokemon Card Step 9
Make a Pokemon Card Step 9

Step 5. Draw a small horizontal line for the Pokedex numbers

The Pokedex numbers are the order given by the International Pokédex. The Pokédex explains the brief history and characteristics of your Pokémon.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 10
Make a Pokemon Card Step 10

Step 6. List the type of Pokémon below the image

For example, you can choose a Mushroom Pokémon, a mouse-type Pokémon, or a Destruction Pokémon. Also, include your height and weight below the image to help differentiate your type.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 11
Make a Pokemon Card Step 11

Step 7. Determine the card's rarity

When bartering or selling cards, you can find out the rarity of a card by looking at its lower right corner. If you see a circle symbol, it means the card is quite common, a rhombus which means quite rare, a star means rare, and a shining star means very rare.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 12
Make a Pokemon Card Step 12

Step 8. List the card numbers near the bottom left corner

You will find two numbers that indicate the rarity of the card. The rarest card has the highest number. If you see a card numbered (109/108), it means you have a rare card.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 13
Make a Pokemon Card Step 13

Step 9. Write down the character description at the bottom of the card

The Pokémon card will provide an explanation of the Pokémon. For example, “Because of its very proud nature, this Pokémon does not like to accept food from people. Its thick fur protects it from electrocution. Illustrations of weakness, resistance, and retreat costs are also at the bottom of the card.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 14
Make a Pokemon Card Step 14

Step 10. Emphasize texture

Some cards are rare Holofoil or collectible cards, and usually have a glossy texture. There are several types of Pokémon cards, namely Full Art Cards, Holofoils, Reverse Holo, and Old School cards.

Old School cards are old cards. These cards often have a different drawing style, or a red cell phone. If in doubt, check the date at the bottom of the card. You cannot buy these cards in stores

Part 3 of 3: Creating the Original Lookalike Cards

Make a Pokemon Card Step 15
Make a Pokemon Card Step 15

Step 1. Isolate the original Pokémon cards

A Pokémon card consists of two cards glued together to form a front and a back. Separate these two cards and save the back for later use.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 16
Make a Pokemon Card Step 16

Step 2. Scan the original card to get the image file

Upload the scan to an image editor, preferably one that supports layer functions, such as Paintshop pro, GIMP 2, or Photoshop.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 17
Make a Pokemon Card Step 17

Step 3. Download image maker software

There are many programs that allow you to create and edit images. Some programs need to be purchased, such as Photoshop, and some are free, such as GIMP.

There are several sites that can be used specifically for creating Pokémon images. If you use it, just follow the given guide

Make a Pokemon Card Step 18
Make a Pokemon Card Step 18

Step 4. Get all the original Pokémon card components and combine them using this software

Look for keywords like “Pokemon Card Resources” or use real cards as templates. Recreate a Pokémon card template using a drawing program.

Recreate frames, edit Pokémon pictures, write HP text, and a variety of other things needed to create the look of an original card

Make a Pokemon Card Step 19
Make a Pokemon Card Step 19

Step 5. Edit the text

When creating text, you should choose a font similar to the official font used on the original card. Look online for Pokémon fonts and be aware that some sites require you to purchase fonts.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 20
Make a Pokemon Card Step 20

Step 6. Save your work

Choose a name and file type that is easy to remember. Go to the top menu and click “export” to convert the file to pdf and save it as JPEG or PNG.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 21
Make a Pokemon Card Step 21

Step 7. Resize the image

Open the PDF file with a Word processing program (eg Microsoft Word) and resize it to match the original card (15 cm wide and 23 cm long). Once you've done that, remember the pixels of the printed card so you can create the back.

Make a Pokemon Card Step 22
Make a Pokemon Card Step 22

Step 8. Print the card

Make sure you use high quality color inks for best results. You should also consider carefully selected cardboard. You can also use white cardstock paper.

Keep in mind the texture of the card

Make a Pokemon Card Step 23
Make a Pokemon Card Step 23

Step 9. Cut the card shape exactly like the original and paste it on the back of the card

Make sure there are no jagged or beveled edges. Use the original card to make sure it's the right size. Glue it on the back of the original card (which was previously separated) with glue to make it strong. Apply transparent tape to the card to give it a glossy look.

  • Glue it with a strong glue such as rubber cement.
  • Use the back of the original card that can be tampered with, for example, more than one weak card.


  • To make it look like a real one, look for a Japanese name and enter it in illustrator.
  • Use your crafted cards to create memes, and show them to friends or use them as forum weapons.
  • Make sure the Pokémon's weakness and resistance match its life so it's not too easy or too hard to beat.
  • Other effects such as Poké-body, Poké-power and Abilities must match the Pokémon's type and evolution. This also applies to additional effects with Pokémon attacks (e.g. poison-type Pokémon have the effect of poisoning opponents, and high-level evolutions have stronger effects.)
  • Try not to make Pokémon that are too strong. The maximum attack power of a Pokémon card is 300, and usually these attacks have major disadvantages, such as reducing energy or not being able to be reused in the next round


  • Avoid making cards that don't make sense. Your Pokémon must not have more than 2 attacks, high attack power, high HP, or unfair abilities. For example, don't create abilities that allow a Pokémon to attack twice in one turn or recover 20 HP each round. Good Pokémon cards have reasonable HP (eg 50-100 HP), two attacks, attacks that other Pokémon have, and good graphics. This card also needs to have a cool name and type, escape cost, weakness, attack type and energy required to execute it.
  • Don't make Pokémon cards to sell. This is against the rules.
