How to Plant a Shy Princess (with Pictures)

How to Plant a Shy Princess (with Pictures)
How to Plant a Shy Princess (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Have you ever come across a plant that moves on its own after being touched? This plant is called the daughter of shame or Mimosa pudica. When touched, the shy daughter will fold the leaves. Unlike most other moving plants, the shy princess is not a carnivorous plant. Planting a shy princess is not too difficult. Prepare a warm room and some shy princess seeds. However, even though it is a tropical plant, the shy princess can be a parasite to gardens and plants that grow in cold climates.


Part 1 of 3: Planting a Daughter of Shame

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 1
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 1

Step 1. Determine the right planting time

If you live in a subtropical country, shy daughter can be planted in the spring. If you live in a tropical country, shy daughter can be planted during transitions. If you have a plant light and an adjustable room temperature, the shy princess can be planted at any time.

Plant Vegetables Step 9
Plant Vegetables Step 9

Step 2. Buy shy daughter seeds from a trusted seller

Peel off the brown outer layer of the seedling. After that, the green shy daughter seeds will be seen.

You need to scratch the skin of the shy princess seed to help the scarification process. Although difficult, you can use tweezers

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 2
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 2

Step 3. Prepare the ground for the shy princess

Daughter of shame can grow in soil with good drainage. For maximum results, you can mix clay with dry material. For example, you could mix loam, peat moss, and sand or perlite. If you don't want to mix the soil yourself, you can buy special planting soil in the same ratio. This soil is also quite effective.

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 3
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 3

Step 4. Soak the shy daughter seeds (optional)

Seedlings will germinate more easily if the outer layer is softened first. Soak the seeds for about 24 hours. (You can let the water cool while the seedlings are submerged.)

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 4
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 4

Step 5. Plant 2-3 saplings for each pot

Plant the seedlings slightly below the soil surface, about 3 mm below the surface. Generally, not all seeds will germinate. Therefore, by planting 2-3 extra seeds, the shy daughter plant has a greater chance of growing.

You can plant seedlings using trays or 7 cm pots

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 5
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 5

Step 6. Water the shy princess

Water the shy daughter's soil until it is damp. Water again when the soil dries.

If you're worried that the soil is too wet, place the pot in a bowl filled with water. Leave it for 10 minutes or until the soil feels damp, then remove it

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 6
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 6

Step 7. Make sure the shy princess gets enough sun

If less exposed to sunlight, the shy daughter will fold and close the leaves. Place the shy princess in an area that is exposed to sunlight during the day. If you live in an area that is quite hot, let your daughter be embarrassed to be exposed to the sun for 2-4 hours every day. Under ideal conditions and temperatures (around 21ºC), seedlings will begin to germinate within a week. If the conditions are less than ideal, or the seeds are not soaked before, the seedlings will germinate after 2-4 weeks.

  • Some seedlings may be able to survive very cold temperatures. However, the seeds will become fragile and grow very slowly. Do not expose the seedlings to very cold temperatures.
  • If the room is too cold or dry, cover the pot with plastic so that the temperature and humidity are maintained. Remove the plastic when the seedlings begin to germinate.

Part 2 of 3: Breeding Shy Princess

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 8
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 8

Step 1. Cut a 10 cm long shoot from an adult shy daughter

You can plant these shoots to produce new shy daughter plants. Make sure the cut shoots have at least one leaf.

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 9
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 9

Step 2. Plant the shoots in a pot filled with a mixture of peat moss and perlite

To plant shy daughter shoots, dig a small hole in the center of the pot that has been filled with soil. After that, plant the root of the shoot into the hole and then bury it with soil.

If you want shoot roots to grow before planting, soak the shoots in a glass of water and then place them in a sunny place. After the roots begin to grow, transfer the shoots to the pot

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 10
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 10

Step 3. Cover the pot with plastic

The plastic will keep the pot moist and encourage shoot growth.

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 11
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 11

Step 4. Keep the potting soil moist until the shoots start growing

Check the potting soil daily to keep it moist.

Part 3 of 3: Caring for the Shy Princess

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 7
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 7

Step 1. Transplant if necessary

If more than one seedling is growing in the same pot, cut the weakest seedlings with scissors. By doing this, healthier and stronger seedlings will have more room to grow and develop. You can also separate the seedlings into different pots, but this is more risky. Once the shy daughter grows up, move her to a larger pot if the roots start to come out of the drainage holes or press against the sides of the pot.

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 8
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 8

Step 2. Keep the soil moist

Shy princess soil should be kept moist at all times, but not too wet. If the daughter is embarrassed to be placed in a dry room, spray the stalks and leaves with a little water regularly. You can also place the shy princess in a damp tray.

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 9
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 9

Step 3. Place the shy princess in the room (highly recommended)

Daughter of shame is considered a parasite in some areas. If you do not live in the original habitat of the shy princess, this plant is best grown indoors. Many reports say that shy princesses will fill the garden if allowed to grow outside.

In Australia, you are required to reduce the spread of shy daughter in the yard

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 10
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 10

Step 4. Apply fertilizer regularly

Dissolve a balanced fertilizer until its strength is 50% of the recommended one. Use fertilizer once a week when the shy princess is growing, and once a month when the weather is cold.

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 11
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 11

Step 5. Protect the shy princess from the cold weather

Because it is a tropical plant, the shy princess will grow rapidly if it lives in a warm habitat (above 21ºC). If the temperature drops below 18ºC, move the shy daughter to a warmer room or find another way to keep her warm.

Adult shy daughters can survive temperatures of 4.5 °C, but are very fragile and die more easily. Watch out for the yellowing of the shy princess's leaves and twigs as these are the characteristics of a cold shy princess

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 12
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 12

Step 6. Provide enough space for shy princess to grow and develop

It's okay if the shy daughter's trunk spreads over the ground when it's an adult. Provide a trellis or sturdy plant to support the shy daughter. Alternatively, provide enough horizontal space for shy daughters to grow. Some shy princesses can grow up to 1 meter tall and 2 meters wide. If you live in a temperate climate, the shy daughter will grow up to 50 cm high and 100 cm wide.

Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 13
Grow a Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) Step 13

Step 7. Know the shy daughter's life span

Daughter of shame can survive for approximately 2 years in a tropical climate. However, if you live in a temperate climate, the shy princess can only live for 1 year. Even though the shy princess can survive longer after blooming, it's best to let her die and then collect the seeds for replanting.

To collect the shy daughter seeds, let the seedling petals dry and then peel them open to take the seeds inside

Grow a Sensitive Plant Step 7
Grow a Sensitive Plant Step 7

Step 8. Keep the shy princess away from the disease

Shy princesses are generally not susceptible to disease, but this plant may become a victim of pests, such as mites, ticks, and trips. You can keep these pests away by spraying water or neem oil every few days.

Do not use insecticides because they can make the princess's leaves turn black


  • You don't need pruning, but you can trim them with clean lawn shears if you're embarrassed that they're too long.
  • Don't water your shy daughter soaking wet or let her dry.
  • If placed in a room with a temperature of 21°C-29°C, the shy daughter can grow in 7 days. However, if the temperature is too cold, the shy daughter will begin to grow after 21-30 days.
  • If the pot is covered with clear plastic, do not place the pot in the sun. You can leave the pot in the sun after the plastic has been opened.
  • Instead of soaking the seedlings in warm water, you can soak the seedlings in hot water and cold water. Let the water cool for a few hours before removing the seedlings. This heat will make the seedlings more viable and fertile. As many as 13 of the 25 seedlings will germinate in 1 week.
  • Cold temperatures can inhibit the growth of the leaves of the shy princess. Place the shy princess in a room with a temperature of 21-29°C.
  • Alternatively, you can gently scrub the outer layer of the seeds with sandpaper instead of soaking them in water.
  • Using a spray bottle to water a shy princess is a good option.


  • Some insects and insecticides can make the leaves of the shy princess turn black. Therefore, place the shy princess in the room and keep it away from plants that are infected with pests.
  • Some experts argue that shy princesses are safe to grow up around pets and children. However, shy princess eaten in large quantities can cause certain health problems. Most shy daughter plants also have small thorns that are painful to the touch.
  • Daughter of shame is considered a parasite and weed in some countries, for example Australia and New Zealand. Therefore, if you live in these two countries, you need to take care of the shy princess carefully. Make sure the shy princess doesn't spread out of your yard. When pruning the shy princess, dispose of the pieces properly so that the shy princess does not spread to the wider environment.
