Buying a new designer bag is exhilarating; unless you finally realize that the bag is a fake. If you are looking for designer bags, this article can help you identify the characteristics of replica handbags, fake bags, and genuine designer bags.

Step 1. Understand the difference between a fake bag and a real bag
Knowing the difference between fake and genuine goods will allow you to choose a bag carefully before buying.
- Original designer handbags made by a renowned designer. This bag can also be made by a less popular designer, but our focus this time is bags from high-end designers. Bag logos, hanging ornaments, bag straps, etc., are all part of the original design, even down to the placement and number of the aforementioned features. The brand mark, signature, or a particular feature affixed with the designer's name is what makes up the overall design and authenticity of the bag. The price is determined by the ability of consumers to pay for bags made by the designer.
- Legal imitations are goods with designs inspired by the products of a well-known designer, but the designs do not imitate exactly. You should understand that this type of bag is not a genuine designer bag, and does not have trade symbols, logos and special features. Often these bags are similar in design and color to the original designer handbags, but some of the key features are replaced or removed to avoid copyright infringement. Despite the resemblance of the bag to a designer bag inspired by the original product, it cannot be called an original designer bag. Without careful inspection, these faux bags can be mistaken for the real thing, so you'll be willing to spend a lot of money on them. However, if you know the parts that characterize a fake bag, you can easily identify the difference.
- Illegal bags or counterfeit bags copy the entire look of the original designer bag, including logos, labels, hangers, etc. Counterfeit bags are made by imitating the design of the original product raw, then sold as real goods without informing the customer of the actual condition. The price of fake bags is very diverse, these products can be sold cheaply or almost the same as the original price. Making counterfeit products is illegal and buying them is tantamount to supporting such illegal activities.
- Understand that legal imitation bags can be officially recognized by the original designer if there is a compensation payment and written agreement between both parties. These bags are usually aimed at low-end users and are sold in retail stores, etc. Usually, the store that sells this item will proudly include information that the bag has obtained an "official license from the X brand".

Step 2. Buy a designer bag at the official store
The best place to buy a designer bag is at a store that officially sells the product. Official stores usually have the exact same name as the brand being sold. You can also find original products in various boutiques. The staff at these stores should be able to explain the type, quality, and warranty of the bags being sold fluently.
- Assume that all designer bags sold at flea markets or street stalls are fake. A well-known designer brand will not allow the sale of handbags or purses by the roadside. It's almost impossible to find cheap designer bags for sale at flea markets; this is possible, but the chances are very small.
- Seek as much information as possible about the characteristics of a genuine designer bag if you are buying it at the open market, thrift store, online auction, etc. Follow these steps if you want to buy a designer bag in these places:
- Ask a fashion enthusiast you know where they usually buy bags. They can show you good shops.

Step 3. Buy a designer bag at a realistic price
Designer bags are priced high because they are made with high quality and become a symbol of prestigious status. If the price offered is too low, chances are that the product is a fake.
If you're buying a licensed imitation, make sure you don't buy it too much. Also check the quality carefully

Step 4. Ask the vendor directly whether the bag being sold is genuine, imitation, or fake
Self-assess the product authentication from the answers provided by the vendor staff; make sure you do the assessment with a clear mind without emotion. Sellers who don't want to answer questions or beat around the bush are usually trying to hide something.
- Ask if the item can be returned if it is proven to be counterfeit or a manufacturing defect. Normally, roadside shops wouldn't approve of this!
- Ask if the bag being sold comes with an authentication certificate.

Step 5. Identify the characteristics of a fake or imitation bag
There are many characteristics of a fake bag that you can recognize:
- The stitching: pay close attention to the stitching of the bag. Messy, slanted, and unkempt stitches are a sign that the product is of poor quality or fake. Designer bags always have quality stitches because this is one of the factors that affect the reputation of the quality of the designer's products.
- Check the labels. Check the labels on the inside of the bag – are they taped or hand sewn? Fake bags don't have the name on the inside label. Also check the label on the outside as most designer bags come with an authentication label on the outside.
- Check the materials used. If the material is leather, it should smell like leather. If the material used is quality canvas, the material must be strong and the stitches must be neat. The material used describes the overall quality of the bag. If the original bag has a pattern on the inside, the fake bag usually only has one color.
- Check the logo. Logos can be the difference between real and fake goods. Counterfeit goods usually have a logo with the wrong spelling of the brand, such as “Carter” instead of “Cartier”. Also, the more popular a counterfeit brand is, the more you need to be careful not to be easily fooled. When you see a seam on one side of the bag with an “LV” pattern, it should also be on the other side of the bag. This also applies to other symbols on the bag. Most fake Chanel bags have Os-shaped hooks instead of Cs. This bag is legal to sell (because it does not violate copyright), but can still be classified as a counterfeit product. Manufacturers deliberately use similar symbols so that at a glance it looks similar to the real thing.
- Look for the serial number. This number is stamped on the inside of the bag along with the brand name (not all bags have it). Often times, the serial number listed can also be faked, but the number will look weird because it uses a different font than the real thing.
- Check the quality of the lining. If the interior feels stiff when rubbed, the product is usually a fake. Genuine designer bags are lined with quality fabrics, often even leather. Again, check the seams in the seams (if any) and make sure the seams are double (depending on the type of bag).
- Pay attention to the color variations. While the color variation of some counterfeits may be striking, others may not be as obvious. Do a thorough inspection.
- Pay attention to its condition after use. Although you can only do this after purchasing, it is a great method to check the authenticity of the bag. For example, look at the condition of the leather on the handle of the bag. After a few weeks, the material should look a little "aged" like a leather jacket. The seams of the bag must also stay firmly in place and must not come loose. A zipper that comes off easily is also a sign that the product you are buying is counterfeit.

Step 6. Check the metals
If the metal embellishments don't look authentic, feel light, rough, etc., you can be sure that the product is a fake.

Step 7. Check the zipper manufacturer
Usually, the manufacturer's logo is stamped on the bottom of the zipper. Most of the handbag manufacturers use premium brand of high quality zippers for their products.

Step 8. Don't assume the price of designer bags is always commensurate with the quality
When you buy a designer bag, you are not only buying the bag, but also the “prestige” of the bag brand. This often makes you need to dig deeper. Go through all the bags you want to buy, whether it's a designer or a casual bag and put quality over style. That way, you will later understand that some well-known designer products have unreasonable prices. It doesn't make sense to spend up to IDR 10,000,000 on a designer bag made of plastic, while you can buy a regular leather bag for IDR 2,000,000. Check the quality of the bag you want to buy and make sure you always use common sense when it comes to wallet matters, not just prestige to follow trends.
Look for talented young designers who sell quality products at affordable prices. They usually sell their products online on websites like Etsy, make special orders through boutiques or gift shops, or sell their products at the local art market, etc. Learn how to find quality fashion products and support new designers
- If you can, don't buy your “designer” bag on the street.
- Remember, if the leather used is not heavy like leather in general or is made carelessly, the item is definitely a fake.
- Most fashion houses like Louis Vuitton which are equipped with a distinctive logo or monogram usually have special ways to distinguish genuine and fake bags. The Louis Vuitton "LV" series of handbags are the most difficult to detect counterfeits.
- Remember to pay attention to the bag label. The label is the most obvious differentiator of a fake bag. If the label doesn't look like it's hand stitched, it's pasted on, or isn't even there, it's definitely a fake.
- Juicy's current trademark symbol is “Love G&P”. Counterfeit goods usually carry the “Love P&G” symbol. However, it could be that the Juicy bag is an original product from the past, because until 2006 Juicy was still producing bags with the “Love P&G” symbol.
- You can take your purchased bag to the official store to compare the logo, stitching, etc., and determine if your bag is a fake.
- Check the spelling on the handbag label. If there is a writing error on the label, both on the inside and outside of the bag, then the product is definitely a fake.
- If you can return a purchased bag to a vendor, make sure you know the deadline for the return. Check the authenticity of the bag you buy before it's too late.
- There are several companies that can perform the authentication process. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of a purchased product, send the product to a company that can authenticate its authenticity.
- Perform a barcode scan if the label is still attached. You can also check the official website of the brand of the product you purchased to check its authenticity. If the barcode is unreadable or the model number is not found, the product is definitely a fake.
- Fake Michael Kors bags usually have an “M” shaped hanger on the handle instead of an “MK”. Meanwhile, fake Yves Saint Laurent bags usually have “SL” shaped hangers, not “YSL” hangers.